This brief and simplified discernment is to further elaborate and complement past discernments on the many sentient composite body-mind system. And is restricted to evolved species that have subtle body-mind or emerging spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities such as human species.
As had previously discerned, there are topology, structure, function, process, mechanism, order, memory, and information pertaining to the many sentient composite body-mind system as fractal elements in relation to the greater whole. Another simple way of saying is pertaining to the physical body and subtle body (or emerging spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities) or in other words, there are topology, structure, function, process, mechanism, order, memory, and information pertaining to both. And as well as they are intertwined and entangled with themselves as well as with and in the local and non-local cosmos (i.e. whole process of dependent and interdependent origination and arising).. For example, the physical body requires topology, structure, function, process, mechanism, order, memory, and information to sustain trillions and trillions of thousands of thousands types of cells to multi-cells to organs as well as their interconnections to sustain body-mind (or many sentient composite body-mind system) continuously through diverse biologic and genetic processes and mechanisms as well as living functionality requirements. And which would include the nurturing of the subtle body-mind. However, there are also topology, structure, function, process, mechanism, order, memory, and information that are pertaining to the subtle body-mind since after all, after physical death, the physical body is returned to nature while the subtle body-mind has continuity potentialities of possibilities far beyond the known physical realm and world. The existence of the subtle body-mind or emerging spirit-soul has been validated beyond any doubt through diverse empirical data and in many diverse ways in past discernments (https://www.facebook.com/vu.nguyen.716). And the existence of the subtle body-mind implies that there must be realms and worlds beyond the known perceived and experience realm and world. For example, topology, structure, function, process, mechanism, order, memory, and information (i.e. nature processes and mechanisms within the greater whole process and mechanism) pertaining to the subtle body-mind have to exist to interactively sustain the emerging spirit-soul (and physical body since there are intertwined and entangled) through process of being and becoming during physical life as well as ready for transition potentialities of possibilities beyond the known physical world. And therefore, this brief and simplified discernment is also to inspire, encourage, and urge global confident, inspirations, aspirations, investments, resources, collaborations, and efforts toward such exploration or quest. Further empirical data can be found in: https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org https://www.facebook.com/vu.nguyen.716 |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
Additional and previous Blog can be found at: |