This brief and simplified discernment is to further elaborate, strengthen, and complement the follwowing exploration and research as well as their meaningful correlations https://phys.org/news/2018-05-environmental-noise-paradoxically-coherence-quantum.html?utm_source=menu&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=item-menu: ...
1. Meaningful transcendence spiritual experience of oneness with wholeness. And would exclude any kind of revelation and indirect experience or only through direct experience. ...
The explorations, researches, studies, and efforts such as https://www.facebook.com/ScienceTechnologyMovement/posts/1350622968371771 and https://www.facebook.com/FutureScienceTechnology/posts/1099079583567544 should be expanded to cover the essence and nature and process of being and becoming of many sentient composite body-mind system holistically https://www.facebook.com/Many-Composite-Body-Mind-Science-and-Essentials-720654154801278); including emerging spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities rather than limiting to just the human physic and genome but also (beside mentioned emerging spirit-soul) such as: ...
This brief and simplified elaboration is to strengthen and complement the following presentation https://www.facebook.com/UniversalInterBeingAndInterSpiritual/posts/1677361112353237: ...
This brief and simplified discernment would help stimulate and guide the exploration and study of the essence, nature, and ground of memory and information. And interdependent and interconnected as well as related nature mysteries. And which can be discovered through the following inquiry and reasoning: ...
This brief elaboration is to further strengthen, complement, and support the global community inspirations, aspirations, initiatives, collaborations, and efforts on developing and advancing meaningful life and social essentials, values, and transformations such as human rights and dignity as briefly discerned here: ...
This brief elaboration on https://www.facebook.com/ScienceTechnologyMovement/photos/a.387074791393265.1073741826.208382572595822/1347742265326508/?type=3&theater is to point or reveal that Philosophy, Science, and Practice of Being and Becoming (or basically Experience-Express and Emerge) are core central of authentic Buddhism's Philosophy, Science, and Practice (i.e. naturalness and spiritual nurturing, development, and tramsformation. And not religious aspects.) And have been paraphrased such as "Dependent and Interdependent Origination", "Dependent and Interdependent Arisen" (Arisen here implied Becoming or Emergence); and through complementary metaphors such as "Emptiness", "Flux", "Impermanence", "No-Self", and "Interdependent and Interconnectedness" (and Entangled). ... This brief and simplified suggestion is to complement the following exploration and research https://nanobraintech.com/2018/05/13/in-future-we-will-see-information-and-feel-it-wont-require-to-decode: ...
Brief announcement on the Philosophy and Science of Being and Becoming going main stream (and which is interdependent and interconnected with Philosophy and Science of Many Sentient Body-Mind System https://www.facebook.com/notes/epistemology-of-life-and-ontology-of-existence-foundation-institute/on-philosophy-and-science-of-many-sentient-body-mind-system-going-main-stream/1308031886007919/). And which can best be illustrated through the following global community explorations, researches, resources, investments, initiatives, collaborations, and efforts such as: ...
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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