Brief and simplified discernment on transcendence practices and experience:
Transcendence experience can manifest or be induced in diverse ways: 1.0 Through meaningful and skillful ways of life and practices Which have been inspirations, aspirations, yearnings, and practices of sages, mystics, and yogis over the millenniums across cultures. In general, the practices are through meaningful and skillful meditation or trance complement by essential contemplation and ways of life (such as proper healthy natural diet, body-mind exercise, in healthy and inspired or sacred habitat and environment, heartful-mindful care actions or Dharma, no or minimum distractions and stress) to build up and sustain continuous vital energy, Dharma, inspirations, and efforts to sustain the practices and such path since due to variants, beside the methods and diligent, such as biologic-genetic, knowledge, intellect, life experience, natural inner and outer senses, diet, habitat, environment, inspirations, aspirations, Dharma, and among others; it could take years, decades, or never possible. And which is why meaningful science and technology being essential to make such natural potentialities of possibilities possible or real and true for all. However, the methods and practices can vary among traditions and practitioners due to such as habitat, environment, available resources and means, cultural, and social conditions and factors. And even through such practices can be termed differently among wisdom traditions. For example, in core Buddhist and Hindu Advaita Vedanta traditions (i.e. they are many traditions, integrated traditions, and lineages), the practices are termed as Non-Dual Awareness. And even in ancient practices of such as Essence, Judaism, Christianity, and Sufism communities. And still persisted in diverse Jew, Christian, and Sufi naturalness-spiritual communities' practices. However, they all are based on same inspirations, aspirations, and yearnings of such as transcendence realms and worlds, experience nature of reality and truth, and to known and union with the greater whole or Source of life and existence. A simple way of stating is the practice is not just about the method and skills. Rather also ways of life and Dharma or is process base rather than just practices. And which is why, in general, almost all or all serious practitioners stayed in monasteries or secluded habitat. And the practices is about transcendence experience without the subtle body-mind leaving the physical body (or many sentient composite body-mind system) or non OBE since it is controlled. And therefore, far greater awareness and longer sustainable time. And as such potentialities of experience possibilities. 2.0 Causation of OBE from causalities of meaningful and skillful practices, And ways of life: Transcendence non-OBE and OBE experience can occur due practices in 1.0 which would include ways of life since after all, practices are sub-sets or parts of ways of life. In particularly if they are sustained. And in particularly through heartful-mindful care ways of life or Dharma. And the main main reasons are: 2.1 Due to body-mind natural processes and mechanisms of such as elasticity, plasticity, epigenetic, neurogenesis, and diverse local and non-local bio-transmutation as just briefly mentioned as biologic-genetic; it takes time for body-mind topology-structure-function-process-mechanism-order to transform. And to intertwine and entangle or align with nature or essence, nature, and Ground of Being and Becoming. And essence, nature, and ground of Nature and Becoming. 2.2 And from 2.1 can be spontaneous due to causation of causalities 2.3 Manifestation can also be due to the Dharma or resonating with the greater whole of going through meaningful ways of life or process of being and becoming in the local and non-local physical world 2.4 Combination of 2.1-2.3. 3.0 Spontaneous induced Such as lucid dreaming and OBE. However, they lack control and self-awareness. And as well as are conditioned and restricted to certain phenomena and realms. 4.0 Spontaneous Such as deep dream and spontaneous OBE, non-OBE NDE, and OBE NDE for which each have their own phenomena and realm of experience. However, they also lack control, are conditioned, and are limited glimpse of conditioned phenomena and realms. All in all or overall, control and skillful meditation or trance and contemplation through heartful-mindful care ways of life have far greater advantages and benefits than spontaneous transcendence experience such as: 1.0 Control or certain aspects of control 2.0 Far greater awareness 3.0 Longer sustainable time 4.0 Not or not as conditioned and limited as in induced spontaneous and spontaneous 5.0 From 1.0-4.0, far broader and deeper experience and awareness of realms and worlds or of infinite potentialities of possibilities. And therefore, nature of reality and truth. It is not the same experience as OBE and NDE since it is non-OBE functionality and experience. However, it has far greater abilities and capacities as well as preferrable over spontaneous OBE and NDE (in particularly when they can be achieved without NDE or it would be rational and far easier to inspire and encourage people and communities to develop and practice) since it is process base (i.e. ways or path of being and becoming) rather than events or just practices. However, the disadvantages could take far greater time and efforts to achieve or not even possible at all due to all kind of variants and factors mentioned. And since the diversity in the human conditions, potential, and experience locally and non-locally strengthen and complement each other in diverse ways experientially, existentially, and empirically; they would best be explored and developed through plurality and the collective. And therefore, would strengthen the advancement and acceleration of the scientific quest for nature' epistemic and ontic. And nature of reality and truth. And as such, essential and meaningful naturalness-spiritual, science, and engineering-technology can complement or make such possibilities possible for all. And since after all, such is the potential nature of being and becoming. Depending on such as needs, inspirations and aspirations such as stress relief, harmonizing body-mind, body-mind coherent and stress relief, subtle energy healing, senses making, energy channeling, harmonizing with nature, harmonizing with the Ground of Being and Nature; diverse methods, practices, responsibility, efforts, and commitments are required. Such as can either be simple practices or beyond exponentially complex ways of being. There is a totally different between practices and process or ways of being or becoming in the context discussed here. Practices can be for good or bad (or helpful or harmful) as well as more often than not about self. While process is ways of nurturing, developing, and purifying being and becoming complement by essential actions. And for the good of oneself and others in the known physical world. And beyond. For example, meditation (and related psychology) practices can be useful stress relief, body-mind coherent practices, and diverse health benefits. However, can also be applied for such as tribalism, false self-ego factors, exploitation, and warfare ((basing on empirical of millenniums of feudal, tribal, patriarchy, status quo, and social constructed practices). Meditation (and related psychology rather than non-dual awareness and heartful-mindful care contemplation as part of daily development and living or of the Non-Dual Awareness path or way of being and becoming) was not the domain of the public. And were very much parts of patriarchy, status quo, and warriors' development and living. And as such, also reasons female was excluded from such development (and among other reasons)). And were very much parts of patriarchy, status quo, and warriors' development and living. And as such, also reasons female was excluded from such development (and among other reasons)). Even in Tibet, despite transition from emperor and dynasty to Dalai Lama institution, feudal, patriarchy, status quo, and tribalism persisted as the Dalai Lama had discussed openly or publicly on many occasions. However, have much improved over recent years. And therefore, no longer non-dual holistic philosophy, science, practices, and ways of being and becoming. While process is path of non-violence, peace, inclusiveness, pluralism, growth, and heartful-mindful care actions. And inclusive holistic (or for oneself and the whole) nurturing, developing, and purifying body-mind and wellbeing in the known physical world. And beyond. For example, Non-Dual Awareness is continuous way of being and becoming. And therefore, is a way of life or process rather than just a practice or method. And in truth, was developed in ancient days as such for optimum rather than as fragmentation (the whole is far greater than sum of its parts). Another way of stating is was not developed as just practices. And was developed basing on monasteries life, habitat, and environment. Therefore, it is impossible and impracticable to apply such ways of being and becoming in modern with diverse sentient and diverse cultures development and living. Another example, mindfulness meditation is a method of practice while heartful-mindful care ways of life is process or ways of being and becoming. And was also developed as wholeness process for optimization since the whole process is far greater than even sum of its parts much less its parts. And are the main reasons why Non-Dual Awareness and Heartful-Mindful are only applied as diverse meditation practices in the mainstream. Again, in brief summary, practices and processes are totally different in philosophy, science, concept, method, content, context, practices, and actions. And therefore, ways of being and becoming locally and non-locally. As as a brief and simplified illustration: In actuality, basing on the interdependent and interconnectedness of life and existence, even meditation and contemplation are not simply just practices. Rather a way of life process since in order to achieve or optimize ways of being and becoming inspirations, aspirations, and yearnings transformation and experience through mediation, proper and balance diet (such as healthy natural nutrition), essential natural elements (such as fresh air, water, and biodiversity elements), essential nature spectra-field (such as vital natural energy, light, and rhythm), healthy body-mind coherent through sleep-rest-exercise, and essential and meaningful Dharma ways of life. And beside from the suffocation, impairment, and dysfunctional of body-mind by excessive or harmful EMF-EMR, all kind of pollution and chemicals (in particularly to those that are sensitive or allergic to these), environment and biodiversity destruction, and terraforming of earth. Another way of saying is it would be useless, not optimum, counterproductive, or even harmful (not only in terms of insirations, aspirations, yearnings; rather also in terms of time, resources, efforts, and hope if practicing mediation with inflammation or chromic body-mind inflammation, illnesses and diseases, body-mind lack of nature essentials, lack of nature essential vital spectra-field, lack of body-mind coherent, and no or lack of Dharma ways of being and becoming. And therefore, could be causes for illusion and delusion as well as false senses of experience, transformation, and progresses or being and becoming (cannot refute clear evidence of de-evolution. And on path to sub-species and existential risks in the known physical world. And beyond or the human conditions, potentials, and ways of being and becoming have been worsen and toward wrong direction or path basing on clear evidence of the currect states of the world. And the human conditions and psy or consciousness-awareness. And spiral toward sub-species and extinction in the known physical world. And beyond) since after all, ways of universal being and becoming are endowed, embedded, and embodied in the interdependent and interconnectedness of parts of sum of parts of the greater whole through universal process of being and becoming and becoming On Universal Process of Being and Becoming Evidence-Empirical Data - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) and The Essence and Nature of Ground of Being. And Becoming or God is Embedded in Nature Universal Process and Mechanism - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) And would be harder and harder on the path of de-evolution toward sub-species and extinction. However, in reality and truth, Non-Dual and Heartful-Mindful Care ways of life are ways of nurturing and development to transform and elevate one consciousness-awareness of the nature of essence and nature of being and becoming (or such as wisdom and nature of reality and truth. And therefore, meanings and purposes of life and existence) through meaningful nurturing, transformation. and purification of body-mind as to empower and liberate oneself from all conditioning and suffering due to the human conditions, life difficulties, and untapped potential. And is not the whole path by itself or not means to an end. Rather, in an intertwined and entangled world, are means in many interdependent and interconnected observable and unobservable ways for individual and collective empowerment, liberation, and salvation or as ways of being and becoming as or to be parts of solutions and services to sentient or parts of sum of parts of the greater whole in the known physical world. And beyond. And which is the ultimate inspirations, aspirations, and yearnings of practitioners of such path. And the Dharma. However, the Dharma can be achieved and accumulated in all kind of ways through life that are beneficial to oneself and the collective such as communities, societies, the species, humanity, and sentient (such as meaningful heartful-mindful care in good faith humanitarian, charity, philanthropy, social, scientific, medical, health care, humanities, and among others careers, initiatives, and efforts) since not ony due to diverse mentioned variants and factors in individuals, diversity in inspirations and aspirations, and not realistic and practical for certain development and living; However, at the least due no harm. Another way of saying is Non-Dual Awareness and Heartful-Mindful care ways of being and becoming, would be far less meaningful or relevant if they are only to serve oneself. As an illustration, Gautama Buddha achieved Nirvana not just because he practiced the path. Rather, his dedication, diligent, and efforts while on the path resonate with the greater whole or his intention, characters, and heart-mind in good faith are totally known by the greater whole. And therefore, trusted and honored by the greater whole. And Gautama Buddha was true to his intention and heartful-mindful care ways of being and becoming or divine-sacred good faith transactions in truth and good faith. And spent the rest of his life spanning many decades in services of humanity and sentient in good faith. Again, another way of stating is Non-Dual Awareness and Heartful-Mindful care ways of being and becoming do not imply it is the path to the Ground of Becoming and Becoming, And Nature and Becoming. Rather are means and practices to realize and actualize such inspirations, aspirations, longings, and yearnings (such as self-realization and self-actualization for essential and meaningful body-mind transformation and Dharma ways of being and becoming (such as empowerment, liberation, and salvation through higher and higher consciousness-awareness, wisdom, emotion intelligent, intuition, "Knowing") locally and non-locally (and actions) for the benefits and wellbeing of oneself and the collective. Since Gautama Buddha is intertwined and entangled with the Ground of Being and Becoming. And Nature and Becoming, his being and becoming heart-mind was totally known and trusted. And therefore, resonated and honored. And which was why he realized Nirvana even before achieving Dharma deeds or full Dharma path. And which also illustrated the past-present-future are intertwined and entangled (however, this is not determinism, rather the essence and nature of intertwined and entangled parts of sum of parts of the greater whole through universal process of being and becoming). And thus, developing and fostering ways of universal being and becoming through the scientific method, empirical data, common human experience, and reason or the collective intelligent basing on the essence, nature, and ground of Being and Becoming. And Nature and Becoming are essential. And urgent. Therefore, the public or practitioners need to be well informed as to know what would be best for them basing on such as needs, inspirations, and aspirations. Furthermore, global initiatives, collaborations, resources, collaborations, and efforts need to be put forth to best develop and apply essential and meaningful holistic non-dual ways of being and becoming locally and non-locally or universally. And which can best be developed and built on holistic open, inclusive, and impartial scientific method and process, shared and common human experience, empirical data, common and greater good, and reason. Updated 02/05/2022 |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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