This brief and simplified discernment is to further elaborate on past discernment such as a most recent https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/philosophy-and-science-beyond-the-macro-world/on-realism:
Whole not only implied non-dual and irreducible but also process (and mechanism) since process and mechanism are required to connect the parts to make the whole. And interdependent and interconnected dynamic, transformative, and evolutionary process and mechanism cannot simply be mechanism nor physicalism. Furthermore, epistemology and ontology of existence require wholeness continuous process (otherwise there would not be or would no longer be existence, And therefore no or no longer epistemology of existence). Basing on these, on going fundamental natural science (epistemology and ontology of existence or process of being and becoming of nature, life, and existence. A philosophical and metamorphical way of saying is interdependent and interconnected or intertwined and entangled processes (and mechanisms) of dependent and interdependent origination. And dependent and interdependent arising) is based on human constructs rather than on the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature or is not based on wholism realism or wholism epistemology and ontology. For example, as had suggested in diverse ways in past discernment, even through mathematics (and therefore, natural science disciplines that rely on mathematics) as known can be used to validate aspects of nature of reality and construct truth (through such as pure mathematics, applied sciences, and technology) as well as functionality of many technology (since nature is of infinite potentialities of possibilities. In other words, applied sciences and technologies function do not mean they are based on the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature), they are human constructs rather than are based on nature of reality for the following main reasons: 1.0 They are equations or formulas. And therefore, are parts or fragments. For example, they can describe certain aspects of element particles and spectra-field but not fully which are reasons why the nature of such as matter, anti-matter, energy are unknown. 2.0 They are also composed of parts such as diverse types of numbers, parameters, symbol, and coordinates which are also man made or invented in order to describe the natural world. 3.0 By themselves, they are not self-transformative nor self-evolutionary (i.e. would require human and or AI to transform). In simple words, are about exploring epistemology rather than ontology since ontology has to be based on not just process and not just wholeness but continuous process or continuous process of wholeness (or fractal continuous processes of wholeness continuous process) 4.0 As mentioned in 1.0-3.0, they are neither process nor mechanism (i.e. unless implement as algorithm or program through machines as part of man made process and mechanism). 5.0 The content and context are human constructs. Another example which has also has been suggested in diverse ways in past discernments: In services or on going computation, information, and communication development as known are not only human constructs but also only pertaining to the known observable world rather than basing on the essence, nature, and ground of being and nature. And again, they are not interdependent and interconnected dynamic and transformative self-assembled, self-organized, self-transformed, self-evolved, and self-optimized processes and mechanisms that transcend realms and worlds. And as well as not parts of continuous wholeness process as briefly discerned in previous paragraphs. They are about human development and living needs or essentials and functional tools for exploration and research rather than about ontology of existence. An addition example that would better illustrate and relate previous 2 examples is: nature is of or can facilitate infinite potentialities of possibilities. Furthermore, the nature and essence of nature is beyond analog and or digital. Again, present science and technology basing on analog, digital, and or quantization are human constructs as well as for development and living needs or essentials rather than reflecting or basing on the essence, nature, and ground of nature. The just mentioned examples can be rationalized and inferred (and verified) through extrapolated, interpolated, and correlated available empirical data for reasons (i.e. why, how, and what) why observable and non-observable spectra field, elements, and related elements interconnectivity (such as what are considered as observable and non-observable fermion, boson, and other matter as well as anti-matter. And with diverse characteristics such as entropy, negentropy, structure, pattern, energy, frequency, phrase, vibration, spin, mass, momentum, resonance, and among others)) are what they are or they conform to nature process (and mechanism) of self-computation, self-information processing, self-transformation, self-evolution, and self-optimization. Discovering and understanding these would not only greatly advance science and technology (such as advance AI) but also the foundation of epistemology and ontology. And this brief and simplified discernment is to inspire, encourage, and urge such global inspirations, aspirations, investments, resources, collaborations, and efforts to realize nature of reality and construct truth. The sum of parts is far greater than its parts. And the whole is far greater than sum of its parts. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
Additional and previous Blog can be found at: |