Brief and simplified discernment to strengthen and complement the following exploration Particle Physicists Puzzle Over a New Duality | Quanta Magazine, New and surprising duality found in theoretical particle physics., and among others And all related explorations and quests:
Life and existence manifested and transitioned from spectra-field to sub or fractal quanta to quanta to atoms to molecules to cells to multi-cells to organisms to tissues ... and on and on ... to primitive consciousness ... to higher consciousness ... to body-mind ... and beyond. And as such, indicated the intrinsic interdependent and interconnectedness; and therefore, intertwinement and entanglement of life and existence or universal process of being and becoming as now experienced. When analyzed life and existence or nature' epistemic and ontic in reductive and mechanistic ways, would give rise to notion of duality. However, when analyzed as universal interdependent and interconnected process and mechanism of parts of sum of parts of the greater whole, then the intertwinement and entanglement or relational process and mechanism would be realized as non-dual process and mechanism of universal being and becoming of parts of sum of parts of wholeness. And the evidence and empirical data are embedded and embodied in many discovered natural world interaction and phenomena or interdependent and interconnected processes and mechanisms such as non-locality, contextuality, relativity, relational, complementarity, and universality as reflective and representatuve of the dynamic and transformative of universal intertwinement and entanglement process and mechanism. And which all in all, manifested and indicated the nature of non-duality. And which have been expressed through the human experience metamorphically in many interdependent and interconnected ways such as "Dependent and Interdependent Origination", "Dependent and Interdependent Arisen", "Flux and Impermanence", "Emptiness", "Form-Formless", "Self and No-Self", "Nothing Has Its Own Intrinsic Inherent Independent Existence". Be Parts of Solution ! Updated 08/05/2022 |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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