Brief and simplified discernment to complement the following exploration Three time dimensions, one space dimension: Relativity of superluminal observers in 1+3 spacetime (phys.org). And all related scientfic explorations and quests: And to keep things brief and simple, life and existence can be categarized as local organic biologic material and non-local non organic biologic immaterial. Self-realized and self-actualized cosmos emerged from low energy realm and world to high energy realm and world as had discerned in diverse ways in diverse past discernments (On The Nature Low Energy Nuclear Reaction and Potentialities of Possibilities - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) and among diverse past discernments) And as such, the return path is from high energy to low energy realm and world, Local realm and organic biology are restricted or constrained more or less the speed of light. While superluminal is non-local and non-organic biologic potentialities of possibilities. And the main reasons are: 1.0 That how All That Exist and Ever Exist was or could only be self-realized and self-actualized 2.0 That is how the Ground of Nature and Becoming. And the Ground of Being and Becoming were realized and actualized 3.0 That is how local and non-local infinite potentialities of possibilities are possible 4.0 That is how superluminal and eternity are potentialities of possibilities 5.0 And among other infinite potentialities of possibilities such as emergence and evolution transition potentialities of of possibilities beyond the known physical world Another simple way of saying is infinite potentialities of possibilities such as superluminal and eternity are only possible with non-organic immaterial biologic (i.e. organic biologic are essential for the creation, nurturing, and shaping of subtle body-mind or emerging spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities. However, is not long lasting as well as constrained to local realm and world conditions) and complementary realms and worlds. And which was original reason for creation of or self-realized and self-actualized immaterial world (i.e. Ground of Nature and Being and Becoming or Source for for dark and unified spectra-field) before high energy organic physical world could arose. Another simple way of saying is the Ground of Being and Becoming has to be of non-organic immaterial biologic as for emergence of universal genome or local and non-local genome (On Nature of Local and Non-Local Universal Genome - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) and among diverse past discernments) possible. Another simple way of saying is the Ground of Nature and Being and Becoming had to be created or self-realized and self-actualized before immaterial sentient or emerging subtle body-mind (or spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities) can be created from organic biologic sentient or many sentient composite body-mind. Real life superluminal or enhanced intertwinement and entanglement phenomena and dark and unified spectra fields experience as parts of sum of parts of the greater whole can be interpolated, extrapolated, and correlated through diverse global scientific methods basing on diverse transcendence, OBE, and NDE experience experienced by the many hundreds of millions around the world over the past many decades. And as such, are objective epistemic and ontic empirical beyond sigma. Furthermore, nature' wave function and propagation mechanism are different from manmade wave function and mechanism even through they are facilitated by or ride in the fabrics of the cosmos or nature's ontic as had discerned in diverse discernments including recent Philosophy And Science Beyond The Macro World - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org). Additionally, and in actual, science as known is based only on observable spectra-field or does not include dark and unified spectra-field even though they are intertwined and entangled as parts of sum of parts of wholeness. Another simple way of saying is science as known is derived and constructed only from observable spectra-field which included effects and causalities of dark and unified spectra-field since all spectra-field are irreducible or intertwined and entangled as oneness of wholeness. However, dark and unified spectra-field are not directly integrated. And therefore, diverse multi levels of physicalism and reductionism. Since currently unobservable existential phenomena such as dark and unified spectra-field and cosmic topology-structure-function-space-time-geometry-information-process-mechanism-order of parts of sum of parts of the greater whole existential process of being and becoming cannot be sensed and experienced as well as detected, observed, and analyzed; quantum sciences (and beyond) appeared as weird and counter intuitive to all. And cannot be understood. And therefore, non-local intelligence nurturing and development complement by advanced technologies such as AI, sensors and detectors, computation, simulation, emulation, and information processing are essential and meaningful. And can greatly advance and accelarate discoveries, progresses, and achievements. Additionally, and in actual, science as known is based only on observable spectra-field or does not include dark and unified spectra-field even though they are intertwined and entangled as parts of sum of parts of wholeness. Another simple way of saying is science as known is derived and constructed only from observable spectra-field which included effects and causalities of dark and unified spectra-field since all spectra-field are irreducible or intertwined and entangled as oneness of wholeness. However, dark and unified spectra-field are not directly integrated. And therefore, reasons for and causalities in diverse multi levels of physicalism and reductionism. As an illustration, existential life experience or information and memory (not local organic physical body information and memory for local physical motors and mechanisms since they do not pertain to non-local realm and world or spirit world) are stored non-locally as had discerned in diverse ways in diverse past discernments (since after all, the mind or subtle body-mind is non-local): Are memories stored in brains? - YouTube Bergson's Holographic Theory - 76 - Bio-memory (Joscha Bach, M. Levin) - YouTube Robert and Suzanne Mays - NDE Evidence and the Next Steps in Mind/Brain Research - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) On The Nature of Spectra-Field-Space-Time-Geometry-Information. And The Human Experience or Solution - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) and among others. Therefore, develop the scientific concept and method basing on what described or discerned here (and related past discernments such as recently Toward Science and Existential Experience of The Essence, Nature, and Ground of Being and Becoming - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org)) or how creation (i.e. Ground of Nature or All That Exist and Ever Exist and Becoming) and the creator (i.e. Ground of Being and Becoming) self-realized and self-actualized would advance and accelerate science and technology superluminously or in diverse superluminal ways. Updated 12/28/2022 Since currently unobservable existential phenomena such as dark and unified spectra-field and cosmic topology-structure-function-space-time-geometry-information-process-mechanism-order of parts of sum of parts of the greater whole existential process of being and becoming cannot be sensed and experienced as well as detected, observed, and analyzed; quantum sciences (and beyond) appeared as weird and counter intuitive to all. And cannot be understood. And therefore, non-local intelligence nurturing and development complement by advanced technologies such as AI, sensors and detectors, computation, simulation, emulation, and information processing are essential and meaningful. And can greatly advance and accelarate discoveries, progresses, and achievements. 12/26/2022 Additionally, and in actual, science as known is based only on observable spectra-field or does not include dark and unified spectra-field even though they are intertwined and entangled as parts of sum of parts of wholeness. Another simple way of saying is science as known is derived and constructed only from observable spectra-field which included effects and causalities of dark and unified spectra-field since all spectra-field are irreducible or intertwined and entangled as oneness of wholeness. However, dark and unified spectra-field are not directly integrated. And therefore, reasons for and causalities in diverse multi levels of physicalism and reductionism. Updated 12/24/2022 It is absolutely critical for people to know and acknowledge or realize that current constraints on light speed and wave function propagation are based on GRT (General Relavity Theory). And as well as basing only on observable spectra-field rather than universal intertwinement and entanglement wave function and propagation of observable, dark, and unfied spectra-field as universal process and mechanism of parts of sum of parts of wholeness being and becoming. Furthermore, nature' wave function and propagation mechanism are different from manmade wave function and mechanism even through they are facilitated by or ride in the fabrics of the cosmos or nature's ontic as had discerned in diverse discernments including recent Philosophy And Science Beyond The Macro World - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org). Updated 12/23/2022 The world is non-local all the way down - Philosophy And Science Beyond The Macro World - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) Are memories stored in brains? - YouTube Bergson's Holographic Theory - 76 - Bio-memory (Joscha Bach, M. Levin) - YouTube Robert and Suzanne Mays - NDE Evidence and the Next Steps in Mind/Brain Research - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) On The Nature of Superluminal. And Existential Phenomena and Experience - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) Existential experience information and memory or epistemic and ontic strored, processed, and functioned non-locally (and as standardized by and in science) indicated such as senses, feelings, emotions, cognition, and intelligent or being and becoming (i.e. existence of subtle body-mind) are non-local or existential living experience and potential or essence and nature of being and becoming are local and non-local. And of universal potentialities of possibilities embodied and facilitated as part of sum of parts of by the greater whole. Be Transformation and Parts of Solution ! |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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