This brief and simplified discernment elaborate and complement the following study https://www.marieclaire.co.uk/life/health-fitness/sophrology-650533: ... This brief and simplified discernment elaborate and complement the following study https://www.marieclaire.co.uk/life/health-fitness/sophrology-650533 :
Meditation and contemplation practices (as parts of mindful care ways of life and best practices) serve many purposes. And the main reasons are for: 1.0 Nurture and development of: 1.1 Outer or physical senses. 1.2 Inner senses. 1.3 Outer and inner senses. 1.4 The subtle body-mind or emerging spirit-soul potential of the many sentient composite body-mind system. 2.0 Combination of 1.1-1.4. 3.0 Integration or fusion of 1.0. 4.0 Nurture and development of 1.4 based on the essence, nature, and ground of being. 5.0 Nurture and development of 4.0 based on the essence, nature, and ground of nature. Since inner and outer senses as well as physical body and subtle body are intertwined and entangled, inner and outer are not exclusive (i.e. would still have causalities since they are interdependent and interconnected). In addition, transcendence (i.e. certain transcendence experience can be achieved through the physical senses since after all, they are intertwined and entangled with the inner senses. However, going inward would increase the potentialities of possibilities) and experience beyond the limits of the physical senses would require going inward. The more inward and subtle, the more intense and complex the practices would be. Many inward practices, in particularly regarding the subtle body, were traditionally considered as secret and forbidden practices due to many reasons such as: persecution, marginalization, competition, complex and difficult to practice, many demanding and much requirements, fear of or cautious on exploitation and abuse or malpractices, what made lineages relevant, and among other reasons. However, there are reforms and progresses such as the Dalai Lama lineage and the Tibetan community are making naturalness-spiritual knowledge, wisdom, and practices more and more inclusive, open, and practicable. Presently, most meditation practices rely on the physical or more on the physical senses than the inner senses. And few if any is developed properly for the subtle body-mind (and if any, certainly not applicable for all. After all, infinitely finite or basically nil is known about the subtle body-mind and its essence, nature, and ground of being. And not even recognized in main stream and organized science). Any practice to meaningfully nurture and develop body-mind, in particular heart-mind, for meaningful transformation and evolution are positive. However, meditation and contemplation developments and applications need to be developed and applied not only according to inspirations, aspirations, and yearnings. But also scientifically, ethically, meaningfully, and purposefully. And which are why science and technology are essential for meaningful and mindful care development and applications that would not only be practical to or serve all. But also as much all inspirations, aspirations, and yearnings meaningfully, scientifically, and ethically. And this discernment is also to inspire, encourage, and urge such global inspirations, aspirations, investments, collaborations, and efforts toward such developments and applications for long lasting benefits to and betterment of all. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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