Brief and simplified discernment to further strengthen and complement https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/philosophy-and-science/on-realizing-and-actualizing-the-essence-nature-and-ground-of-being-and-nature:
From extrapolation, interpolation, and correlation of diverse empirical naturalness-spiritual experience based on the human conditions and states of being across cultures through the millenniums such as spiritual, OBE, and NDE. And as well as insights from quantum sciences, life and existence based on known empirical timeless intrinsic inherent aspects or traits and characteristics of the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature can best be summarized or constructed in a few words or metaphors: through the dynamic and transformative process of "Dependent and Interdependent Origination" and "Dependent and Interdependent Arising". "Dependent and Interdependent Origination" and "Dependent and Interdependent Arising" implied that parts are dynamically interdependent and interconnected sum of parts of the greater whole. And which implied causes and effects or causalities. And which implied the past depends on the present which depends on the future. And therefore, "Dependent and Interdependent Origination" means the future depends on the present which depends of the past. And "Dependent and Interdependent Arising" means the future depends on the present and the past. In other words, the past depends on the present which depends on the future. And vice versa. And one can go through other iteration between past, present, and future or all kind of intertwinement and entanglement potentialities of possibilities between past, present, and future. In simple words, all states of parts of sum of parts of the greater whole are intertwined and entangled. And the dynamic of transformation allows the whole to be far greater than sum of its parts. Another way to discern is: states, in particularly states of being, implied structures implied functions implied order implied dynamic and transformative process implied dynamic and transformative mechanism implied interdependent and interconnectedness sum of parts implied process of being of individual parts as fractal process of being of sum of parts of the greater whole. And which implied living or conscious and aware cosmos. And therefore, one needs to recognize or realize that infinite potentialities of possibilities are facilitated through nature laws and processes function across many realms and worlds rather than just the observable macro world. And which as already mentioned, these fractal processes and mechanisms within each realm and world have to be interdependent and interconnected sum of processes and mechanisms of the greater whole processes and mechanism or universal process and mechanism. In simple words, the process of evolution and optimization from simplicity to complexity to more and more complexity to extreme complexity to beyond complexity cannot just simply be implemented in just a single realm and world. Which are why there are phenomena discovered by science, in particularly bio-physics, that characterized nature of nature that hinting at many realms and worlds such as relativity, universality, phase transition, criticality, symmetry, symmetry breaking, locality, non-locality, intertwinement and entanglement, emergence, and causalities. And by interconnecting, extrapolating, interpolating, and correlating such discoveries or phenomena through essential and meaningful process philosophy and science, cosmic riddles and puzzles would be solved or nature of reality and truth would be revealed. These clearly illustrated dynamic and transformative process. Therefore, mechanism. And thus, process based life and existence requires process based epistemology and ontology. And therefore, process based philosophy and science or process based concept and method are essential for the purposes of scientific exploration and quest. In other words, meaningful scientific exploration and quest can only be achieved through process based philosophy and science or concept and method. And as well as based on intrinsic inherent aspects of the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature. However, in actuality, it is not necessary to go through the many past as well as discernments here since ontology alone implied process. And therefore, related mechanism or topology, structure, function, process, mechanism, and order. For example, being conscious and aware alone implied being part of process of being and becoming which implies continuous existence which implied process. Epistemology, in subtle way, also implied process or epistemology implies information which implies mechanism which implies process. Another way to rationalize is since epistemology and ontology are interdependent and interconnected or unitary and complementarity, ontology as a process implies epistemology is also part of the process. And vice versa. And which clearly indicated that epistemology and ontology are irreducible parts of a common process. Thus, one can basically state that philosophy and science are just at the start of epistemology quest. And has yet explore the ontology aspects. However, these reductionist concept and method would be fallacy since epistemology and ontology are interdependent and interconnected or irreducible (i.e. cannot be explored separately or one before or after the other). And therefore, process epistemology and ontology through practical process philosophy and science based on the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature are essential. If they are not based on the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature, they would not be real and true or ultimate nature of reality process not only because that would default to human constructs, but only process based on the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature can be continuous manifestation of dynamic infinite potentialities of possibilities. And eternal. And which are also hints and insights toward the scientific quest. The discernments are simply for elaboration and validation. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
Additional and previous Blog can be found at: |