Since Truth depends on many factors:
1.0 Perception and experience of the world. 2.0 Back ground, knowledge, and living experience of the world. 3.0 Concept and method to express the content and context. 4.0 And the content and context themselves. 5.0 Furthermore, Truth have to be derived or based on the essence, nature, and ground of being. And the essence, nature, and ground of nature rather than simply on human constructs. And therefore, Truth can vary greatly between and among people. However, Truth can be specified and defined in 3 categories as briefly simplified and discerned: 1.0 Relative Truth or basically Truth that are subsets of, relative to, or parts of larger Truth. For example, since the physical senses are limited to nature known physical world; what described through the physical senses regardless of how accurate and factual, can only be Relative Truth since life and existence and Nature of Reality and Truth are infinitely beyond the known physical world. 2.0 Absolute or Eternal Truth or Truth that do not change for eternity such as the essence, nature, and ground of being. And the essence, nature, and ground of nature are based on interdependent and interconnected processes (and mechanisms) of: "Nothing has its own intrinsic inherent independent existence" "Dependent and Interdependent Origination" "Dependent and Interdependent Arising" "Life and Existence are based on interdependent and interconnected self-assembled, self-organized, self-transformed, self-evolved, and self-optimized process and mechanism" 3.0 Universal or Ultimate Truth or Truth that evolve. For example: in billions years or eon, the Absolute Truth in 2.0 would still be valid. However, life and existence would have evolved or parts of sum of parts of the whole as well as the whole have transformed. Many could perceive this as Relative Truth. However, the main different is Relative Truth must be based on things that already in existence or had manifested rather than things that have not come into existence (i.e. not on probabilities and potentialities of possibilities or probabilities of potentialities of possibilities). Better or higher Truth can be realized through the real self or subtle body-mind or emerging spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities, since in contrary to the physical senses which are very finite and limited to the known physical world; the subtle body-mind or real self can transcend realms and worlds. And is of infinite potentialities of possibilities. And as such, it is essential, meaningful, and purposeful to nurture, develop, transform, and purify the real self for individual and collective for invaluable and long lasting benefits as well as well being in the known physical world. And beyond. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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