Since its practices as organized science, science and complementary practices (such as development and application) has been marginalized and marred by many issues such as: ...
Despite necessary for meaningful and essential nurturing, development, transformation, evolution, and well being in the known physical world and beyond, presently, little is known and available (i.e. evidential and empirical) about the inner senses and interaction between inner and outer senses. ...
Previous Declarations 1-29 can be found here https://www.facebook.com/notes/epistemology-of-life-and-ontology-of-existence-foundation-institute/declarations-on-essence-nature-and-ground-of-being-and-nature-and-nature-of-real/1150174361793673. The additional Declarations 30-35 have also been discussed or suggested in many previous articles. They are simply summarized and re-stated here: ...
Latest empirical data implied simulation hypotheses and conjectures are false. in other words, essence, nature, and ground of being and nature or natural life and existence are real.
Let’s Inspire, Let's Collaborate, Let’s Facilitate, Let's Globalize, Let's Synchronize, Let's Synergize, Let's Harmonize, Let's Inspire - Strength, Progress, Effectiveness, Achievement, and Resilience in Diversity, Numbers, and Unity. ...
New additional and complementary Declarations on Essence, Nature, and Ground of Being and Nature and Nature of Reality and Truth:
Let’s Inspire, Let's Collaborate, Let’s Facilitate, Let's Globalize, Let's Synchronize, Let's Synergize, Let's Harmonize, Let's Inspire - Strength, Progress, Effectiveness, Achievement, and Resilience in Diversity, Numbers, and Unity. ...
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
Additional and previous Blog can be found at: |