This brief and simplified content and context are to discern the main reasons for or philosophy and science on the essence, nature, and ground of naturalness-spiritual development and practices. And to further elaborate on diverse past discernments:
Naturalness-spiritual development and practices are meaningful and purposeful. And essential and practical for the following main reasons: 1.0 They are inner science and engineering. And therefore, can be practiced without technology and related or complementary tools. Certainly, objective science as known, would broaden and detail knowledge; and empirical data (and technology) would accelerate and better the development and practices, in particularly for the mass. And in particularly for those for whatever reasons would or having difficulties in development and practices. However, objective science and technology are not requirements nor essential for naturalness-spiritual practices. 2.0 As complementary to 1.0, inner science and engineering are or can also be objective to experiencer. And which could be through individual and shared or collective experience. 3.0 Make use and take advantage of nature processes and mechanisms (such as diverse material and immaterial bio-transmutation processes and mechanisms) to better the development and practices individually and collectively. And as well as through generations or generational (i.e. meaningful correlation in diversity, pluralism, and number) in the known physical world. And beyond. 4.0 Meaningful science and technology can be useful and meaningful, and even essential, in the known physical world. However, sciences or practices pertaining only to the known physical world. And all of technology, are not needed or irrelevant beyond the known physical world. 5.0 Better know oneself and nature. And therefore, are development and practices of consciousness and awareness. And therefore, subtle body-mind or form-formless. And therefore, individual and collective potentialities of possibilities in the known physical world. And beyond. 6.0 Prevent false perception and experience of life and existence or essential for decoding and constructing nature of reality and truth. 7.0 Help transcend realms and worlds beyond the known physical world. And therefore, process of being and becoming based on nature or reality and truth. And therefore, meanings and purposes of life and existence. 8.0 Process of being and becoming through self-realization and self-actualization (self here has broader aspects or individual and collective) development in the known physical world (which would help development of ways of life and practices). And beyond. 9.0 Self-empowerment and self-liberation (again, self here implied individual and collective) development and practices in the known physical world. And beyond. 10.0 Exploration and quest that are realistic and achievable. Rather than NEVER or the opposite. 11.0 Are inclusive, relatable, relevant, applicable or pertain, practical, and essential to or by all in the known physical world. And beyond. For example, in general, people are interested in science when it matter to them. Otherwise, science is not part of their thought and practices. And therefore, daily development and living. Integrate naturalness-spiritual scoence and engineering would transform consciousnes and awareness or mind. 12.0 Are based on philosophy, science, and engineering concepts and methods which further complement 11.0. And therefore, are impartial and inclusive to all. and among others such as since after all, the development and practices are essential transformation basing on or to know the essence, nature, and ground of being. And the essence, nature, and ground of nature or parts of sum of parts of the greater whole. And which is timeless. While as already mentioned, much of science (not all sciences since sciences for wellness, well being, quality life, meaningful transformation and knowledge are essential. And all of technology) and technology are irrelevant beyond the known physical world. And therefore, naturalness-spiritual science and engineering are even more essential than known objective science and technology. This is not to say that the scientific method and empirical data are not essential. Rather, due to the following reasons: 1.0 Objective science would NEVER be able to provide evidence or empirical data across realms and worlds of from the infinite fractal finite parts to infinite sum of infinite parts of the greater whole. And in particularly with much de-evolution and existential risks https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/de-evolution-and-existential-risks.html in progress. 2.0 And as well as from many reasons well known in the ancient world as well as in modern day: even with all the best evidence and empirical data, there still would be many that would neither recognize nor accept them. The vast majority of the population does not go by evidence and empirical data in daily live (and which was the main reason for development and practices of judicial and legal systems). 3.0 Direct experience can strengthen and or complement the human conditions and potential. And related evidence and empirical data. And for many, direct experience would be far more affirming and long lasting than even empirical data. 4.0 Naturalness-spiritual science and engineering can transcend the world. While known objective science and technology are very limited or have constrained. 5.0 Can achieve or help realize and actualize nature of reality and truth for which known science and technology would NEVER achieve. In contrary, whether directly, indirectly, or due to development and living causalities, are going in the wrong or opposite direction as clearly indicated by https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/de-evolution-and-existential-risks.html. And thus, would not only be solutions (and therefore, would prevent and eliminate harm, injustice, and suffering in the known physical world. And beyond), rather also despite great or out of this world complexity, is practical and realistic. Rather than as shown by evidence and empirical data https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/de-evolution-and-existential-risks.html, are going in the wrong or opposite direction in the known physical world. And as such, in an interdependent and interconnected world, good or bad has causalities in and far beyond the known physical world or to parts of sum of parts of the greater whole. And the greater whole. And therefore, for the above main reasons (and among others). the best inclusive, open, scientific, and practical way forward is to integrate inner and outer science and engineering (or transcendence science and practices that are essential, meaningful, relatable, and practicable to all in the now or physical world. And beyond) to inspire and encourage meaningful development and living. All the while to advance and accelerate science and technology as well as the common and greater good. And transcendence science and practices for the betterment of all in the known physical world. And far beyond |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
July 2024
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