This brief and simplified discernment is to further elaborate and complement these most recent discernments https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/philosophy-and-science-beyond-the-macro-world/brief-suggestion-on-exploring-process-and-mechanism-of-intertwinement-and-entanglement-in-nature and https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/local-and-non-local-blog/on-wholism-epistemology-and-ontology:
As shown in brief and simplified Figure 1, the whole of nature, life, and existence spectra-filed is infinitely beyond presently observable and detectable spectra-field. And the main reasons are there are many interdependent and interconnected realms and worlds as sum of parts of the greater whole And essential form-formless transformation are required to exist in realms and words. For example, the emerging subtle body-mind of the many sentient composite body-mind system transition potentialities of possibilities from the physical world could be in one the many realms and worlds. And its form-formless has to be transformed to such realm and world. Since transformation is required, the spectra-fields (and elements) to create or transform and sustain form-formless have to be dynamic and transformative to facilitate the transition. For example, the many sentient composite body-mind system in the known physical world is basically mix of chemistry, biology, physical world spectra-field, and of emerging subtle body-mind spectra-field. However, after physical death in or transition from the known physical world, the emerging subtle body-mind form-formless potentialities of possibilities would be of spectra-field (and elements) of new realm and world. In other words, the spectra-field and elements have to be transformed (through nature process and mechanism) accordingly. The physical body is mean to create, shape or nurture, purify, and sustain the emerging subtle body-mind. And therefore, this is another way to know (deduction, induction, and infer) that the physical body cannot be the real self since it was created from the known physical world materials or resources such as food and liquid. And which was why the physical body is returned to the known physical world after end of life in physical world. Another way of saying is spirit-soul cannot exist before the existence of sentient being in the known physical world. And would also imply no super natural being nor machine can exist before. In other words, self-realized and self-actualized cosmic existence) form-formless would be of stuffs made for realms and worlds shown in brief and simplified Figure 2. The empirical for existence of unobservable and undetectable spectra-field are beyond doubt or irrefutable. Otherwise, the following phenomena (and among many others) would never be possible: 1. Certain types of entanglement. 2. Teleportation. 3. Certain types of extraordinary sensory experience such as telepathy and transcendence dream. 4. OBE and NDE. 5. Shared OBE and NDE. And therefore, explore and study the emerging subtle body-mind of the many sentient composite body mind in relation to nature (i.e. the essence, nature, and ground of being). And explore the relation of nature in relation to the whole (i.e. the essence, nature, and ground of nature) would properly advance and accelerate the scientific quest. In other words, as had suggested in diverse ways in past discernments, integration and alignment of top down and bottom up approaches to achieve not only "How" and "What" but interdependent and interconnected "Why", "How", and "What" or wholism realism interdependent and interconnected links, insights, and solutions. And this brief discernment is also to inspire and encourage such global inspirations, aspirations, investments, resources, collaborations, and efforts. And which would imply convergence and integration of science and naturalness-spiritual, apply or practice wholism realism philosophy and science, and regard nature, life, and existence as continuous process are essential. Otherwise, meaningful, purposeful, ethical, honest, and ultimate scientific quests would never be possible or nature of reality would never be realized. And truth would never be constructed (rather, false perception of the world would be the results. And would be causes for great harm, injustice, and suffering in the known world. And beyond). Related information: https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/philosophy-and-science-beyond-the-macro-world/the-sun-is-stranger-than-astrophysicists-imagined |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
Additional and previous Blog can be found at: |