Brief and simplified discernment to complement the following presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfQbinqDpWY (and complementary presentations John Haldane - The Wise and the Otherwise - YouTube and The Future of Humanity: Day 2- June 19, 2021 - YouTube (and complementary The Future of Humanity: Day 1 - June 18, 2021 - YouTube):
Over all, well presentations of scientific, humanistic, and social aspects of epistemology philosophically. And which also elaborated on and enforced the notion and practices of diversity, pluralism, and number or collective intelligent and experience of parts of sum of parts of the whole as self-evidential for construction of nature of reality and truth. A simple way of stating is the evidence and empirical data are revealed thru diverse individual and collective ways of experiencing life and existence or process of being and becoming in the local and non-local cosmos such as through scientific progresses and discoveries, technological achievements, and naturalness-spiritual transcendence experience (such as diverse transcendence local and local, OBE, NDE, and spiritual realms experience. And as examples of local and non-local experience as parts of sum of parts of the greater whole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1nzZKjWd9Y, https://www.iands.org, and among many others globally. And growing in diverse ways)) locally and non-locally. Another way of saying collective individual process of being and becoming, in particularly heartful-mindful care, would reveal the dynamic and transformative process of being and becoming based on the essence, nature, and ground of being. And essence, nature, and ground of nature not only epistemologically rather also ontologically (which are dynamic and transformative. And of infinite potentialities of possibilities) or the interdependent and interconnectedness or intertwinement and entanglement of sum of parts of the greater whole. And far above and beyond any doubt. Another simple way of saying is individual and collective sentient experience in the local and non-local cosmos, when heartfully-mindfully and skillfully analyzed, is the reflection (or more specifically fractal reflection) of the interdependent and interconnected of life and existence on the greater cosmological scale as oneness parts of sum of parts of the greater whole. And as such, the empirical data would be more and more self-evidential. And therefore, broader-deeper and broader-deeper truth. And as such, meaningful and purposeful heartful-mindful care process of being and becoming not only need to be inspired, aspired, and encouraged as well as nurtured and developed. Rather, also such philosophical, scientific, and humanistic concept and method need to be holistically and effectively developed as ways of development and living to better the human conditions and potentials while advancing long lasting benefits and betterment for all while empower, liberate, and enrich sentient across life and existence spectra in the known physical world. And beyond. And as complementary or additional advantages and benefits, help realize and actualize nature of reality and truth. And as complementary or additional advantages and benefits, help realize and actualize nature of reality and truth. And all the while eliminate and prevent harm, injustice, and suffering in the known physical world. And beyond. And therefore, facilitating and fostering inspired, aspired, open, inclusive, knowledge, inquiring being and becoming heart-mind, scientific, empirical, and reason bases societies are essential to accelerate such transformation and realization. And actualization and ascension of ways of being and becoming in the known physical world. And beyond as had inspired, encouraged, and urged in diverse ways in past discernments. Complementary Links: Growing Global Inspirations, Aspirations, Yearnings, and Emancipation. Be The Transformation. Be Parts of Solutions - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/nature-decode/on-the-nature-of-self-realization-and-self-actualization https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/nature-decode/on-the-nature-of-god-or-ground-of-being https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/nature-decode/on-the-essence-and-nature-of-being-and-becoming https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/nature-decode/toward-process-based-science-and-technology |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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