Information has recently been re-arranged due to lost information during updated 03/10/2022
On The Collective Efforts
All nations that practice what described briefly here and (such as Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Hong Kong including those with reasonable high population and or mild or cold seasonal climate such as Vietnam (Northern), Japan, South Korea, and even China. And as in New Zealand and Taiwan) in particularly through collective efforts of face covering, ventilation, social preventive care, and hygiene; or even to a lesser extend than mentioned in the analyses are adapting well to pandemic aspects, conditions, and causalities. And therefore, in an interdependent and interconnected world, contribute in diverse ways to the global community efforts on diseases and pandemic as well as sustainable development and living.
And as such, are real life empirical data that essential meaningful, effective, and practical collective practices are effective in mitigating and control the pandemic (along seasonal flu). And thus, help sustain local and global development and living. All the while help advance collective immunity. And prevent harm, injustice, and suffering.
From quantum vibrations to nanodiamonds, unusual toolbox puts dangerous SARS-CoV-2 variants under surveillance (
Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19 | International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (
Quantum sensor could detect SARS-CoV-2 – Physics World
Caltech Finds Amazing Role for Noncoding DNA | Evolution News
Pfizer-BionTech Vaccine DNA in Liver Cell Nucleus (In-vitro Swedish Study) - YouTube
Vitamin D Deficiency & Critical illness: New Study Offers Strongest Proof Yet - YouTube
Please send to politicians - YouTube
Myocarditis after vaccination, firm data - YouTube
Nasal Spray COVID Preventives Are Finally in Development - Scientific American
Germ 🦠 VS Terrain Theory Update: NAC, Sulfur Supports Leaky Barriers, Vulnerability - YouTube
(PDF) Understanding Viruses and Viral Infections by Biophotonic Methods (
Artemisia and Artemisia-based products for COVID-19 management: current state and future perspective - PMC (
Extract of medicinal plant Artemisia annua interferes with replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro (
Extracts from artemisia annua plant found to be active against SARS-CoV-2 virus under laboratory conditions (
Immunology with Professor Robert Clancy - YouTube
Vitamin D supplements really do reduce risk of autoimmune disease | New Scientist
Vitamin D and Fish Oil Supplements May Reduce Risk of Autoimmune Disease – Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, and Thyroid (
Excellent natural immunity confirmed - YouTube
CDC finally acknowledges the power of natural immunity - YouTube
CDC Finds Natural Immunity Offers Better Protection Against Reinfection - YouTube
Sunlight: Optimize Health and Immunity (Light Therapy and Melatonin) - YouTube
And the reasons are intrinsically natural: amino acids formed proteins which formed RNA and DNA which made up biologic-genetic of body-mind. And which are parts interdependent and interconnected with the local environment and non-local cosmos. And as empirical data:,,,,,, and among many others. And growing
Israeli vaccine chief: "We have made mistakes" - YouTube
How pathogens can turn off mitochondrial defense mechanisms (
NIH Director tried to stop an needed scientific debate | My New STAT News Op-Ed - YouTube
How does Honduras continue to CRUSH COVID-19? - YouTube
Dr Cohen on family medicine - YouTube
Vitamin D and COVID-19: Dr. Berg Interviews Dr. Seheult on Treatment and Prevention - YouTube<%
Message to the World - Sun Light and Nutrition-Supplements
ELIXIR/NUGO Webinar — Vitamin D, Immunity and COVID-19 - YouTube Message to the World - Sun Light and Nutrition-Supplements
ELIXIR/N (related links, ),,)
On Metabolism-Immune System
Recent Global Community On Going Researches and Progresses on Metabolism-Immune System
and among others.
Scientists to CDC: Set Air Standards for Workplaces Now (
Vitamin D Update - YouTube
Vitamin D supplementation: Possible gain in life years combined with cost savings (
Delta Variant UK Analysis - YouTube
Vaccination and ivermectin - YouTube
It's a Myth That Asian-Americans Are Doing Well in the Pandemic - Scientific American
Harnessing the power of proteins in our cells to combat disease (
(PDF) The Vitamin D Deficiency Pandemic: a Forgotten Hormone Important for Health (
Vitamin D and COVID 19: The Evidence for Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus (SARS CoV 2) - YouTube
Vitamin D deficiency associated with increased COVID-19 risk (
Vitamin D: Good for your health, it might even fight COVID-19 (
Vitamin D Deficiency in COVID-19 Quadrupled Death Rate (
Vitamin D, blood levels - YouTube
Vitamin D deficiency may increase risk for addiction to opioids and ultraviolet rays (
Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19 | International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (
Pfizer-BionTech Vaccine DNA in Liver Cell Nucleus (In-vitro Swedish Study) - YouTube
Pfizer-BionTech Vaccine DNA in Liver Cell Nucleus (In-vitro Swedish Study) - YouTube
Quantum sensor could detect SARS-CoV-2 – Physics World
Caltech Finds Amazing Role for Noncoding DNA | Evolution News
99.995% Children Survive COVID - UK Data Shows - YouTube
Doctors for the World - International collaboration to find practical solutions for COVID-19 - Causes, reasons, and opportunities for collaborations
Gene editing 'blocks virus transmission' in human cells (
Anti-coagulant drug could treat COVID-19’s emerging variants | Technology Org
Vaccine Caused Clotting - Study Finds The Mechanism - YouTube
Mitochondria malfunction shown to be the major cause of Parkinson's (
Elemental forms of metals discovered in brains of Alzheimer’s patients – Physics World
Air pollution contributes to COVID-19 severity, suggests study in one of America's most polluted cities (
COVID-19 Causes Long-Term Blood Cell Changes - YouTube
Repurposed drugs present new strategy for treating COVID-19 (
Aspirin and other common anti-inflammatory drugs could help prevent COVID-19 deaths, says pharmacy researcher (
America's Long-Term Care System Is Broken - Scientific American
Hospitals are not adequately prepared for next pandemic, says study (
COVID Vaccines Will Not Reach Poorest Countries Until 2023 - Scientific American
Long COVID symptoms in a third of people with COVID-19 (
Innovative Clinical Trials for COVID-19 - YouTube
FLCCC Weekly Update June 30, 2021–The Human Impacts of Scientific Censorship in the Pandemic - YouTube
Mefloquine: A Promising Drug “Soldier” in the Battle Against COVID-19 | Technology Org
Researchers find potential path to a broadly protective COVID-19 vaccine using T cells (
Brief and simplified suggestion - 07/01/2021
In solving contagious diseases, solutions not only need to be prompt and dynamicalky-functionally effective on many levels and dimensions (such as promptly prevent infection, replication, spread, mutation, chiral viral, retro-viral, and recombination viral at the individual and collective. And as well as inclusive, accessible, and practicable). And solving problems at the root causes (including many causes that give rise to a roots cause or fragmented causes of a root cause) as well as strengthen-complement existing-additional solutions-tools. And necessarily taking into consideration social conditions and their causalities.
For example, injuries or damages to the senses such as taste, smell, brain fog, and long haul not only affect wellness, quality life, and well being on the physical level. Rather far beyond or would affect the naturalness-spiritual dimensions. For example, would be far more difficult or even impossible to meditate, contemplate, transcend, and or experience the dimensions of life and existence locally and non-locally. And as such, they also need to be parts of comprehensive body-mind solutions rather than just the physical aspects.
Healthcare professionals are failing smell loss patients (
SARS-CoV-2 replication targets nasal ciliated cells early in COVID-19 infection ( replication targets nasal ciliated cells early in COVID-19 infection (
Scientists identify 160 new drugs that could be repurposed against COVID-19 (
Bret Weinstein: Truth, Science, and Censorship in the Time of a Pandemic | Lex Fridman Podcast #194 - YouTube
IVERMECTIN - Powerful Speech by Dr Tess Lawrie IICC International Ivermectin Conference Day 2 - YouTube
Dr. Paul Marik Discusses Latest Trends In COVID Management - YouTube
Protein 'big bang' reveals molecular makeup for medicine and bioengineering (
International team develops predictive tool to help mitigate COVID-19 in Africa (
New evidence - YouTube
Covid-19 news: High-grade masks cut infections in healthcare workers | New Scientist
Drugs research update: Will we get a cure for COVID-19? | COVID-19 Special - YouTube
A Lack of COVID-19 Genomes Could Prolong the Pandemic | Quanta Magazine
Covid-19 patients recover faster with metabolic activator treatment, study shows (
Covid-19 patients recover faster with metabolic activator treatment, study shows (
Face masks that can diagnose COVID-19 (
Long Covid-19 Foundation - YouTube
Dangerous Delta COVID-19 Variant Infecting Vaccinated Adults In Israel | HuffPost
Bio-engineered can gain functions, mutate, and spread faster than vaccine researches, developments, manufacturing, and applications on the global scale . And therefore, not only the needs for diverse and complementary solutions. Rather, most appropriated solutuons.,
Therefore, there are urgent needs or parts of solutions to the overall local and global solutions are to build transparent and dynamic bio-engineer task forces as part of public health, safety, and security locally and globally to investigate and analyze pathogens, illnesses, and diseases since current (and in particularly future) technologies and tools could facilitate bio-engineer of pathogens by even individual(s). And as well as to promptly provide solutions at the root causes as well as best ways forward for development and living locally and globally. And for which scientists and teams that have been working or specialized on past pathogens and COVID can be parts of the team and solutions - Research collaborations bring big rewards: the world needs more (, COVID has shown the power of science–industry collaboration (
Anti-viral (anti-bodies) are also solutions to or can prevent long haul
Spike Proteins In Immune Cells - Dr. Bruce Patterson Discusses COVID Long Haul - YouTube
FLCCC Weekly Update —Authors of Peer-reviewed Paper Discuss the Irrefutable Science for ivermectin - YouTube
Best ivermectin meta analysis - YouTube
The Animal Viruses Most Likely to Jump into Humans - Scientific American
SARS-CoV-2 virus can find alternate route to infect cells (
AI used to predict unknown links between viruses and mammals | Technology Org
The Animal Viruses Most Likely to Jump into Humans - Scientific American
Unusual coronavirus protein is potential drug target to fight COVID-19 | Technology Org
Virus that causes COVID-19 can find alternate route to infect cells | Technology Org
“Nanodecoys” – Made From Human Lung Spheroid Cells – Bind and Neutralize SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Virus (
Covid-19 news: Lasting symptoms common in young adults, study finds | New Scientist
Longest known SARS-CoV-2 infection of nearly 300 days successfully treated with new therapy (
Concepts from physics explain importance of quarantine to control spread of COVID-19
Long COVID has resurfaced tensions over treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome (
COVID Management With Dr. Shankara Chetty - YouTube
New research into the spreading of infections reveals need for greater collaboration between biology and physics
Money for antivirals - YouTube
Methodology from GWAS accurately flags more deadly SARS-CoV-2 variant (
New study finds SARS-CoV-2 can infect testes (
The FLCCC Weekly Update, for June 16, 2021—The I-RECOVER Protocol for Long Haul Covid Syndrome— - YouTube
Mutation in Highly Infectious Alpha Variant May Help Coronavirus Evade Immune System | Technology Org
Natural immunity key in US - YouTube
Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour | Science | The Guardian - (link "Magneto" Protein: Genetically Engineered To Control Brains And Behavior (
Common cold combats COVID-19 | Technology Org
New discovery shows human cells can write RNA sequences into DNA (
Potential anti-viral Pineapple is known to contain enzyme that break down organic or biologic elements. And are common used in daily nutrition and fermented food in many South East Asian nations.
DNA breakthrough could identify why some are more affected by COVID-19 (
Normal breathing sends saliva droplets 7 feet; masks shorten this (
Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 calls for updated practices to prevent transmission (
Ivermectin and COVID Anosmia A Review of Studies - YouTube
The Dream Team: Scientists Find Drug Duo That May Cure COVID-19 Together | Technology Org - Should verify whether they can be used or potential effectiveness as preventive care. And whether their combination with off the shelf or available anti-viral such as Ivermectin could further make their combination even more effective.
Long COVID Treatment, Symptoms, and Recovery (Long Haulers) - YouTube
FLCCC Weekly Update— 6/2/2021 —The I-MASS Protocol for COVID-19 with Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik - YouTube
Researchers identify potential new antiviral drug for COVID-19 (
Researchers reveal the inner workings of a viral DNA-packaging motor (
Researchers Discover Drug that Blocks Multiple SARS-CoV-2 Variants in Mice | Technology Org
NIH launches clinical trial of universal influenza vaccine candidate | Technology Org
Here comes the sun – people in sunnier areas face a lower risk of COVID-19 death | Technology Org
New COVID-19 test works in a second using microfluidics and electronics – Physics World
PH FDA monitoring use of Ivermectin on COVID-19 patients in select hospitals | ANC - YouTube
Doctor says 98% of 52 studies on Ivermectin show positive effect against COVID-19 | ANC - YouTube
Juan Chamie Discusses COVID in India and Mexico - YouTube
More transparency needed to ensure success of global COVID-19 response (
Analysis of interactions at 'heart' of SARS-CoV-2 virus reveals new paths to treatment (
Harnessing next generation sequencing to detect SARS-CoV-2 (
Russians infected with crossover flu virus suggests possibility of another pandemic (
Scientists reveal structural details of how SARS-CoV-2 variants escape immune response (
Vitamin D and COVID: Evidence Vitamin D Could Reduce The Risk of COVID Deaths By 60% - YouTube
Vitamin D and COVID: Is it important? (Condensed version) - YouTube
Universal health care must be a priority — even amid COVID (
Ireland, vitamin D report - YouTube
Vitamin D deficiency may increase risk for addiction to opioids and ultraviolet rays (
Discovery sheds light on real-time evolution of immune system's 'antibody factories' ( - Clear indication metabolism-immune are irreducible or as one system
New drugs to fight COVID-19 developed (
Physics - Exhaled Droplets Grow in Size on Cool Days (
Kory & Kirsch: The Proven Efficacy of Repurposed Drugs for COVID-19 - YouTube
A novel defense mechanism for SARS-CoV-2 discovered | Technology Org
Haunted by HIV, top WHO scientist says world must do better on COVID (
What we've learned about managing COVID-19 pneumonia (
Newly Discovered Glycosylated RNA Is All Over Cells: Study | The Scientist Magazine® (
Severe COVID-19 may be linked to long-haul symptoms (
Black, Hispanic and Asian populations saw greatest rise in cardiac deaths during pandemic (
Forget throat swabs: Dutch company claims its breathalyzer can help sniff out COVID-19 | Science | AAAS (
Saturday update - YouTube (Vaccine and anti-viral)
Researchers Identify Genes Associated With Significant Increase in COVID-19 Risk (
To prevent next pandemic, scientists say we must regulate air like food and water | Technology Org
Physical Inactivity Linked to More Severe COVID-19 Infection and Higher Risk of Death (
A comprehensive map of the SARS-CoV-2 genome | Technology Org
Dr. Bruce Lipton…Enhancing Your Immune System - YouTube
Further evidence supports controversial claim that SARS-CoV-2 genes can integrate with human DNA | Science | AAAS (
Vitamin D deficiency in India - YouTube
Tissues, not blood, are where immune cells function (
Black, Hispanic and Asian populations saw greatest rise in cardiac deaths during pandemic (
Saturday update - YouTube (Vaccine and anti-viral)
To prevent next pandemic, scientists say we must regulate air like food and water | Technology Org
Dr. Eric Osgood hosts a Panel of Front Line COVID-19 Physicians with the Latest News - YouTube
On Essential Epidemic, Pandemic, and Endemic Strategies and Development - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (
Why is COVID-19 so hard to treat? Growing evidence points to unique infectious profile (
FLCCC Alliance Global Expert Panel - YouTube
Prophylactic study from India - YouTube
Hope to poorer nations? Mexico develops nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine | COVID-19 Special - YouTube
111 Doctors - YouTube
Mitochondrial DNA in cancer: Small genome, big impact (
How one SARS-CoV-2 protein keeps cells from fighting back | Technology Org
“WHO” Believes in gargled POVIDONE IODINE (0.5 percent) to beat COVID-19? - YouTube
Beat Covid-19.Povidone Iodine - YouTube
Mitochondria play key role in lymphatic development (
How the novel coronavirus attacks the brain |
How the Immune System Protects the Brain | Quanta Magazine
Antibody drug neutralizes virus variants in lab study; COVID-19 antibodies detectable 12 months after infection (
Herd immunity for Americans may be an elusive goal, experts say (
Herd immunity for Americans may be an elusive goal, experts say (
Dr Nair, Summary - YouTube (link: Dr Nair, Infectious Diseases Consultant, India - YouTube)
The novel coronavirus' spike protein plays additional key role in illness (
Large collaboration creates cell atlas of COVID-19 pathology (
Apr. 28, 2021—FLCCC WEEKLY UPDATE: The COVID-19 Humanitarian Disaster in India —& protocol updates - YouTube
New cell atlas of COVID lungs reveals why SARS-CoV-2 is deadly and different (
Why so much coronavirus modeling just doesn't add up (
How SARS-CoV-2 hijacks human cells to evade immune system (
Large-scale study finds strong connection between COVID and strokes, particularly in younger patients (
COVID-19 can affect the brain. New clues hint at how | Science News
People of color hardest hit by air pollution from nearly all sources (
COVID-19: Who's at higher risk of serious symptoms? (
Exposure to high heat neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 in less than one second (
Staying 6 feet apart indoors does almost nothing to stop the spread of COVID-19, MIT study finds (
Taking vitamin D could lower heart disease risk for people with dark skin (
Vitamin D is essential (need also to be in healthy outdoor sun light rather than just vitamin D ) whether directly or indirectly for almost all body-mind elements essential. And therefore, metabolism-immune functions. And as empirical data indicated, essential for cardiovascular which complement body-mind metabolism-immune systems and overall functions (for example, many patients succumbed or disabled to COVID due to heart failures and strokes whether pre-existing conditions and or weaken or damages by viral). And vice versa. And therefore, not only essential for nurturing and development. Rather, also essential against viral, diseases, and illnesses as well as for healing. And therefore, should be promptly acted on by responsible instructions to provide and or develop daily resources (beyond vitamin D or other body-mind resources) and practices to people and communities. And calcifediol or post synthesis vitamin D substances should be given to patients for accelerate effects since dereddening on patient variants, could take many days to fully metabolize. And would take longer when ill. And difficult or even impossible with existing health conditions such as liver and kidney diseases.
Irregular work schedule damages immune system | Technology Org - link Taking vitamin D could lower heart disease risk for people with dark skin (
Certain antibiotics can prevent the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into cells (
COVID 101. Pathologist speaks about Vitamin D and Immunity. - YouTube
Respiratory viral pathogens like SARS-CoV-2 easy to test on-site with new nanofilm (
Altered immune signature linked to Long-Covid | Technology Org
One good way to help beat COVID-19: Exercise (
Physical inactivity linked to more severe COVID-19 infection and death (
Methylation and Vitamin D: Hospital Rant - YouTube
Cloth face covering curbs exercise performance and physical capacity (
They tested negative for COVID. Still, they have long COVID symptoms (
Zinc and COVID: Is it important? - YouTube
Hypoxia drugs join the fight against COVID-19 (
A novel, quick, and easy system for genetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 | Technology Org
A multidimensional view of SARS-CoV-2 (
Sunlight linked with lower COVID-19 deaths, study shows (
The Vitamin D debate with Professor Spector - YouTube
Ultraviolet-C LED test confirms sterilization of human coronavirus at distance of 5 feet in 8 seconds | Technology Org
FLCCC WEEKLY UPDATE - Dr Eric Osgood talks to Dr. Jackie Stone of Zimbabwe - YouTube
COVID-19 causes 'unexpected' cellular response in the lungs, research finds ( - actions that can be taken to strengthen and complement known or existing medical and therapies care are to provide kidney patients with nutrition essentials that would by-pass kidney functions such as post kidney synthesis or metabolizing vitamins D and diverse types of hormones or essentials that would strengthen body-mind.
Ivermectin discussion with Dr Tess Lawrie - YouTube
Two studies support key role for immune system in shaping SARS-CoV-2 evolution (
Food supplements that alter gut bacteria could ‘cure’ malnutrition | Science | AAAS (
New data about SARS-CoV-2 virus functions could aid in treatment designs (
COVID-19 pandemic highlights the urgent global need to control air pollution (
Curbing coronavirus spread in enclosed spaces means better masks, adequate ventilation (
Study shows masks, ventilation stop COVID spread better than social distancing (
Latest News Stories (
Home | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
Russia developed a new COVID-19 vaccine – not meant for human consumption | Technology Org
New risk factors linked to increased risk of COVID-19 infection (
Dr. Tess Lawrie Discusses Ivermectin Metadata - YouTube
Time to shift from 'food security' to 'nutrition security' to increase health and well-being (
Genome sequencing shows coronavirus variation drives pandemic surges (
Virtual Course on Science Diplomacy Emphasizes Collaboration | American Association for the Advancement of Science (
Governments and health leaders call for action on adolescent wellbeing (
Why SARS-CoV-2 replicates better in the upper respiratory tract (
Your Immune System Evolves To Fight Coronavirus Variants - Scientific American
Researchers urge a closer examination of sunlight's efficacy in inactivating the SARS-CoV-2 virus (
EU, WHO and Dozens of World Leaders Endorse Plan for Future Pandemic Treaty (
IRS: COVID-19 face masks, sanitizer tax-deductible (
Widespread facemask use is vital to suppress the pandemic as lockdown lifts, say scientists (
Nasal COVID Vaccines - GAME CHANGERS - YouTube
Can viruses hijack their hosts' circadian rhythms? (
Low-Dose Aspirin Use for Heart Disease May Reduce Likelihood of COVID-19 Infection (
Beating back the coronavirus requires a bigger arsenal: Physics Today: Vol 74, No 4 (
Oral COVID Vaccines - GAME CHANGERS - YouTube
New antiviral drug in trials - YouTube
Viral mutation and evolution - YouTube
Proxalutamide Significantly Accelerates SARS-COV-2 Clearance - YouTube
Study shows face masks strongly associated with reducing healthcare workers' risk of acquiring COVID-19 (
COVID Symptoms - Long Haulers - YouTube
New targets for antibodies in the fight against SARS-CoV-2 (
Double antibody against SARS-CoV-2 prevents therapy-resistant variants (
Scientists find evidence that novel coronavirus infects the mouth's cells (
COVID-19 vaccines may not produce sufficient antibody response in transplant recipients (
The Next Trick: Pulling Coronavirus Out of Thin Air (
Three common antiviral drugs potentially effective against COVID-19 (
Individual SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody immunity lasts from days to decades (
Discussion with Professor Tim Spector - YouTube
Vaccination by inhalation | Technology Org
Hormone drugs may disarm COVID-19 spike protein and stop disease progression (
Institutional Review Boards Must Address the Ethics of Inclusion in Clinical Research | American Association for the Advancement of Science (
Study underscores need for multidisciplinary care for COVID-19 long-haulers (
High vitamin D levels may protect against COVID-19, especially for Black people (
Hospitalized COVID-19 patients with obesity are significantly more likely to need ICU care (
Poor diabetes control in children tied to high risk for COVID-19 complications, death (
Supplements may protect those with low vitamin D levels from severe COVID-19 (
Hospitalized COVID-19 patients fare worse when they have high blood sugar (
Symptoms - YouTube
Home | Parasites without Borders
Children and COVID-19 with Daniel Griffin (Long COVID, Vaccines, School Safety) - YouTube
Double duty: Gut’s immune system helps regulate food processing, too | Technology Org
Domestic abuse increased globally during pandemic, say researchers (
Vaccination alone is unlikely to contain COVID-19 infections in UK: study (
Vaccines alone may not be enough to end pandemic: study (
Hybrid coronaviruses from merged variants are spreading between people | New Scientist - recombination virus (link Ebola may persist in the body for years before sparking new outbreaks | New Scientist )
Targeting a new antibody supersite key to COVID immunity (
COVID-19 death rate among people in prison three times higher than public (
New defense against viral lung infections discovered (
New immune system findings could accelerate 'on-demand' production of antibody-based drugs and vaccines (
Research reveals human immune system reduces potency of antibiotics (
Nasal Spray for Virus/SARS-COV-2 Reduction - YouTube
FLCCC Weekly Update - Ivermectin: The GOOD, The BAD, the UGLY and the...INSANE. - YouTube
Dr. Pierre Kory, Ivermectin, and COVID (Let’s help end the pandemic.) - YouTube
Dr. Paul Marik Discusses Ivermectin and Vitamin D - YouTube
Purifying the air to prevent COVID-19 transmission (
Mitochondria found to be protected by ketogenesis (
Faster drug discovery through machine learning (
Molecular iodine catalyzes processes for antiviral and pharmaceutical syntheses (
Solving the ancient problem of nucleic acid synthesis gives clues for the design of new antiviral drugs (
News Roundup | Belgian Virologist Proposes Plan to Eradicate COVID-19 in 6 Weeks Using Ivermectin (
Viruses adapt to 'language of human cells' to hijack protein synthesis (
In severe COVID, cytokine 'hurricane' in lung attracts damaging inflammatory cells (
Research shows how mutations in SARS-CoV-2 allow the virus to dodge immune defenses (
SARS-CoV-2 hijacks two key metabolic pathways to rapidly replicate in host cells (
COVID-19 risk increases with airborne pollen (
Many people who die of COVID-19 have the virus in their hearts | Science | AAAS (
Vaccine-induced antibodies may be less effective against several new SARS-CoV-2 variants: study (
COVID-19 is never going to end, experts say (
COVID-19 wasn't just a disaster for humanity—new research shows nature suffered greatly too (
Covid-19 news: Antibody therapy cut severe covid-19 by 85 per cent | New Scientist
Researchers race to develop antiviral weapons to fight the pandemic coronavirus | Science | AAAS (
What’s in the huge pandemic relief bill for science? | Science | AAAS (
COVID breath-testing – could it be next? Research says yes (
New report reveals how the U.S. can renew its leadership in global health R&D (
High levels of racism fuels poor health among minority groups (
Using the power of artificial intelligence to detect disease (
Key inflammatory markers identified in COVID-19 (
UV radiation kills coronavirus in lab, study finds (
Improving The Immune System and Stress Amidst COVID 19 - YouTube
Learning from COVID-19 to prepare for the next pandemic (
Antibiotics may have been overused in COVID-19 patients: U.S. study (
UK's color-blind COVID-19 vaccine strategy putting ethnic minorities at higher risk (
Study suggests surgery should be delayed for at least 7 weeks following a COVID-19 diagnosis to reduce mortality risk (
Dr. Roger Seheult from MedCram on COVID-19 Vaccines, Vitamin D, and Heat Hydrotherapy - YouTube
Vitamins D and K2 - YouTube
A Massive Global Hunt for Variants Is Under Way - The Atlantic
FLCCC Weekly Update - Effective Use of Ivermectin in South America (with graphs) - YouTube
How the pandemic could change architecture (
Coronavirus transmission: SARS-CoV-2 in the air (
Study finds racial disparities in COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes (
Covid exacerbates cellular senescence – geneticist | SophieCo. Visionaries - YouTube - It is about metabolism !
SARS-CoV-2 hijacks two key metabolic pathways to rapidly replicate in host cells (
Mitochondria found to be protected by ketogenesis (
New research may be key to making safe, durable COVID-19 vaccines (
Dr Lawrie, Ivermectin video, Short Precis - YouTube
Ivermectin Evidence with Dr Tess Lawrie - YouTube
A call to action to address racial inequities in medical tests (
SARS-CoV-2 on target – torpedo-like device dives into wastewater to look for the deadly virus | Technology Org
COVID-19 affects men and women differently—it's important to track the data (
Tracking proteins in the heart of cells (
Response to consultation on inclusion and diversity - EuroScientist journal
New evidence COVID-19 antibodies, vaccines less effective against variants (
Q&A: A Molecular Toolkit to Build SARS-CoV-2 Research Capacity | The Scientist Magazine® (
First antigen test pilot in low prevalence COVID-19 settings signals challenges for rollout (
Covid death rate 10 times higher in countries with high obesity | DW News - YouTube
'Needle in a haystack': The hunt for coronavirus drug compounds in a Belgian biosafety lab (
Identifying the cause and potential treatment for COVID-19-induced heart damage (
Can Ivermectin Fight Variants? - YouTube
Science and Society Are Failing Children in the COVID Era - Scientific American
'When will it end?': How a changing virus is reshaping scientists’ views on COVID-19 | Reuters
The COVID-19 Relief Bill Could Be A Huge Turning Point For Child Care In The U.S. | HuffPost
To Beat COVID, We May Need a Good Shot in the Nose - Scientific American
Could our immune system be why COVID-19 is so deadly? (
Genetics May Play Role in Determining Immunity to COVID-19 | Technology Org
Human Lung and Brain Organoids Respond Differently to SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Lab Tests | Technology Org
Blood tests offer early indicator of severe COVID-19 (
Possible SARS-CoV-2 reinfection described at skilled nursing facility (
America's Immigration System Is a COVID Superspreader - Scientific American
Neanderthal-derived protein may reduce the severity of COVID-19 (
Vitamin B6 may help keep COVID-19's cytokine storms at bay (
Mental health epidemic threatens communities of color amid COVID-19 (
COVID-19 leads to major overhaul for radiotherapy – Physics World
Harnessing the power of proteins in our cells to combat disease (
Urban Americans more likely to follow covid-19 prevention behaviors than rural Americans (
Breaks in mitochondrial DNA rig the immune response (
CDC Urges Stricter Gym Precautions After COVID-19 Outbreaks Linked To Facilities | HuffPost - (link Masks vital to stopping COVID at gyms, studies show (
New discoveries on the containment of COVID-19 finds travel bans are of limited value (
Electrochemical oxidation to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 (
COVID-19 leaves youth forced out of foster care even more vulnerable (
A COVID 'vaccine passport' may further disadvantage refugees and asylum seekers (
COVID-19 isolation linked to increased domestic violence, researchers suggest (
New study charts the complexity of SARS-CoV-2 neutralization (
Non-white race tied to higher likelihood of COVID-19 infection (
US to distribute 25 million cloth masks against COVID-19 (
Intellectual property and COVID-19 medicines: Why a WTO waiver may not be enough (
How rehabilitation could help people with COVID-19 recover—evidence reviewed (
Research delineates the impacts of climate warming on microbial network interactions (
Study finds disadvantaged census tracts linked to COVID-19 incidence (
Air purifiers could spread viruses in confined spaces – Physics World
Seasonal variation in daylight influences brain function (
Coronavirus variant hunter discusses work (
A new study reveals that quantum physics can cause mutations in our DNA
Estonian tech firm says wearable air purifier can kill virus with UV light (
Scientists invented a chip, which can predict the risk of a cytokine storm | Technology Org
Physics of particle dispersion may lend insight into reducing the airborne spread of COVID-19 virus
Scientists propose a sustainable strategy in the COVID-19 pandemic (
A third of COVID survivors have long-haul symptoms, even after mild cases (
COVID variant in UK spread 'like wildfire.' And US isn't locking down. ( - link COVID-19 variant found in UK spreads 'like wildfire.' British experts fear what will happen if US won't lock down (
US Workers Cried Out for More Masks. The Government Allowed N95 Exports Anyway. (
Metabolic mutations help bacteria resist drug treatment | Technology Org
SARS-CoV-2 with Genomic Deletions Escapes an Antibody | The Scientist Magazine® (
New study highlights lack of diversity and inclusion in vaccine clinical trials (
Data show lower daily temperatures lead to higher transmission of COVID-19 (
Half of COVID-19 patients with raised levels of one protein experience heart damage | Technology Org
Retooling small molecule kinase inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 (
Asthmatics no higher risk dying from COVID, review of studies on 587,000 people shows (
Segregation, income disparity fueled high COVID-19 numbers (
Study finds racial and ethnic disparities in flu vaccine uptake among people aged 65 and older in the USA (
Study finds link between spinal antibodies and neurological COVID symptoms (
Masks A Discussion with Sandy Grant - YouTube
Top scientists call for universal coronavirus vaccine (
Genetics may play role in determining immunity to COVID-19 (
Dr. Paul Marik Discusses Ivermectin and Vitamin D - YouTube - (off the shelf anti-viral (i.e. specific COVID anti-viral should be far more effective) and nature essentials)
Genetic variants for skin color in African Americans linked to vitamin D deficiency (
Metabolic mutations help bacteria resist drug treatment (
Stronger rules needed to reduce workplace transmission of COVID-19 (
How many people get 'long COVID' and who is most at risk? (
Viruses can 'hijack' cellular process to block immune response (
Damage to the heart found in more than half of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospital (
New data on COVID-19 patients with diabetes show that one in five die within (
Most European countries ignore patients with severe mental illness in COVID-19 vaccine strategy (
Unprotected African health workers die as rich countries buy up COVID-19 vaccines | Science | AAAS (
Government rushes virus gene-mapping as mutations spread (
Exclusive: Two variants have merged into heavily mutated coronavirus | New Scientist - Recombination viral detected
Mutation in SARS-CoV-2 spike protein renders virus up to eight times more infectious (
Study predicts where new coronaviruses might come from | Technology Org
Sensor takes guesswork out of N95 decontamination (
Study finds some women may be at higher risk of death from COVID-19 (
Saliva test may predict severity of COVID-19 (
The epidemic in the pandemic (
COVID-19 bill would scale up ability to spot virus mutations (
COVID-19 bill would scale up ability to spot virus mutations (
Targeting Nsp1 protein could be a pathway for COVID-19 therapy (
Antibody-based COVID-19 treatments work best in concert with immune cells (
Targeting Nsp1 protein could be a pathway for COVID-19 therapy (
Researchers find a novel connection between cell metabolism and cell division (
First test for all known human coronaviruses, including new SARS-CoV-2 variants (
New insight into antibody-induced protective immunity to COVID-19 (
Culture change needed for women in COVID-19 era (
Indian women experience far more COVID-related hardship than men, research finds (
How COVID-19 puts women at more risk than men in Gauteng, South Africa (
FREE Online Global Cancer Symposium 2.0 Features Expert Speakers (February 20-22, 2021) - Activist Post
Can Mother’s Milk Help Fight COVID? New Evidence Suggests ‘Yes’ | Technology Org
Titanium and ultraviolet light powerful combination against SARS-CoV-2 virus | Technology Org
Q&A: Why history suggests Covid-19 is here to stay | Technology Org
Making masks fit better can reduce coronavirus exposure by 96 percent | Science News
Researchers propose that humidity from masks may lessen severity of COVID-19 (
CDC says masks must fit tightly – and two are better than one (
COVID-19 has made Americans lonelier than ever – here’s how AI can help (
Limited transmission of COVID-19 from open schools but teachers were affected: study (
Mapping an effective immune response to COVID-19 (
Millions of counterfeit N95 face masks sold to Americans (
COVID R&D response shows what's possible for future healthcare innovation (
Most people are naturally armed against SARS-CoV-2: study (
Preventive blood thinning drugs linked to reduced risk of death in COVID-19 patients (
Protein sequences provide clues to how SARS-CoV-2 infects cells (
Experts' top COVID mitigation action: National stay at home order with financial compensation (
Lessons from the flu season (
COVID-19: It's freezing outside, but you still need to open your windows (
Proper fit of face masks is more important than material, study suggests (
Adaptable biosensor rapidly detects COVID-19 virus and antibodies – Physics World
Sequence African genomes for Africa and the world: scientist (
Tight-fitting masks can slash COVID transmission by 95%, CDC says (
Covid-19 news: Four new covid-19 symptoms identified in study | New Scientist
Working outdoors linked to lower risk of breast cancer among older women ( - nature essentials
Nutritional status of micronutrients as a possible and modifiable risk factor for COVID-19: a UK perspective (
7 Superfoods to Boost the Health of Your Lungs Naturally - YouTube
Top 10 Herbs for Lung Health, Clearing Mucus, COPD, and Killing Viruses - YouTube
Vitamin B1 Deficiencies Are Plaguing Fish and Birds - The Atlantic
Op-Ed: Don't Let COVID-19 Patients Die With Vitamin D Deficiency | MedPage Today
New Study Found 80% of COVID-19 Patients Were Vitamin D Deficient (
Sorting Out Whether Vitamin D Deficiency Raises COVID-19 Risk | Complementary and Alternative Medicine | JAMA | JAMA Network
Time to team up and tackle Long COVID, says WHO expert (
Biomarkers that could help determine who's at risk for severe COVID-19 symptoms (
Scientists Need to Be Kinder to One Another - Scientific American
Excess mortality rates early in pandemic highest among Blacks, study finds (
Mouth wash, Colchicine and Vitamin D - YouTube
The underestimated mutation potential of retrogenes (
Researcher studies international cooperation in fighting COVID-19 (
How governments address COVID-19 misinformation—for better or for worse (
The underestimated mutation potential of retrogenes (
Drinking green tea, coffee lowers risk of death for stroke and heart attack survivors (
Vitamin D studies confirm correlations - YouTube
Severely frail individuals with COVID-19 are three times more likely to die, study finds (
Researcher finds restoring trust in government can help limit crises like COVID-19 (
Jeremy Smith - Coronavirus Crisis: A Spiritual Scientific Perspective | Legalise Freedom (
State mask mandates tied to drop in COVID-19 hospitalization growth rate (
Vaccines Alone Are Not Enough to Beat COVID - Scientific American
Influencer Tina Craig Has An Important Message About Racist Attacks On Asian Americans (
Activists Are Warning That Hate Crimes Against Asian Americans Are on the Rise (
'We are crying out for help': Actors, activists sounding alarm on surging attacks against Asian Americans (
We Must Confront Anti-Asian Racism in Science - Scientific American
Profiting From Desperation: Oxygen Tanks Become an Underground Market in Mexico (
Biden orders sweeping review of government science integrity policies | Science | AAAS (
Anti-Asian Hate Crimes Are Surging - Here's How You Can Support the AAPI Community (
Olivia Munn Calls for Help 'Amplifying the Outrage' Over Recent Wave of Anti-Asian Attacks (
'We Need Help To Feel Safe In Our Country': Olivia Munn Condemns Anti-Asian Violence | HuffPost
No internet, no vaccine: How lack of internet access has limited vaccine availability for racial and ethnic minorities (
Biden proposes a science-led New Deal to end pandemic suffering | Science | AAAS (
Community groups denounce violence toward Asian Americans (
Advanced simulations reveal how air conditioning spreads COVID-19 aerosols (
COVID-19 missteps could be used to help strengthen science and public health, experts say (
Why the U.S. Is Underestimating COVID Reinfection - Scientific American
Vaccines Alone Are Not Enough to Beat COVID - Scientific American
Analysis confirms racial disparities in COVID-19 infection (
Higher excess COVID-19 death risk in middle-aged people with type 2 diabetes (
SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence study in daycare centres in France suggests low rates of infection in very young children (
Researchers create plastic film that suppresses the coronavirus (
New clues to how SARS-CoV-2 infects cells (
New Israeli Covid drug which cured 30 cases of disease hailed by scientists as 'huge breakthrough' (
Study highlights risk of new SARS-CoV-2 mutations emerging during chronic infection (
Scientists use knowledge from climate system modeling to develop global prediction system for COVID-19 pandemic (
An ‘electronic nose’ to sniff out COVID-19 | Technology Org
New AI tool can thwart coronavirus mutations (
Israel, a global leader in COVID vaccinations, finds limits (
Vaccine hoarding to delay Africa's COVID-19 recovery (
Two separate bouts of COVID-19 infection may be possible, doctors warn (
Investigating the modulation of the COVID-19 immune response (
Human immune cells have natural alarm system against HIV (
Study reveals how air pollution may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (
Antibody cocktail prevents 100% of symptomatic COVID-19 infections, early results suggest (
Expert discusses coronavirus 'variants of concern' (
COVID-19: Bioethical issues raised by the pandemic (
Neural activity controls mitochondrial transfer of RNA modifiers to the nucleus (
Increased risk of dying from COVID for people with severe mental disorders (
Many older Americans with COVID-19 lack ability to isolate at home (
More than half of cancer survivors have underlying medical conditions associated with severe COVID-19 (
Lack of staff, PPE hinder nursing homes' fight against COVID-19 (
Psychological distress high among students during COVID-19 (
Is your mask effective against COVID-19? Three questions you should ask yourself (
MEPs call for bold action to limit effect of pandemic on cardiovascular health (
Gum disease linked to COVID-19 complications (
Unravelling the coronavirus structure | Technology Org
Scientists uncover potential antiviral treatment for COVID-19 (
Plitidepsin has potent preclinical efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 by targeting the host protein eEF1A | Science (
Mutation that helps coronavirus evade vaccines showing up in British variant (
COVID pandemic can lead to better food safety, if you get the right information (
Researcher studies international cooperation in fighting COVID-19 (
Researcher discusses the evolution of the coronavirus (
Age groups that sustain resurging COVID-19 epidemics in the United States (
Major nutrition study aims to learn which diet best suits your genes and gut | Science | AAAS (
Researchers demonstrate how defects in mitochondria may lead to autism spectrum disorder (
As new COVID variants emerge, do you need to 'double mask'? (
New insights into B cells and why humans can produce trillions of disease-fighting antibodies (
Early functional SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell response may prevent severe infection (
Social and structural factors influence racial disparities in COVID-19 mortality (
COVID Update - YouTube
Open Dialogue with the UN Deputy Secretary-General on Science for Development in the Context of COVI - YouTube
How vitamins, steroids and potential antivirals might affect SARS-CoV-2 (
The Hard Lessons of Modeling the Coronavirus Pandemic | Quanta Magazine
The Most Worrying Mutations in Five Emerging Coronavirus Variants - Scientific American
Commonalities Between COVID-19 and Radiation Injury | Radiation Research | Allen Press
How does SARS-CoV-2 evade our immune defenses? (
Disposable gloves can be disinfected and reused for up to 20 times | Technology Org
The keys to preventing future pandemics (
Commonalities Between COVID-19 and Radiation Injury | Radiation Research | Allen Press
COVID-19 has exposed health disparities. How do we address them before the next pandemic? (
Ethnic health disparities among older adults in England equivalent to 20-year age difference, even before COVID-19 (
COVID-19 infection may reduce fertility in men (
How to avoid COVID-19 vaccine scams (
Sickle cell target could treat COVID (
Simulation helps refine pediatric care guidelines for COVID-19 (
Viral sequencing can reveal how SARS-CoV-2 spreads and evolves (
Infectious disease research lacking (
Novel antiviral drug significantly more potent against SARS-CoV-2 (
Vaccine wars escalate as new antibody escape variants raise the bar (
Findings may help close door on COVID-19 (
Melatonin produced in the lungs prevents infection by novel coronavirus (
T cells can mount attacks against many SARS-CoV-2 targets—even on new virus variant (
Global analysis suggests COVID-19 is seasonal (
New antibody therapies may cut deaths, reduce exposure to COVID-19, data shows (
COVID-19 outbreaks in long-term care highlight the urgent need for paid sick leave (
Not everyone has equal access to crucial information that can stop the spread of COVID-19 (
Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces with airborne viruses (
Should consider integrating existing technology such as pressure and filter that can filter out virus while still help air circulation. And as well as beside UV, humidifier technology with or without non harmful sanitized and or charged chemicals. And as well as potential technology such as Researchers developing fabric treatment for protective wear that kills viruses on contact | Technology Org..
Researchers developing fabric treatment for protective wear that kills viruses on contact | Technology Org
Professor creates COVID-19 dashboard to compare country and state data (
Rapid COVID spread not seen in several studies of schools (
Unknown if vaccinated people can spread COVID-19: EMA (
NIH launches database to track neurological symptoms associated with COVID-19 (
Microwaves used to deactivate coronavirus, flu, other aerosolized viruses (
Study provides first real-world evidence of COVID-19 contact tracing app effectiveness (
Myeloid immune cells in the blood tied to severe COVID-19 (
SARS-CoV-2 reacts to antibodies of virus from 2003 SARS outbreak, new study reveals (
Unchecked COVID-19 spread leads to virus variants (
Air pollution linked to heightened risk of progressive and irreversible sight loss (AMD) (
COVID-19 cases, deaths in U.S. increase with higher income inequality (
Flu and other infections are down, likely due to COVID-19 social distancing (
New study finds most high-school age youth are willing to wear masks (
Biden proposes a science-led New Deal to end pandemic suffering | Science | AAAS (
Risk of severe COVID established early in infection, new study shows (
A healthy microbiome builds a strong immune system that could help defeat COVID-19 (
Living near trees may prevent vascular damage from pollution (
Coronavirus Update 120: Anticoagulants (Blood Thinners) Improve Hospital Outcomes (Full Dose) - YouTube
Media briefing on COVID-19 - YouTube
Monoclonal antibodies protect against COVID-19 in a second study | Science | AAAS (
Monoclonal antibodies can prevent COVID-19—but successful vaccines complicate their future | Science | AAAS (
How UVA Created Artificial Intelligence to Watch Over Patients with Covid-19 | Technology Org
AI-defined COVID-19 testing strategy could lead to fewer infections (
Study finds evidence of lasting immunity after mild or asymptomatic Covid-19 infection | Technology Org
Patients of Asian and black backgrounds more likely to die from COVID-19, large study reveals (
SARS-CoV-2 needs cholesterol to invade cells and form mega cells (
Exercising muscle combats chronic inflammation on its own (
Study shows one more step could help during pandemic (
Physical exercise for people with chronic kidney diseases to combat physical inactivity due to COVID-19 (
Children 'not scared' by PPE, says study (
Half of U.S. adults don't wear masks around people outside their households (
Number and variety of issues experienced by staff wearing PPE increases as their time without a break continues (
9 out of 10 U.S. infants experience gut microbiome deficiency (
South African scientists who discovered new COVID-19 variant share what they know (
In tracking virus mutations, most countries flying blind (
Vaccines may not signal immediate end to epidemic, researchers say (
Expert group releases COVID-19 research agenda identifying gaps in knowledge (
Mortality decreased for COVID-19 ICU patients over time (
A closer look at T cells reveals big differences in mild vs. severe COVID-19 cases (
Vegan diet significantly remodels metabolism in young children ( - links (School-made lunch 'better' for children (, Why healthy food and its local production should be part of the COVID-19 response (
Why healthy food and its local production should be part of the COVID-19 response (
COVID-19 model reveals key role for innate immunity in controlling viral load (
COVID-19 virus helps block host immunity (
Herd immunity may not be achievable even with high vaccine uptake (
When ICUs near capacity, COVID patients' risk for death nearly doubles (
Why healthy eating can help you fight COVID-19 (
Estrogen receptors in mom's placenta critical during viral infection (
Coronavirus variants: Why being more transmissible rather than more deadly isn't good news (
EU moves to bloc-wide recognition of antigen tests (
S.Africa virus strain poses 're-infection risk': study (
How does SARS-CoV-2 get in your head and destroy your sense of smell? (
New negative pressure ventilator requiring fewer staffing resources developed in fight against COVID-19 (
COVID-19 Hospitalization and Death by Race/Ethnicity | CDC
Another Way to Protect Against COVID Beyond Masking and Social Distancing - Scientific American
Free online tool calculates risk of COVID-19 transmission in poorly-ventilated spaces (
How the COVID pandemic has impacted issues of obesity (
Study identifies European cities with highest mortality due to air pollution (
Functionality of immune cells in early life (
Oxford given £100m for antibiotic resistance research (
Ventilation & Filtration: Prevent COVID 19 + Optimize Health (Air purifiers, HEPA filters) - YouTube
COVID 19 Q/A: Roger Seheult & John Campbell: Lessons Learned and a Look Ahead - YouTube
'Exercise protein' doubles running capacity, restores function and extends healthy lifespans in older mice (
Study is the first to link microbiota to dynamics of the human immune system (
Scientists pioneer new method of measuring electricity in cells (
Researchers uncover evidence that UV radiation from sunlight reduces COVID-19 transmission (
Decoding SARS-CoV-2 hijacking of host mitochondria in COVID-19 pathogenesis | American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology
Intimate associations between SARS-CoV-2 and mitochondria suggest new angles of attack (
The basis for mitochondria, essential cellular powerhouses (
Switching DNA functions on and off with light (
New study on circadian clock shows 'junk DNA' plays a key role in regulating rhythms (
Immune system killer cells controlled by circadian rhythms (
Biotin, mitochondria, and dementia: Research reveals a connection (
City Day Care Yards with Forest Floor Boosted Children’s Immune Systems | American Association for the Advancement of Science (
Pregnant women with COVID-19 pass no virus but fewer-than-expected antibodies to newborns (
National research effort discovers relationship between inflammation, metabolism and scleroderma scarring (
Artificial intelligence helps in the search for new antibiotics (
Caltech's AI-driven COVID-19 model routinely outperforms competitors (
Gene-mapping champion Iceland leads the way in COVID sequencing (
Protein Sequences Yield Clues About How Coronavirus Hijacks Cells | American Association for the Advancement of Science (
Another common cold virus? Modeling SARS-CoV-2's progress through the ages (
Scientists identify possible COVID-19 treatment (
Stopping SARS-CoV-2 in its tracks by blocking its main protease (
Researchers find inhibitors effective against a coronavirus enzyme (
Study reveals connection between gut bacteria and vitamin D levels (
Vitamin D regulates calcium in intestine differently than previously thought (
Study finds metformin reduced COVID-19 death risks in women (
Scientists model protein behavior of archaeal viruses to crack protein folding mystery (
Model analyzes how viruses escape the immune system (
Model analyzes how viruses escape the immune system (
Studies reveal potential weaknesses in SARS-CoV-2 infection (
Genes could be key to new COVID-19 treatments, study finds (
The immune system mounts a lasting defense after recovery from COVID-19 | Technology Org
Is COVID-19 infecting wild animals? We're testing species from bats to seals to find out (
New coronavirus variants could cause more reinfections, require updated vaccines | Science | AAAS (
Many scientists citing two scandalous COVID-19 papers ignore their retractions | Science | AAAS (
The Coronavirus Variants Reveal a Troubling New Pattern - The Atlantic
Closed environments facilitate secondary transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) | medRxiv
Stretching more effective than walking to lower high blood pressure, study finds (
Why joggers and cyclists should wear masks (
Big data can help doctors predict which COVID patients will become seriously ill (
Smart watches can detect symptoms of COVID-19 before wearer knows they are infected (
Sequencing of wastewater useful for control of SARS-CoV-2 (
COVID-19 virus triggers antibodies from previous coronavirus infections: study (
Spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 relatives can evolve against immune responses (
Lack of physical exercise during COVID-19 confinement may lead to a rise in mortality (
Common diabetes drug may trigger rare complications for COVID-19 patients (
Improving building ventilation can help us control the spread of COVID-19 during the winter months (
Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions | Science | AAAS (
Mike Davis: Coronavirus is Just The Start, We Are Now in The Age of Pandemics! - YouTube
With COVID-19 exacerbating superbug threat, researchers ID new weapon (
Cost-effective hood reduces aerosol exposures to patients, otolaryngologists (
Eliminating community transmission of COVID‑19 is achievable and sustainable, new research shows (
Vitamin C's effectiveness against COVID may hinge on vitamin's natural transporter levels (
Face masks slow spread of COVID-19; types of masks, length of use matter (
Masks block 99.9% of large COVID-linked droplets: study (
Masks not enough to stop COVID-19's spread without distancing: study (
Further or growing global empirical data indicating seasonal changes (such as sun light, temperature, humidity, and pressure) affecting body-mind and pathogens: Child malaria deaths 'slashed by rainy season regimen' (
Cleaning up cellular trash helps hearts recover after heart attacks (
Masks block 99.9% of large COVID-linked droplets: study (
Disposable surgical masks best for being heard clearly when speaking, study finds (
Are two phases of quarantine better than one? (
Secondary bloodstream infections associated with severe COVID-19 (
Mask wearing declines, even as COVID-19 touches more U.S. lives: Poll (
Masks not enough to stop COVID-19's spread without distancing: study (
COVID-19 isolation hurting women more than men (
Pregnant women with COVID-19 pass no virus but fewer-than-expected antibodies to newborns ( - These are not only further good news or empirical data confirmation. of past analyses and empirical data, but also clearly indicated bio-transmutation processes and mechanisms. And thus, maintain healthy body-mind (and therefore, healthy metabolism-immune system which is essential not only for nurturing and development in the womb but also in the early months after birth (such as mother milk and close contact caring).
New research shows how gatherings of people increase the risk of coronavirus exposure (
New method for imaging exhaled breath could provide insights into COVID-19 transmission (
Modeling study suggests mitigation efforts can prevent most college campus COVID cases (
When T-cells of our immune system become active, tiny traction forces at the molecular level play an important role (
How the coronavirus interacts with cells (
Diseased cell fragments burst from pockets in immune cells to activate response (
Traditional model for disease spread may not work in COVID-19 (
As COVID-19 vaccines emerge, the search for antiviral drugs continues (
Antibody cocktail enhances clearance of SARS-CoV-2 virus (
SARS-CoV-2 induces inflammation, cytokine storm and stress in infected lung cells (
Fit is important, but an imperfect mask is still better than none, researchers find (
What you need to know about the new variant of COVID-19 (
Coronavirus new variant: Genomics researcher answers key questions (
Scientists urge concern, not alarm over new virus strains (
Protective Potency Against SARS-CoV-2 | Technology Org
Experts call for Europe-wide COVID-19 targets ( - Beside the senses of community, humanitarian, collaboration, and the common and greater good; the initiative and efforts should be expanded globally since they would strengthen local or Europe's efforts and better achievements-results while inspiring and encouraging similarly globally. In addition, would brought forth more or better empirical data and meaningful knowledge and wisdom. A simple way of saying is, in an interdependent and interconnected world, good parts help build better whole or the whole is far greater than sum of its parts. Local and local initiatives should be applauded and supported.
Could masks make you immune to COVID? - YouTube
Recent information on diverse vaccines:
Excellent news - YouTube
Russian HIV vaccine capable of generating antibodies - Vector Center ( - for on going HIV disease. However, it has been reported that HIV is embedded in COVID RNA sequence. And which implied infection, mutation, retro virus, and recombination virus prevention. And as well as nurture and strengthen body-mind (and therefore, metabolism-immune system). And as such, collective and cohesive global initiatives and efforts such as Experts call for Europe-wide COVID-19 targets ( - for example, with the formation of the EU, there are many similarities with the US-North America structures as well as geographically (EU and neighbors' states as a whole) such as climate (such as cold seasons. And therefore, more or further causes, reasons, and opportunities for collaboration)- are essential for current and future development and living.
COVID 19 Immunity Research. You could be IMMUNE to COVID - YouTube
Neanderthal gene found in many people may open cells to coronavirus and increase COVID-19 severity | Science | AAAS (
Props for migrants and their families on Migrant Day. And vulnerable and disadvantage global communities - Media briefing on COVID-19 and Migrants Day - YouTube
A step toward understanding why COVID-19 boosts stroke risk (
Research strongly suggests COVID-19 virus enters the brain | Technology Org
Do we need a COVID-19 vaccine for pets? | Science | AAAS (
On The Collective Efforts
All nations that practice what described briefly here and (such as Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Hong Kong including those with reasonable high population and or mild or cold seasonal climate such as Vietnam (Northern), Japan, South Korea, and even China. And as in New Zealand and Taiwan) in particularly through collective efforts of face covering, ventilation, social preventive care, and hygiene; or even to a lesser extend than mentioned in the analyses are adapting well to pandemic aspects, conditions, and causalities. And therefore, in an interdependent and interconnected world, contribute in diverse ways to the global community efforts on diseases and pandemic as well as sustainable development and living.
And as such, are real life empirical data that essential meaningful, effective, and practical collective practices are effective in mitigating and control the pandemic (along seasonal flu). And thus, help sustain local and global development and living. All the while help advance collective immunity. And prevent harm, injustice, and suffering.
From quantum vibrations to nanodiamonds, unusual toolbox puts dangerous SARS-CoV-2 variants under surveillance (
Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19 | International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (
Quantum sensor could detect SARS-CoV-2 – Physics World
Caltech Finds Amazing Role for Noncoding DNA | Evolution News
Pfizer-BionTech Vaccine DNA in Liver Cell Nucleus (In-vitro Swedish Study) - YouTube
Vitamin D Deficiency & Critical illness: New Study Offers Strongest Proof Yet - YouTube
Please send to politicians - YouTube
Myocarditis after vaccination, firm data - YouTube
Nasal Spray COVID Preventives Are Finally in Development - Scientific American
Germ 🦠 VS Terrain Theory Update: NAC, Sulfur Supports Leaky Barriers, Vulnerability - YouTube
(PDF) Understanding Viruses and Viral Infections by Biophotonic Methods (
Artemisia and Artemisia-based products for COVID-19 management: current state and future perspective - PMC (
Extract of medicinal plant Artemisia annua interferes with replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro (
Extracts from artemisia annua plant found to be active against SARS-CoV-2 virus under laboratory conditions (
Immunology with Professor Robert Clancy - YouTube
Vitamin D supplements really do reduce risk of autoimmune disease | New Scientist
Vitamin D and Fish Oil Supplements May Reduce Risk of Autoimmune Disease – Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, and Thyroid (
Excellent natural immunity confirmed - YouTube
CDC finally acknowledges the power of natural immunity - YouTube
CDC Finds Natural Immunity Offers Better Protection Against Reinfection - YouTube
Sunlight: Optimize Health and Immunity (Light Therapy and Melatonin) - YouTube
And the reasons are intrinsically natural: amino acids formed proteins which formed RNA and DNA which made up biologic-genetic of body-mind. And which are parts interdependent and interconnected with the local environment and non-local cosmos. And as empirical data:,,,,,, and among many others. And growing
Israeli vaccine chief: "We have made mistakes" - YouTube
How pathogens can turn off mitochondrial defense mechanisms (
NIH Director tried to stop an needed scientific debate | My New STAT News Op-Ed - YouTube
How does Honduras continue to CRUSH COVID-19? - YouTube
Dr Cohen on family medicine - YouTube
Vitamin D and COVID-19: Dr. Berg Interviews Dr. Seheult on Treatment and Prevention - YouTube<%
Message to the World - Sun Light and Nutrition-Supplements
ELIXIR/NUGO Webinar — Vitamin D, Immunity and COVID-19 - YouTube Message to the World - Sun Light and Nutrition-Supplements
ELIXIR/N (related links, ),,)
On Metabolism-Immune System
Recent Global Community On Going Researches and Progresses on Metabolism-Immune System
and among others.
Scientists to CDC: Set Air Standards for Workplaces Now (
Vitamin D Update - YouTube
Vitamin D supplementation: Possible gain in life years combined with cost savings (
Delta Variant UK Analysis - YouTube
Vaccination and ivermectin - YouTube
It's a Myth That Asian-Americans Are Doing Well in the Pandemic - Scientific American
Harnessing the power of proteins in our cells to combat disease (
(PDF) The Vitamin D Deficiency Pandemic: a Forgotten Hormone Important for Health (
Vitamin D and COVID 19: The Evidence for Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus (SARS CoV 2) - YouTube
Vitamin D deficiency associated with increased COVID-19 risk (
Vitamin D: Good for your health, it might even fight COVID-19 (
Vitamin D Deficiency in COVID-19 Quadrupled Death Rate (
Vitamin D, blood levels - YouTube
Vitamin D deficiency may increase risk for addiction to opioids and ultraviolet rays (
Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19 | International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (
Pfizer-BionTech Vaccine DNA in Liver Cell Nucleus (In-vitro Swedish Study) - YouTube
Pfizer-BionTech Vaccine DNA in Liver Cell Nucleus (In-vitro Swedish Study) - YouTube
Quantum sensor could detect SARS-CoV-2 – Physics World
Caltech Finds Amazing Role for Noncoding DNA | Evolution News
99.995% Children Survive COVID - UK Data Shows - YouTube
Doctors for the World - International collaboration to find practical solutions for COVID-19 - Causes, reasons, and opportunities for collaborations
Gene editing 'blocks virus transmission' in human cells (
Anti-coagulant drug could treat COVID-19’s emerging variants | Technology Org
Vaccine Caused Clotting - Study Finds The Mechanism - YouTube
Mitochondria malfunction shown to be the major cause of Parkinson's (
Elemental forms of metals discovered in brains of Alzheimer’s patients – Physics World
Air pollution contributes to COVID-19 severity, suggests study in one of America's most polluted cities (
COVID-19 Causes Long-Term Blood Cell Changes - YouTube
Repurposed drugs present new strategy for treating COVID-19 (
Aspirin and other common anti-inflammatory drugs could help prevent COVID-19 deaths, says pharmacy researcher (
America's Long-Term Care System Is Broken - Scientific American
Hospitals are not adequately prepared for next pandemic, says study (
COVID Vaccines Will Not Reach Poorest Countries Until 2023 - Scientific American
Long COVID symptoms in a third of people with COVID-19 (
Innovative Clinical Trials for COVID-19 - YouTube
FLCCC Weekly Update June 30, 2021–The Human Impacts of Scientific Censorship in the Pandemic - YouTube
Mefloquine: A Promising Drug “Soldier” in the Battle Against COVID-19 | Technology Org
Researchers find potential path to a broadly protective COVID-19 vaccine using T cells (
Brief and simplified suggestion - 07/01/2021
In solving contagious diseases, solutions not only need to be prompt and dynamicalky-functionally effective on many levels and dimensions (such as promptly prevent infection, replication, spread, mutation, chiral viral, retro-viral, and recombination viral at the individual and collective. And as well as inclusive, accessible, and practicable). And solving problems at the root causes (including many causes that give rise to a roots cause or fragmented causes of a root cause) as well as strengthen-complement existing-additional solutions-tools. And necessarily taking into consideration social conditions and their causalities.
For example, injuries or damages to the senses such as taste, smell, brain fog, and long haul not only affect wellness, quality life, and well being on the physical level. Rather far beyond or would affect the naturalness-spiritual dimensions. For example, would be far more difficult or even impossible to meditate, contemplate, transcend, and or experience the dimensions of life and existence locally and non-locally. And as such, they also need to be parts of comprehensive body-mind solutions rather than just the physical aspects.
Healthcare professionals are failing smell loss patients (
SARS-CoV-2 replication targets nasal ciliated cells early in COVID-19 infection ( replication targets nasal ciliated cells early in COVID-19 infection (
Scientists identify 160 new drugs that could be repurposed against COVID-19 (
Bret Weinstein: Truth, Science, and Censorship in the Time of a Pandemic | Lex Fridman Podcast #194 - YouTube
IVERMECTIN - Powerful Speech by Dr Tess Lawrie IICC International Ivermectin Conference Day 2 - YouTube
Dr. Paul Marik Discusses Latest Trends In COVID Management - YouTube
Protein 'big bang' reveals molecular makeup for medicine and bioengineering (
International team develops predictive tool to help mitigate COVID-19 in Africa (
New evidence - YouTube
Covid-19 news: High-grade masks cut infections in healthcare workers | New Scientist
Drugs research update: Will we get a cure for COVID-19? | COVID-19 Special - YouTube
A Lack of COVID-19 Genomes Could Prolong the Pandemic | Quanta Magazine
Covid-19 patients recover faster with metabolic activator treatment, study shows (
Covid-19 patients recover faster with metabolic activator treatment, study shows (
Face masks that can diagnose COVID-19 (
Long Covid-19 Foundation - YouTube
Dangerous Delta COVID-19 Variant Infecting Vaccinated Adults In Israel | HuffPost
Bio-engineered can gain functions, mutate, and spread faster than vaccine researches, developments, manufacturing, and applications on the global scale . And therefore, not only the needs for diverse and complementary solutions. Rather, most appropriated solutuons.,
Therefore, there are urgent needs or parts of solutions to the overall local and global solutions are to build transparent and dynamic bio-engineer task forces as part of public health, safety, and security locally and globally to investigate and analyze pathogens, illnesses, and diseases since current (and in particularly future) technologies and tools could facilitate bio-engineer of pathogens by even individual(s). And as well as to promptly provide solutions at the root causes as well as best ways forward for development and living locally and globally. And for which scientists and teams that have been working or specialized on past pathogens and COVID can be parts of the team and solutions - Research collaborations bring big rewards: the world needs more (, COVID has shown the power of science–industry collaboration (
Anti-viral (anti-bodies) are also solutions to or can prevent long haul
Spike Proteins In Immune Cells - Dr. Bruce Patterson Discusses COVID Long Haul - YouTube
FLCCC Weekly Update —Authors of Peer-reviewed Paper Discuss the Irrefutable Science for ivermectin - YouTube
Best ivermectin meta analysis - YouTube
The Animal Viruses Most Likely to Jump into Humans - Scientific American
SARS-CoV-2 virus can find alternate route to infect cells (
AI used to predict unknown links between viruses and mammals | Technology Org
The Animal Viruses Most Likely to Jump into Humans - Scientific American
Unusual coronavirus protein is potential drug target to fight COVID-19 | Technology Org
Virus that causes COVID-19 can find alternate route to infect cells | Technology Org
“Nanodecoys” – Made From Human Lung Spheroid Cells – Bind and Neutralize SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Virus (
Covid-19 news: Lasting symptoms common in young adults, study finds | New Scientist
Longest known SARS-CoV-2 infection of nearly 300 days successfully treated with new therapy (
Concepts from physics explain importance of quarantine to control spread of COVID-19
Long COVID has resurfaced tensions over treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome (
COVID Management With Dr. Shankara Chetty - YouTube
New research into the spreading of infections reveals need for greater collaboration between biology and physics
Money for antivirals - YouTube
Methodology from GWAS accurately flags more deadly SARS-CoV-2 variant (
New study finds SARS-CoV-2 can infect testes (
The FLCCC Weekly Update, for June 16, 2021—The I-RECOVER Protocol for Long Haul Covid Syndrome— - YouTube
Mutation in Highly Infectious Alpha Variant May Help Coronavirus Evade Immune System | Technology Org
Natural immunity key in US - YouTube
Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour | Science | The Guardian - (link "Magneto" Protein: Genetically Engineered To Control Brains And Behavior (
Common cold combats COVID-19 | Technology Org
New discovery shows human cells can write RNA sequences into DNA (
Potential anti-viral Pineapple is known to contain enzyme that break down organic or biologic elements. And are common used in daily nutrition and fermented food in many South East Asian nations.
DNA breakthrough could identify why some are more affected by COVID-19 (
Normal breathing sends saliva droplets 7 feet; masks shorten this (
Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 calls for updated practices to prevent transmission (
Ivermectin and COVID Anosmia A Review of Studies - YouTube
The Dream Team: Scientists Find Drug Duo That May Cure COVID-19 Together | Technology Org - Should verify whether they can be used or potential effectiveness as preventive care. And whether their combination with off the shelf or available anti-viral such as Ivermectin could further make their combination even more effective.
Long COVID Treatment, Symptoms, and Recovery (Long Haulers) - YouTube
FLCCC Weekly Update— 6/2/2021 —The I-MASS Protocol for COVID-19 with Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik - YouTube
Researchers identify potential new antiviral drug for COVID-19 (
Researchers reveal the inner workings of a viral DNA-packaging motor (
Researchers Discover Drug that Blocks Multiple SARS-CoV-2 Variants in Mice | Technology Org
NIH launches clinical trial of universal influenza vaccine candidate | Technology Org
Here comes the sun – people in sunnier areas face a lower risk of COVID-19 death | Technology Org
New COVID-19 test works in a second using microfluidics and electronics – Physics World
PH FDA monitoring use of Ivermectin on COVID-19 patients in select hospitals | ANC - YouTube
Doctor says 98% of 52 studies on Ivermectin show positive effect against COVID-19 | ANC - YouTube
Juan Chamie Discusses COVID in India and Mexico - YouTube
More transparency needed to ensure success of global COVID-19 response (
Analysis of interactions at 'heart' of SARS-CoV-2 virus reveals new paths to treatment (
Harnessing next generation sequencing to detect SARS-CoV-2 (
Russians infected with crossover flu virus suggests possibility of another pandemic (
Scientists reveal structural details of how SARS-CoV-2 variants escape immune response (
Vitamin D and COVID: Evidence Vitamin D Could Reduce The Risk of COVID Deaths By 60% - YouTube
Vitamin D and COVID: Is it important? (Condensed version) - YouTube
Universal health care must be a priority — even amid COVID (
Ireland, vitamin D report - YouTube
Vitamin D deficiency may increase risk for addiction to opioids and ultraviolet rays (
Discovery sheds light on real-time evolution of immune system's 'antibody factories' ( - Clear indication metabolism-immune are irreducible or as one system
New drugs to fight COVID-19 developed (
Physics - Exhaled Droplets Grow in Size on Cool Days (
Kory & Kirsch: The Proven Efficacy of Repurposed Drugs for COVID-19 - YouTube
A novel defense mechanism for SARS-CoV-2 discovered | Technology Org
Haunted by HIV, top WHO scientist says world must do better on COVID (
What we've learned about managing COVID-19 pneumonia (
Newly Discovered Glycosylated RNA Is All Over Cells: Study | The Scientist Magazine® (
Severe COVID-19 may be linked to long-haul symptoms (
Black, Hispanic and Asian populations saw greatest rise in cardiac deaths during pandemic (
Forget throat swabs: Dutch company claims its breathalyzer can help sniff out COVID-19 | Science | AAAS (
Saturday update - YouTube (Vaccine and anti-viral)
Researchers Identify Genes Associated With Significant Increase in COVID-19 Risk (
To prevent next pandemic, scientists say we must regulate air like food and water | Technology Org
Physical Inactivity Linked to More Severe COVID-19 Infection and Higher Risk of Death (
A comprehensive map of the SARS-CoV-2 genome | Technology Org
Dr. Bruce Lipton…Enhancing Your Immune System - YouTube
Further evidence supports controversial claim that SARS-CoV-2 genes can integrate with human DNA | Science | AAAS (
Vitamin D deficiency in India - YouTube
Tissues, not blood, are where immune cells function (
Black, Hispanic and Asian populations saw greatest rise in cardiac deaths during pandemic (
Saturday update - YouTube (Vaccine and anti-viral)
To prevent next pandemic, scientists say we must regulate air like food and water | Technology Org
Dr. Eric Osgood hosts a Panel of Front Line COVID-19 Physicians with the Latest News - YouTube
On Essential Epidemic, Pandemic, and Endemic Strategies and Development - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (
Why is COVID-19 so hard to treat? Growing evidence points to unique infectious profile (
FLCCC Alliance Global Expert Panel - YouTube
Prophylactic study from India - YouTube
Hope to poorer nations? Mexico develops nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine | COVID-19 Special - YouTube
111 Doctors - YouTube
Mitochondrial DNA in cancer: Small genome, big impact (
How one SARS-CoV-2 protein keeps cells from fighting back | Technology Org
“WHO” Believes in gargled POVIDONE IODINE (0.5 percent) to beat COVID-19? - YouTube
Beat Covid-19.Povidone Iodine - YouTube
Mitochondria play key role in lymphatic development (
How the novel coronavirus attacks the brain |
How the Immune System Protects the Brain | Quanta Magazine
Antibody drug neutralizes virus variants in lab study; COVID-19 antibodies detectable 12 months after infection (
Herd immunity for Americans may be an elusive goal, experts say (
Herd immunity for Americans may be an elusive goal, experts say (
Dr Nair, Summary - YouTube (link: Dr Nair, Infectious Diseases Consultant, India - YouTube)
The novel coronavirus' spike protein plays additional key role in illness (
Large collaboration creates cell atlas of COVID-19 pathology (
Apr. 28, 2021—FLCCC WEEKLY UPDATE: The COVID-19 Humanitarian Disaster in India —& protocol updates - YouTube
New cell atlas of COVID lungs reveals why SARS-CoV-2 is deadly and different (
Why so much coronavirus modeling just doesn't add up (
How SARS-CoV-2 hijacks human cells to evade immune system (
Large-scale study finds strong connection between COVID and strokes, particularly in younger patients (
COVID-19 can affect the brain. New clues hint at how | Science News
People of color hardest hit by air pollution from nearly all sources (
COVID-19: Who's at higher risk of serious symptoms? (
Exposure to high heat neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 in less than one second (
Staying 6 feet apart indoors does almost nothing to stop the spread of COVID-19, MIT study finds (
Taking vitamin D could lower heart disease risk for people with dark skin (
Vitamin D is essential (need also to be in healthy outdoor sun light rather than just vitamin D ) whether directly or indirectly for almost all body-mind elements essential. And therefore, metabolism-immune functions. And as empirical data indicated, essential for cardiovascular which complement body-mind metabolism-immune systems and overall functions (for example, many patients succumbed or disabled to COVID due to heart failures and strokes whether pre-existing conditions and or weaken or damages by viral). And vice versa. And therefore, not only essential for nurturing and development. Rather, also essential against viral, diseases, and illnesses as well as for healing. And therefore, should be promptly acted on by responsible instructions to provide and or develop daily resources (beyond vitamin D or other body-mind resources) and practices to people and communities. And calcifediol or post synthesis vitamin D substances should be given to patients for accelerate effects since dereddening on patient variants, could take many days to fully metabolize. And would take longer when ill. And difficult or even impossible with existing health conditions such as liver and kidney diseases.
Irregular work schedule damages immune system | Technology Org - link Taking vitamin D could lower heart disease risk for people with dark skin (
Certain antibiotics can prevent the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into cells (
COVID 101. Pathologist speaks about Vitamin D and Immunity. - YouTube
Respiratory viral pathogens like SARS-CoV-2 easy to test on-site with new nanofilm (
Altered immune signature linked to Long-Covid | Technology Org
One good way to help beat COVID-19: Exercise (
Physical inactivity linked to more severe COVID-19 infection and death (
Methylation and Vitamin D: Hospital Rant - YouTube
Cloth face covering curbs exercise performance and physical capacity (
They tested negative for COVID. Still, they have long COVID symptoms (
Zinc and COVID: Is it important? - YouTube
Hypoxia drugs join the fight against COVID-19 (
A novel, quick, and easy system for genetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 | Technology Org
A multidimensional view of SARS-CoV-2 (
Sunlight linked with lower COVID-19 deaths, study shows (
The Vitamin D debate with Professor Spector - YouTube
Ultraviolet-C LED test confirms sterilization of human coronavirus at distance of 5 feet in 8 seconds | Technology Org
FLCCC WEEKLY UPDATE - Dr Eric Osgood talks to Dr. Jackie Stone of Zimbabwe - YouTube
COVID-19 causes 'unexpected' cellular response in the lungs, research finds ( - actions that can be taken to strengthen and complement known or existing medical and therapies care are to provide kidney patients with nutrition essentials that would by-pass kidney functions such as post kidney synthesis or metabolizing vitamins D and diverse types of hormones or essentials that would strengthen body-mind.
Ivermectin discussion with Dr Tess Lawrie - YouTube
Two studies support key role for immune system in shaping SARS-CoV-2 evolution (
Food supplements that alter gut bacteria could ‘cure’ malnutrition | Science | AAAS (
New data about SARS-CoV-2 virus functions could aid in treatment designs (
COVID-19 pandemic highlights the urgent global need to control air pollution (
Curbing coronavirus spread in enclosed spaces means better masks, adequate ventilation (
Study shows masks, ventilation stop COVID spread better than social distancing (
Latest News Stories (
Home | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
Russia developed a new COVID-19 vaccine – not meant for human consumption | Technology Org
New risk factors linked to increased risk of COVID-19 infection (
Dr. Tess Lawrie Discusses Ivermectin Metadata - YouTube
Time to shift from 'food security' to 'nutrition security' to increase health and well-being (
Genome sequencing shows coronavirus variation drives pandemic surges (
Virtual Course on Science Diplomacy Emphasizes Collaboration | American Association for the Advancement of Science (
Governments and health leaders call for action on adolescent wellbeing (
Why SARS-CoV-2 replicates better in the upper respiratory tract (
Your Immune System Evolves To Fight Coronavirus Variants - Scientific American
Researchers urge a closer examination of sunlight's efficacy in inactivating the SARS-CoV-2 virus (
EU, WHO and Dozens of World Leaders Endorse Plan for Future Pandemic Treaty (
IRS: COVID-19 face masks, sanitizer tax-deductible (
Widespread facemask use is vital to suppress the pandemic as lockdown lifts, say scientists (
Nasal COVID Vaccines - GAME CHANGERS - YouTube
Can viruses hijack their hosts' circadian rhythms? (
Low-Dose Aspirin Use for Heart Disease May Reduce Likelihood of COVID-19 Infection (
Beating back the coronavirus requires a bigger arsenal: Physics Today: Vol 74, No 4 (
Oral COVID Vaccines - GAME CHANGERS - YouTube
New antiviral drug in trials - YouTube
Viral mutation and evolution - YouTube
Proxalutamide Significantly Accelerates SARS-COV-2 Clearance - YouTube
Study shows face masks strongly associated with reducing healthcare workers' risk of acquiring COVID-19 (
COVID Symptoms - Long Haulers - YouTube
New targets for antibodies in the fight against SARS-CoV-2 (
Double antibody against SARS-CoV-2 prevents therapy-resistant variants (
Scientists find evidence that novel coronavirus infects the mouth's cells (
COVID-19 vaccines may not produce sufficient antibody response in transplant recipients (
The Next Trick: Pulling Coronavirus Out of Thin Air (
Three common antiviral drugs potentially effective against COVID-19 (
Individual SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody immunity lasts from days to decades (
Discussion with Professor Tim Spector - YouTube
Vaccination by inhalation | Technology Org
Hormone drugs may disarm COVID-19 spike protein and stop disease progression (
Institutional Review Boards Must Address the Ethics of Inclusion in Clinical Research | American Association for the Advancement of Science (
Study underscores need for multidisciplinary care for COVID-19 long-haulers (
High vitamin D levels may protect against COVID-19, especially for Black people (
Hospitalized COVID-19 patients with obesity are significantly more likely to need ICU care (
Poor diabetes control in children tied to high risk for COVID-19 complications, death (
Supplements may protect those with low vitamin D levels from severe COVID-19 (
Hospitalized COVID-19 patients fare worse when they have high blood sugar (
Symptoms - YouTube
Home | Parasites without Borders
Children and COVID-19 with Daniel Griffin (Long COVID, Vaccines, School Safety) - YouTube
Double duty: Gut’s immune system helps regulate food processing, too | Technology Org
Domestic abuse increased globally during pandemic, say researchers (
Vaccination alone is unlikely to contain COVID-19 infections in UK: study (
Vaccines alone may not be enough to end pandemic: study (
Hybrid coronaviruses from merged variants are spreading between people | New Scientist - recombination virus (link Ebola may persist in the body for years before sparking new outbreaks | New Scientist )
Targeting a new antibody supersite key to COVID immunity (
COVID-19 death rate among people in prison three times higher than public (
New defense against viral lung infections discovered (
New immune system findings could accelerate 'on-demand' production of antibody-based drugs and vaccines (
Research reveals human immune system reduces potency of antibiotics (
Nasal Spray for Virus/SARS-COV-2 Reduction - YouTube
FLCCC Weekly Update - Ivermectin: The GOOD, The BAD, the UGLY and the...INSANE. - YouTube
Dr. Pierre Kory, Ivermectin, and COVID (Let’s help end the pandemic.) - YouTube
Dr. Paul Marik Discusses Ivermectin and Vitamin D - YouTube
Purifying the air to prevent COVID-19 transmission (
Mitochondria found to be protected by ketogenesis (
Faster drug discovery through machine learning (
Molecular iodine catalyzes processes for antiviral and pharmaceutical syntheses (
Solving the ancient problem of nucleic acid synthesis gives clues for the design of new antiviral drugs (
News Roundup | Belgian Virologist Proposes Plan to Eradicate COVID-19 in 6 Weeks Using Ivermectin (
Viruses adapt to 'language of human cells' to hijack protein synthesis (
In severe COVID, cytokine 'hurricane' in lung attracts damaging inflammatory cells (
Research shows how mutations in SARS-CoV-2 allow the virus to dodge immune defenses (
SARS-CoV-2 hijacks two key metabolic pathways to rapidly replicate in host cells (
COVID-19 risk increases with airborne pollen (
Many people who die of COVID-19 have the virus in their hearts | Science | AAAS (
Vaccine-induced antibodies may be less effective against several new SARS-CoV-2 variants: study (
COVID-19 is never going to end, experts say (
COVID-19 wasn't just a disaster for humanity—new research shows nature suffered greatly too (
Covid-19 news: Antibody therapy cut severe covid-19 by 85 per cent | New Scientist
Researchers race to develop antiviral weapons to fight the pandemic coronavirus | Science | AAAS (
What’s in the huge pandemic relief bill for science? | Science | AAAS (
COVID breath-testing – could it be next? Research says yes (
New report reveals how the U.S. can renew its leadership in global health R&D (
High levels of racism fuels poor health among minority groups (
Using the power of artificial intelligence to detect disease (
Key inflammatory markers identified in COVID-19 (
UV radiation kills coronavirus in lab, study finds (
Improving The Immune System and Stress Amidst COVID 19 - YouTube
Learning from COVID-19 to prepare for the next pandemic (
Antibiotics may have been overused in COVID-19 patients: U.S. study (
UK's color-blind COVID-19 vaccine strategy putting ethnic minorities at higher risk (
Study suggests surgery should be delayed for at least 7 weeks following a COVID-19 diagnosis to reduce mortality risk (
Dr. Roger Seheult from MedCram on COVID-19 Vaccines, Vitamin D, and Heat Hydrotherapy - YouTube
Vitamins D and K2 - YouTube
A Massive Global Hunt for Variants Is Under Way - The Atlantic
FLCCC Weekly Update - Effective Use of Ivermectin in South America (with graphs) - YouTube
How the pandemic could change architecture (
Coronavirus transmission: SARS-CoV-2 in the air (
Study finds racial disparities in COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes (
Covid exacerbates cellular senescence – geneticist | SophieCo. Visionaries - YouTube - It is about metabolism !
SARS-CoV-2 hijacks two key metabolic pathways to rapidly replicate in host cells (
Mitochondria found to be protected by ketogenesis (
New research may be key to making safe, durable COVID-19 vaccines (
Dr Lawrie, Ivermectin video, Short Precis - YouTube
Ivermectin Evidence with Dr Tess Lawrie - YouTube
A call to action to address racial inequities in medical tests (
SARS-CoV-2 on target – torpedo-like device dives into wastewater to look for the deadly virus | Technology Org
COVID-19 affects men and women differently—it's important to track the data (
Tracking proteins in the heart of cells (
Response to consultation on inclusion and diversity - EuroScientist journal
New evidence COVID-19 antibodies, vaccines less effective against variants (
Q&A: A Molecular Toolkit to Build SARS-CoV-2 Research Capacity | The Scientist Magazine® (
First antigen test pilot in low prevalence COVID-19 settings signals challenges for rollout (
Covid death rate 10 times higher in countries with high obesity | DW News - YouTube
'Needle in a haystack': The hunt for coronavirus drug compounds in a Belgian biosafety lab (
Identifying the cause and potential treatment for COVID-19-induced heart damage (
Can Ivermectin Fight Variants? - YouTube
Science and Society Are Failing Children in the COVID Era - Scientific American
'When will it end?': How a changing virus is reshaping scientists’ views on COVID-19 | Reuters
The COVID-19 Relief Bill Could Be A Huge Turning Point For Child Care In The U.S. | HuffPost
To Beat COVID, We May Need a Good Shot in the Nose - Scientific American
Could our immune system be why COVID-19 is so deadly? (
Genetics May Play Role in Determining Immunity to COVID-19 | Technology Org
Human Lung and Brain Organoids Respond Differently to SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Lab Tests | Technology Org
Blood tests offer early indicator of severe COVID-19 (
Possible SARS-CoV-2 reinfection described at skilled nursing facility (
America's Immigration System Is a COVID Superspreader - Scientific American
Neanderthal-derived protein may reduce the severity of COVID-19 (
Vitamin B6 may help keep COVID-19's cytokine storms at bay (
Mental health epidemic threatens communities of color amid COVID-19 (
COVID-19 leads to major overhaul for radiotherapy – Physics World
Harnessing the power of proteins in our cells to combat disease (
Urban Americans more likely to follow covid-19 prevention behaviors than rural Americans (
Breaks in mitochondrial DNA rig the immune response (
CDC Urges Stricter Gym Precautions After COVID-19 Outbreaks Linked To Facilities | HuffPost - (link Masks vital to stopping COVID at gyms, studies show (
New discoveries on the containment of COVID-19 finds travel bans are of limited value (
Electrochemical oxidation to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 (
COVID-19 leaves youth forced out of foster care even more vulnerable (
A COVID 'vaccine passport' may further disadvantage refugees and asylum seekers (
COVID-19 isolation linked to increased domestic violence, researchers suggest (
New study charts the complexity of SARS-CoV-2 neutralization (
Non-white race tied to higher likelihood of COVID-19 infection (
US to distribute 25 million cloth masks against COVID-19 (
Intellectual property and COVID-19 medicines: Why a WTO waiver may not be enough (
How rehabilitation could help people with COVID-19 recover—evidence reviewed (
Research delineates the impacts of climate warming on microbial network interactions (
Study finds disadvantaged census tracts linked to COVID-19 incidence (
Air purifiers could spread viruses in confined spaces – Physics World
Seasonal variation in daylight influences brain function (
Coronavirus variant hunter discusses work (
A new study reveals that quantum physics can cause mutations in our DNA
Estonian tech firm says wearable air purifier can kill virus with UV light (
Scientists invented a chip, which can predict the risk of a cytokine storm | Technology Org
Physics of particle dispersion may lend insight into reducing the airborne spread of COVID-19 virus
Scientists propose a sustainable strategy in the COVID-19 pandemic (
A third of COVID survivors have long-haul symptoms, even after mild cases (
COVID variant in UK spread 'like wildfire.' And US isn't locking down. ( - link COVID-19 variant found in UK spreads 'like wildfire.' British experts fear what will happen if US won't lock down (
US Workers Cried Out for More Masks. The Government Allowed N95 Exports Anyway. (
Metabolic mutations help bacteria resist drug treatment | Technology Org
SARS-CoV-2 with Genomic Deletions Escapes an Antibody | The Scientist Magazine® (
New study highlights lack of diversity and inclusion in vaccine clinical trials (
Data show lower daily temperatures lead to higher transmission of COVID-19 (
Half of COVID-19 patients with raised levels of one protein experience heart damage | Technology Org
Retooling small molecule kinase inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 (
Asthmatics no higher risk dying from COVID, review of studies on 587,000 people shows (
Segregation, income disparity fueled high COVID-19 numbers (
Study finds racial and ethnic disparities in flu vaccine uptake among people aged 65 and older in the USA (
Study finds link between spinal antibodies and neurological COVID symptoms (
Masks A Discussion with Sandy Grant - YouTube
Top scientists call for universal coronavirus vaccine (
Genetics may play role in determining immunity to COVID-19 (
Dr. Paul Marik Discusses Ivermectin and Vitamin D - YouTube - (off the shelf anti-viral (i.e. specific COVID anti-viral should be far more effective) and nature essentials)
Genetic variants for skin color in African Americans linked to vitamin D deficiency (
Metabolic mutations help bacteria resist drug treatment (
Stronger rules needed to reduce workplace transmission of COVID-19 (
How many people get 'long COVID' and who is most at risk? (
Viruses can 'hijack' cellular process to block immune response (
Damage to the heart found in more than half of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospital (
New data on COVID-19 patients with diabetes show that one in five die within (
Most European countries ignore patients with severe mental illness in COVID-19 vaccine strategy (
Unprotected African health workers die as rich countries buy up COVID-19 vaccines | Science | AAAS (
Government rushes virus gene-mapping as mutations spread (
Exclusive: Two variants have merged into heavily mutated coronavirus | New Scientist - Recombination viral detected
Mutation in SARS-CoV-2 spike protein renders virus up to eight times more infectious (
Study predicts where new coronaviruses might come from | Technology Org
Sensor takes guesswork out of N95 decontamination (
Study finds some women may be at higher risk of death from COVID-19 (
Saliva test may predict severity of COVID-19 (
The epidemic in the pandemic (
COVID-19 bill would scale up ability to spot virus mutations (
COVID-19 bill would scale up ability to spot virus mutations (
Targeting Nsp1 protein could be a pathway for COVID-19 therapy (
Antibody-based COVID-19 treatments work best in concert with immune cells (
Targeting Nsp1 protein could be a pathway for COVID-19 therapy (
Researchers find a novel connection between cell metabolism and cell division (
First test for all known human coronaviruses, including new SARS-CoV-2 variants (
New insight into antibody-induced protective immunity to COVID-19 (
Culture change needed for women in COVID-19 era (
Indian women experience far more COVID-related hardship than men, research finds (
How COVID-19 puts women at more risk than men in Gauteng, South Africa (
FREE Online Global Cancer Symposium 2.0 Features Expert Speakers (February 20-22, 2021) - Activist Post
Can Mother’s Milk Help Fight COVID? New Evidence Suggests ‘Yes’ | Technology Org
Titanium and ultraviolet light powerful combination against SARS-CoV-2 virus | Technology Org
Q&A: Why history suggests Covid-19 is here to stay | Technology Org
Making masks fit better can reduce coronavirus exposure by 96 percent | Science News
Researchers propose that humidity from masks may lessen severity of COVID-19 (
CDC says masks must fit tightly – and two are better than one (
COVID-19 has made Americans lonelier than ever – here’s how AI can help (
Limited transmission of COVID-19 from open schools but teachers were affected: study (
Mapping an effective immune response to COVID-19 (
Millions of counterfeit N95 face masks sold to Americans (
COVID R&D response shows what's possible for future healthcare innovation (
Most people are naturally armed against SARS-CoV-2: study (
Preventive blood thinning drugs linked to reduced risk of death in COVID-19 patients (
Protein sequences provide clues to how SARS-CoV-2 infects cells (
Experts' top COVID mitigation action: National stay at home order with financial compensation (
Lessons from the flu season (
COVID-19: It's freezing outside, but you still need to open your windows (
Proper fit of face masks is more important than material, study suggests (
Adaptable biosensor rapidly detects COVID-19 virus and antibodies – Physics World
Sequence African genomes for Africa and the world: scientist (
Tight-fitting masks can slash COVID transmission by 95%, CDC says (
Covid-19 news: Four new covid-19 symptoms identified in study | New Scientist
Working outdoors linked to lower risk of breast cancer among older women ( - nature essentials
Nutritional status of micronutrients as a possible and modifiable risk factor for COVID-19: a UK perspective (
7 Superfoods to Boost the Health of Your Lungs Naturally - YouTube
Top 10 Herbs for Lung Health, Clearing Mucus, COPD, and Killing Viruses - YouTube
Vitamin B1 Deficiencies Are Plaguing Fish and Birds - The Atlantic
Op-Ed: Don't Let COVID-19 Patients Die With Vitamin D Deficiency | MedPage Today
New Study Found 80% of COVID-19 Patients Were Vitamin D Deficient (
Sorting Out Whether Vitamin D Deficiency Raises COVID-19 Risk | Complementary and Alternative Medicine | JAMA | JAMA Network
Time to team up and tackle Long COVID, says WHO expert (
Biomarkers that could help determine who's at risk for severe COVID-19 symptoms (
Scientists Need to Be Kinder to One Another - Scientific American
Excess mortality rates early in pandemic highest among Blacks, study finds (
Mouth wash, Colchicine and Vitamin D - YouTube
The underestimated mutation potential of retrogenes (
Researcher studies international cooperation in fighting COVID-19 (
How governments address COVID-19 misinformation—for better or for worse (
The underestimated mutation potential of retrogenes (
Drinking green tea, coffee lowers risk of death for stroke and heart attack survivors (
Vitamin D studies confirm correlations - YouTube
Severely frail individuals with COVID-19 are three times more likely to die, study finds (
Researcher finds restoring trust in government can help limit crises like COVID-19 (
Jeremy Smith - Coronavirus Crisis: A Spiritual Scientific Perspective | Legalise Freedom (
State mask mandates tied to drop in COVID-19 hospitalization growth rate (
Vaccines Alone Are Not Enough to Beat COVID - Scientific American
Influencer Tina Craig Has An Important Message About Racist Attacks On Asian Americans (
Activists Are Warning That Hate Crimes Against Asian Americans Are on the Rise (
'We are crying out for help': Actors, activists sounding alarm on surging attacks against Asian Americans (
We Must Confront Anti-Asian Racism in Science - Scientific American
Profiting From Desperation: Oxygen Tanks Become an Underground Market in Mexico (
Biden orders sweeping review of government science integrity policies | Science | AAAS (
Anti-Asian Hate Crimes Are Surging - Here's How You Can Support the AAPI Community (
Olivia Munn Calls for Help 'Amplifying the Outrage' Over Recent Wave of Anti-Asian Attacks (
'We Need Help To Feel Safe In Our Country': Olivia Munn Condemns Anti-Asian Violence | HuffPost
No internet, no vaccine: How lack of internet access has limited vaccine availability for racial and ethnic minorities (
Biden proposes a science-led New Deal to end pandemic suffering | Science | AAAS (
Community groups denounce violence toward Asian Americans (
Advanced simulations reveal how air conditioning spreads COVID-19 aerosols (
COVID-19 missteps could be used to help strengthen science and public health, experts say (
Why the U.S. Is Underestimating COVID Reinfection - Scientific American
Vaccines Alone Are Not Enough to Beat COVID - Scientific American
Analysis confirms racial disparities in COVID-19 infection (
Higher excess COVID-19 death risk in middle-aged people with type 2 diabetes (
SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence study in daycare centres in France suggests low rates of infection in very young children (
Researchers create plastic film that suppresses the coronavirus (
New clues to how SARS-CoV-2 infects cells (
New Israeli Covid drug which cured 30 cases of disease hailed by scientists as 'huge breakthrough' (
Study highlights risk of new SARS-CoV-2 mutations emerging during chronic infection (
Scientists use knowledge from climate system modeling to develop global prediction system for COVID-19 pandemic (
An ‘electronic nose’ to sniff out COVID-19 | Technology Org
New AI tool can thwart coronavirus mutations (
Israel, a global leader in COVID vaccinations, finds limits (
Vaccine hoarding to delay Africa's COVID-19 recovery (
Two separate bouts of COVID-19 infection may be possible, doctors warn (
Investigating the modulation of the COVID-19 immune response (
Human immune cells have natural alarm system against HIV (
Study reveals how air pollution may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (
Antibody cocktail prevents 100% of symptomatic COVID-19 infections, early results suggest (
Expert discusses coronavirus 'variants of concern' (
COVID-19: Bioethical issues raised by the pandemic (
Neural activity controls mitochondrial transfer of RNA modifiers to the nucleus (
Increased risk of dying from COVID for people with severe mental disorders (
Many older Americans with COVID-19 lack ability to isolate at home (
More than half of cancer survivors have underlying medical conditions associated with severe COVID-19 (
Lack of staff, PPE hinder nursing homes' fight against COVID-19 (
Psychological distress high among students during COVID-19 (
Is your mask effective against COVID-19? Three questions you should ask yourself (
MEPs call for bold action to limit effect of pandemic on cardiovascular health (
Gum disease linked to COVID-19 complications (
Unravelling the coronavirus structure | Technology Org
Scientists uncover potential antiviral treatment for COVID-19 (
Plitidepsin has potent preclinical efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 by targeting the host protein eEF1A | Science (
Mutation that helps coronavirus evade vaccines showing up in British variant (
COVID pandemic can lead to better food safety, if you get the right information (
Researcher studies international cooperation in fighting COVID-19 (
Researcher discusses the evolution of the coronavirus (
Age groups that sustain resurging COVID-19 epidemics in the United States (
Major nutrition study aims to learn which diet best suits your genes and gut | Science | AAAS (
Researchers demonstrate how defects in mitochondria may lead to autism spectrum disorder (
As new COVID variants emerge, do you need to 'double mask'? (
New insights into B cells and why humans can produce trillions of disease-fighting antibodies (
Early functional SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell response may prevent severe infection (
Social and structural factors influence racial disparities in COVID-19 mortality (
COVID Update - YouTube
Open Dialogue with the UN Deputy Secretary-General on Science for Development in the Context of COVI - YouTube
How vitamins, steroids and potential antivirals might affect SARS-CoV-2 (
The Hard Lessons of Modeling the Coronavirus Pandemic | Quanta Magazine
The Most Worrying Mutations in Five Emerging Coronavirus Variants - Scientific American
Commonalities Between COVID-19 and Radiation Injury | Radiation Research | Allen Press
How does SARS-CoV-2 evade our immune defenses? (
Disposable gloves can be disinfected and reused for up to 20 times | Technology Org
The keys to preventing future pandemics (
Commonalities Between COVID-19 and Radiation Injury | Radiation Research | Allen Press
COVID-19 has exposed health disparities. How do we address them before the next pandemic? (
Ethnic health disparities among older adults in England equivalent to 20-year age difference, even before COVID-19 (
COVID-19 infection may reduce fertility in men (
How to avoid COVID-19 vaccine scams (
Sickle cell target could treat COVID (
Simulation helps refine pediatric care guidelines for COVID-19 (
Viral sequencing can reveal how SARS-CoV-2 spreads and evolves (
Infectious disease research lacking (
Novel antiviral drug significantly more potent against SARS-CoV-2 (
Vaccine wars escalate as new antibody escape variants raise the bar (
Findings may help close door on COVID-19 (
Melatonin produced in the lungs prevents infection by novel coronavirus (
T cells can mount attacks against many SARS-CoV-2 targets—even on new virus variant (
Global analysis suggests COVID-19 is seasonal (
New antibody therapies may cut deaths, reduce exposure to COVID-19, data shows (
COVID-19 outbreaks in long-term care highlight the urgent need for paid sick leave (
Not everyone has equal access to crucial information that can stop the spread of COVID-19 (
Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces with airborne viruses (
Should consider integrating existing technology such as pressure and filter that can filter out virus while still help air circulation. And as well as beside UV, humidifier technology with or without non harmful sanitized and or charged chemicals. And as well as potential technology such as Researchers developing fabric treatment for protective wear that kills viruses on contact | Technology Org..
Researchers developing fabric treatment for protective wear that kills viruses on contact | Technology Org
Professor creates COVID-19 dashboard to compare country and state data (
Rapid COVID spread not seen in several studies of schools (
Unknown if vaccinated people can spread COVID-19: EMA (
NIH launches database to track neurological symptoms associated with COVID-19 (
Microwaves used to deactivate coronavirus, flu, other aerosolized viruses (
Study provides first real-world evidence of COVID-19 contact tracing app effectiveness (
Myeloid immune cells in the blood tied to severe COVID-19 (
SARS-CoV-2 reacts to antibodies of virus from 2003 SARS outbreak, new study reveals (
Unchecked COVID-19 spread leads to virus variants (
Air pollution linked to heightened risk of progressive and irreversible sight loss (AMD) (
COVID-19 cases, deaths in U.S. increase with higher income inequality (
Flu and other infections are down, likely due to COVID-19 social distancing (
New study finds most high-school age youth are willing to wear masks (
Biden proposes a science-led New Deal to end pandemic suffering | Science | AAAS (
Risk of severe COVID established early in infection, new study shows (
A healthy microbiome builds a strong immune system that could help defeat COVID-19 (
Living near trees may prevent vascular damage from pollution (
Coronavirus Update 120: Anticoagulants (Blood Thinners) Improve Hospital Outcomes (Full Dose) - YouTube
Media briefing on COVID-19 - YouTube
Monoclonal antibodies protect against COVID-19 in a second study | Science | AAAS (
Monoclonal antibodies can prevent COVID-19—but successful vaccines complicate their future | Science | AAAS (
How UVA Created Artificial Intelligence to Watch Over Patients with Covid-19 | Technology Org
AI-defined COVID-19 testing strategy could lead to fewer infections (
Study finds evidence of lasting immunity after mild or asymptomatic Covid-19 infection | Technology Org
Patients of Asian and black backgrounds more likely to die from COVID-19, large study reveals (
SARS-CoV-2 needs cholesterol to invade cells and form mega cells (
Exercising muscle combats chronic inflammation on its own (
Study shows one more step could help during pandemic (
Physical exercise for people with chronic kidney diseases to combat physical inactivity due to COVID-19 (
Children 'not scared' by PPE, says study (
Half of U.S. adults don't wear masks around people outside their households (
Number and variety of issues experienced by staff wearing PPE increases as their time without a break continues (
9 out of 10 U.S. infants experience gut microbiome deficiency (
South African scientists who discovered new COVID-19 variant share what they know (
In tracking virus mutations, most countries flying blind (
Vaccines may not signal immediate end to epidemic, researchers say (
Expert group releases COVID-19 research agenda identifying gaps in knowledge (
Mortality decreased for COVID-19 ICU patients over time (
A closer look at T cells reveals big differences in mild vs. severe COVID-19 cases (
Vegan diet significantly remodels metabolism in young children ( - links (School-made lunch 'better' for children (, Why healthy food and its local production should be part of the COVID-19 response (
Why healthy food and its local production should be part of the COVID-19 response (
COVID-19 model reveals key role for innate immunity in controlling viral load (
COVID-19 virus helps block host immunity (
Herd immunity may not be achievable even with high vaccine uptake (
When ICUs near capacity, COVID patients' risk for death nearly doubles (
Why healthy eating can help you fight COVID-19 (
Estrogen receptors in mom's placenta critical during viral infection (
Coronavirus variants: Why being more transmissible rather than more deadly isn't good news (
EU moves to bloc-wide recognition of antigen tests (
S.Africa virus strain poses 're-infection risk': study (
How does SARS-CoV-2 get in your head and destroy your sense of smell? (
New negative pressure ventilator requiring fewer staffing resources developed in fight against COVID-19 (
COVID-19 Hospitalization and Death by Race/Ethnicity | CDC
Another Way to Protect Against COVID Beyond Masking and Social Distancing - Scientific American
Free online tool calculates risk of COVID-19 transmission in poorly-ventilated spaces (
How the COVID pandemic has impacted issues of obesity (
Study identifies European cities with highest mortality due to air pollution (
Functionality of immune cells in early life (
Oxford given £100m for antibiotic resistance research (
Ventilation & Filtration: Prevent COVID 19 + Optimize Health (Air purifiers, HEPA filters) - YouTube
COVID 19 Q/A: Roger Seheult & John Campbell: Lessons Learned and a Look Ahead - YouTube
'Exercise protein' doubles running capacity, restores function and extends healthy lifespans in older mice (
Study is the first to link microbiota to dynamics of the human immune system (
Scientists pioneer new method of measuring electricity in cells (
Researchers uncover evidence that UV radiation from sunlight reduces COVID-19 transmission (
Decoding SARS-CoV-2 hijacking of host mitochondria in COVID-19 pathogenesis | American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology
Intimate associations between SARS-CoV-2 and mitochondria suggest new angles of attack (
The basis for mitochondria, essential cellular powerhouses (
Switching DNA functions on and off with light (
New study on circadian clock shows 'junk DNA' plays a key role in regulating rhythms (
Immune system killer cells controlled by circadian rhythms (
Biotin, mitochondria, and dementia: Research reveals a connection (
City Day Care Yards with Forest Floor Boosted Children’s Immune Systems | American Association for the Advancement of Science (
Pregnant women with COVID-19 pass no virus but fewer-than-expected antibodies to newborns (
National research effort discovers relationship between inflammation, metabolism and scleroderma scarring (
Artificial intelligence helps in the search for new antibiotics (
Caltech's AI-driven COVID-19 model routinely outperforms competitors (
Gene-mapping champion Iceland leads the way in COVID sequencing (
Protein Sequences Yield Clues About How Coronavirus Hijacks Cells | American Association for the Advancement of Science (
Another common cold virus? Modeling SARS-CoV-2's progress through the ages (
Scientists identify possible COVID-19 treatment (
Stopping SARS-CoV-2 in its tracks by blocking its main protease (
Researchers find inhibitors effective against a coronavirus enzyme (
Study reveals connection between gut bacteria and vitamin D levels (
Vitamin D regulates calcium in intestine differently than previously thought (
Study finds metformin reduced COVID-19 death risks in women (
Scientists model protein behavior of archaeal viruses to crack protein folding mystery (
Model analyzes how viruses escape the immune system (
Model analyzes how viruses escape the immune system (
Studies reveal potential weaknesses in SARS-CoV-2 infection (
Genes could be key to new COVID-19 treatments, study finds (
The immune system mounts a lasting defense after recovery from COVID-19 | Technology Org
Is COVID-19 infecting wild animals? We're testing species from bats to seals to find out (
New coronavirus variants could cause more reinfections, require updated vaccines | Science | AAAS (
Many scientists citing two scandalous COVID-19 papers ignore their retractions | Science | AAAS (
The Coronavirus Variants Reveal a Troubling New Pattern - The Atlantic
Closed environments facilitate secondary transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) | medRxiv
Stretching more effective than walking to lower high blood pressure, study finds (
Why joggers and cyclists should wear masks (
Big data can help doctors predict which COVID patients will become seriously ill (
Smart watches can detect symptoms of COVID-19 before wearer knows they are infected (
Sequencing of wastewater useful for control of SARS-CoV-2 (
COVID-19 virus triggers antibodies from previous coronavirus infections: study (
Spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 relatives can evolve against immune responses (
Lack of physical exercise during COVID-19 confinement may lead to a rise in mortality (
Common diabetes drug may trigger rare complications for COVID-19 patients (
Improving building ventilation can help us control the spread of COVID-19 during the winter months (
Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions | Science | AAAS (
Mike Davis: Coronavirus is Just The Start, We Are Now in The Age of Pandemics! - YouTube
With COVID-19 exacerbating superbug threat, researchers ID new weapon (
Cost-effective hood reduces aerosol exposures to patients, otolaryngologists (
Eliminating community transmission of COVID‑19 is achievable and sustainable, new research shows (
Vitamin C's effectiveness against COVID may hinge on vitamin's natural transporter levels (
Face masks slow spread of COVID-19; types of masks, length of use matter (
Masks block 99.9% of large COVID-linked droplets: study (
Masks not enough to stop COVID-19's spread without distancing: study (
Further or growing global empirical data indicating seasonal changes (such as sun light, temperature, humidity, and pressure) affecting body-mind and pathogens: Child malaria deaths 'slashed by rainy season regimen' (
Cleaning up cellular trash helps hearts recover after heart attacks (
Masks block 99.9% of large COVID-linked droplets: study (
Disposable surgical masks best for being heard clearly when speaking, study finds (
Are two phases of quarantine better than one? (
Secondary bloodstream infections associated with severe COVID-19 (
Mask wearing declines, even as COVID-19 touches more U.S. lives: Poll (
Masks not enough to stop COVID-19's spread without distancing: study (
COVID-19 isolation hurting women more than men (
Pregnant women with COVID-19 pass no virus but fewer-than-expected antibodies to newborns ( - These are not only further good news or empirical data confirmation. of past analyses and empirical data, but also clearly indicated bio-transmutation processes and mechanisms. And thus, maintain healthy body-mind (and therefore, healthy metabolism-immune system which is essential not only for nurturing and development in the womb but also in the early months after birth (such as mother milk and close contact caring).
New research shows how gatherings of people increase the risk of coronavirus exposure (
New method for imaging exhaled breath could provide insights into COVID-19 transmission (
Modeling study suggests mitigation efforts can prevent most college campus COVID cases (
When T-cells of our immune system become active, tiny traction forces at the molecular level play an important role (
How the coronavirus interacts with cells (
Diseased cell fragments burst from pockets in immune cells to activate response (
Traditional model for disease spread may not work in COVID-19 (
As COVID-19 vaccines emerge, the search for antiviral drugs continues (
Antibody cocktail enhances clearance of SARS-CoV-2 virus (
SARS-CoV-2 induces inflammation, cytokine storm and stress in infected lung cells (
Fit is important, but an imperfect mask is still better than none, researchers find (
What you need to know about the new variant of COVID-19 (
Coronavirus new variant: Genomics researcher answers key questions (
Scientists urge concern, not alarm over new virus strains (
Protective Potency Against SARS-CoV-2 | Technology Org
Experts call for Europe-wide COVID-19 targets ( - Beside the senses of community, humanitarian, collaboration, and the common and greater good; the initiative and efforts should be expanded globally since they would strengthen local or Europe's efforts and better achievements-results while inspiring and encouraging similarly globally. In addition, would brought forth more or better empirical data and meaningful knowledge and wisdom. A simple way of saying is, in an interdependent and interconnected world, good parts help build better whole or the whole is far greater than sum of its parts. Local and local initiatives should be applauded and supported.
Could masks make you immune to COVID? - YouTube
Recent information on diverse vaccines:
Excellent news - YouTube
Russian HIV vaccine capable of generating antibodies - Vector Center ( - for on going HIV disease. However, it has been reported that HIV is embedded in COVID RNA sequence. And which implied infection, mutation, retro virus, and recombination virus prevention. And as well as nurture and strengthen body-mind (and therefore, metabolism-immune system). And as such, collective and cohesive global initiatives and efforts such as Experts call for Europe-wide COVID-19 targets ( - for example, with the formation of the EU, there are many similarities with the US-North America structures as well as geographically (EU and neighbors' states as a whole) such as climate (such as cold seasons. And therefore, more or further causes, reasons, and opportunities for collaboration)- are essential for current and future development and living.
COVID 19 Immunity Research. You could be IMMUNE to COVID - YouTube
Neanderthal gene found in many people may open cells to coronavirus and increase COVID-19 severity | Science | AAAS (
Props for migrants and their families on Migrant Day. And vulnerable and disadvantage global communities - Media briefing on COVID-19 and Migrants Day - YouTube
A step toward understanding why COVID-19 boosts stroke risk (
Research strongly suggests COVID-19 virus enters the brain | Technology Org
Do we need a COVID-19 vaccine for pets? | Science | AAAS (