Brief and simplified discernment to strengthen and complement the following presentation John Churchill - Buddha at the Gas Pump Livestream - YouTube:
It is meaningful, effective and practical to define and specify existential phenomena and sentient experience not only as objective as possible, rather also as comprehendible and relatable to all. And which is why the scientific method, along with naturalness-spiritual, and humanities, are essential for such development and application. Another simple way of saying is the scientific method advances objectivity or de-mystifies subjectivity, naturalness-spiritual complement the scientific method while also provides meanings-purposes, and the humanities better apply these across social spectrum or through convergence of disciplines, integrated the content and context in ways that would be most meaningful and relatable or inclusive to all. And as an empirical illustration: Non-Dual is the core philosophy of Gautama Buddha (and therefore of Buddhism). However, in ancient days due to such as: 1.0 Consciousness and awareness of the days or mind 2.0 Available or limited of words and languages (in particularly common or shared mainstream words and languages) 3.0 Contextuality of words. languages, traditions, cultures, and practices of the days 4.0 Limitation of to describe perception and experience of infinitely dynamic and transformation complexity and potentailities of possibilities of existential phenomena and experience or they are beyond comprehension, imagination, and conceptualization as professed throughout the millenniums, and even now with science. For example, as in naturalness-spiritual, in science, and praticularly quantum sciences (and beyond sciences), a dual and or wrong interpretation can easily lead to false explorations and quests, no progress, or even in wrong direction. 5.0 Forbidden knowledge and hidden practices further the constrained and limitation 6.0 Lack of resources and means to record knowledge, wisdom, and practices. and beside not nurturing, developing, and fostering the practices. Non-dual philosophizing or emancipation can be perceived as duality, having duality, and non or non-dual without context such as: "This - Not This" "That - Not That" "Nothingness-Fullness" "Emptiness-Fullness" "Born-Unborn" "Not yet Manifested-Manifested." "Self - No-Self" - different traditions chose self or no-self could be due to diverse reasons such as: intellect, senses, experience, not understood, ideologies, identity politics, and among others. However, from the content and context or as consistency of philosophizing, it should be "Self - No Self" rather than just "Self" or "No-Self". Actually, they are in diverse subtle parts of oldest recorded texts. Furthermore, they indicated parts of sum of parts of greater whole or oneness of wholeness. and on and on as in recorded essays of the Buddha. And Nagarjuna even through during Nagarjuna era, words and languages have evolved from the era of Gautama Buddha. And therefore, extremely confusing much less understood. However, at the deeper level, they are non-dual philosophizing. And as such, it was impossible to understood throughout the millenniums, even now. And as such, can easily lead to false perception and experience of the world. And therefore, wrong ways of thinking and wrong practices. For example, Nagarjuna essays or discernments are about non-duality or non-dual philosophizing rather than about quantum mechanics or physics since non-dual awareness or mind is basic and pre-requisite for quantum Science. And beyond. Another simple way of saying is in order to properly perceive and experience the world. And as well as carry out the science, non-dual awareness is essential. And therefore, basic and pre-requisite. And which can be said as summarized in the 8+2 Noble Path. And as a few brief and simplified illustration: 1.0 For example, "Dependent Origination and Dependent Arising are mistaken as the same. And confusingly used interchangely 2.0 Rather than just "Dependent", it should be "Dependent and Interdependent" since it should be obvious that "Dependent" by itself is dualism 2.1 "Dependent and Interdependent Origination" indicated Ground of Nature and Becoming or Source of All That Exist and Ever Exist 2.2 "Dependent and Interdependent Arising" indicated Ground of Being and Becoming or God A simple way of saying is the words or metaphors were not properly defined and recorded. Otherwise, God or the Gorund of Being and Becoming would be more obvious or obvious. Therefore, replacing the word God with Ground of Being and Becoming would be far more comprehendible and relatable to people and communities or practitioners. 3.0 Nagarjuna discourses or essays are about non-dual emancipation or non-dual philosophizing rather than about quantum physics (i.e. mistaken for quantum physics emancipation) since non-dual understanding is prerequisite for quantum Science. And beyond - On Infinite Solution Potentialities of Possibilities Through Knowing "Thyself" - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) 4.0 Practiced no self or confused between self and no-self inhibited ways of being and becoming such as in meditation and contemplation since neglected or did not understand 1.0-3.0 5.0 And as causalities of 1.0-4.0, does not understand the infinite meanings and purposes or potentialities of possibilities of the Heart Sutra as well as neglected the practices. and among others such as: 1.0 "Dependent and Interdepend Origination" indicated there is a "Beginning" or "Creation Process" rather than there was no "Beginning" or "Just Is" 2.0 And 1.0 along with "Dependent and Interdependent Arising" and "Nothing Has Its Own Inherent Intrinsic Inherent Independent Existence" indicated existential of non-dual holistic parts of sum of parts of wholeness topology-structure-function-process-mechanism-order 3.0 And from 1.0-2.0, indicated life and existence are through non-dual irreducible self-realization and self-actualization universal process and mechanism. In brief, the greatest paradox in Buddhism (and therefore Advaita Vedanta as heir to Buddhism - Origins of Dualism and Nondualism in the History of Religion and Spiritual Practice - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org), and among others) throughout the past several millenniums have been the proclamation and glamourization of "Dependent Origination and Arising" (should be "Dependent and Interdependent Origination" and "Dependent and Interdependent Arising") while also denying such. Another simple way of saying is unknowingly proclaiming and unknowing denying Ground of Being and Becoming. And Ground of Nature and Becoming. And as such, the heartful and mindful care path forward or solution to core philosophy and practices are to properly define and revise them accordingly. And much would make senses or dissolvent of paradox and mind arising or individual and collective empowerment and liberation. Complementary - Be The Transformation and Solution: Solution to No, Unknown, and False Ground of Being and Becoming - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) Updated 04/20/2023 On Friendly, Ethical, Wise, Compassionate, and Responsible Science, AI, and Technology - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) Updated 02/20/2023 and among others such as: 1.0 "Dependent and Interdepend Origination" indicated there is a "Beginning" or "Creation Process" rather than there was no "Beginning" or "Just Is" 2.0 And 1.0 along with "Dependent and Interdependent Arising" and "Nothing Has Its Own Inherent Intrinsic Inherent Independent Existence" indicated existential of non-dual holistic parts of sum of parts of wholeness or non-dual relational topology-structure-function-process-mechanism-order 3.0 And from 1.0-2.0, indicated life and existence are through non-dual irreducible self-realization and self-actualization universal process and mechanism. Being and Becoming Transformation and Solution ! |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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