This brief and simplified discernment is to elaborate on the following development https://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-04-future-human-braincloud-interface-people.html as well as to complement past discernments on these technologies. And for briefness and simplicity, is constraint to human species rather than all species:
Human are intertwined and entangled with and in the local and non-local cosmos as soon as conception in the womb. And would continue throughout life in the known physical world. And through emerging spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities beyond the known physical world. Therefore, in simple words, sentient or human species were created to resonate and evolve with the local and non-local cosmos. In brief summary, 1.0 The mind belongs to the subtle body rather than the physical body. 2.0 The body-mind or many sentient composite body-mind system is intertwined and entangled with and in the local and non-local cosmos. 3.0 And the conditions and process in 2.0 cannot be stopped nor be inhibited nor interfered with. In other words, nature wholeness process (and mechanism) is continuous or cannot be stopped nor be inhibited nor interfered with (meaningful and mindful care ways of life and best practices to strengthen and complement the whole should be the way or development and practices instead). Another way of saying is co-participatory and co-evolution where the whole is far greater than fractal sum of its parts. And the empirical data are many such as during deep transcendence dream, OBE, NDE, and shared OBE and NDE. For example, during NDE, even when the brain stop (and even in cases the heart stopped), the mind is still conscious and aware which implies the mind belongs to the subtle body-mind as well as the body-mind is intertwined and entangled with and in the local and non-local cosmos. And which indicated there is universal process (and mechanism) as well as nature wholeness process is continuous. And beyond sentient control or the whole is far greater than fractal sum of its parts. Therefore, human species need to be resonating with the local and non-local cosmos rather than machines. And as such, whether long term non-invasive and or invasive applications would lead to horror shows on earth. And far beyond. Of course, invasive would far likely lead to worse horror shows. Non-invasive (natural or technology aid) is possible due to the many natural processes and mechanisms such as elasticity, plasticity, epigenetic, neurogenesis, metamorphosis, metamorphosis, and diverse other bio-transmutations. Natural non-invasive or telepathy would require far longer and much development (generational project) while non-invasive technology aid would be faster but would still required much training and efforts. And which is the reason invasive technology is deployed. Furthermore, invasive technology, in particularly the on going development concept, would lock individuals to machines (beside other potential side effects of invasive applications). Furthermore, invasive technology, in particularly the on going development concept, would lock individuals to machines (beside other potential side effects of invasive applications). And as well as certain applications could easily be irreversible since nano elements spread in brain and or body could not be or effectively removed or eliminated. In addition, nano elements could spread to the child in the womb. In other words, there are potentially many counterproductive, harmful, and dangerous implications. Furthermore, as previously mentioned, the intertwinement and entanglement would manifest as soon as conception. Therefore, the damages or harms would start right away to the children or future generations (beside potential negative side affects of technologies and applications) beside already harms on the mothers. A simple ways of saying is would guarantee de-evolution and existential risks in the known physical world. And beyond as briefly discerned in recent On De-evolution and Existential Risks blog and related past discernments. And which were why diverse types of mindful care ways of life developments and practices were developed by spiritual sages to harmonize and resonate with the local and non-local cosmos. However, they were not presented as here since the scientific and technological knowledge were yet developed then. Furthermore, even if they were known philosophically, it would create far more problems and great dangers for those that presented such wisdom even out of mindful care, loving-kindness, and compassion. Furthermore, such activities would guarantee marginalization, persecution, and or murder from and by zealots, hatred competitors, troublemakers, authoritarian establishments, emperors, warlords, and humanity and sentient nemesis. The human species was created through interdependent and interconnected process and mechanism to harmonize and evolve with the local and non-local cosmos or the whole. Forcing long term resonance with machines, in particularly invasive (and in particularly total locked in body parts) rather than nature would cause or guarantee much problems, harms, miseries, injustices, and sufferings as well as horror shows in the known physical world. And beyond. Therefore, essential, meaningful, and mindful care scientific development and transformation are essential and urgent (as briefly discerned and encouraged in the recent On The Integration of Science and Philosophy blog. And in past discernments). |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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