Brief and simplified long lasting practical solutions to complement https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-04-physical-inactivity-linked-severe-covid-.html:
Meditation should be based on inspirations, aspirations, needs, and or longing or yearning. And as well as body-mind essential and development and living. Many meditations are similar with different labels. And diverse different with same labels. Such as mindfulness meditation can have several methods. While mindful care meditation also has diverse methods such as empathy, loving-kindness, compassion, altruism or diverse mind-heartful care meditation. And can be used for good or bad. And the experience can vary greatly depending on such as biologic-genetic, environment, habitat, diet, ways of life, stress, age, and among others. However, real practical solutions for the empirical data would be: 1.0 Practical ways of life. And development and living based on the interdependent-interconnectedness of life or as sum of parts of the whole as stated in diverse ways in the publication. 2.0 Practice open awareness transcendence meditation (a brief illustration from a known expert practitioner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZayWoXj7h3Q. And among others) as part of sum of parts of the greater whole. Experience, in particularly meaningful experience can strengthen or better ways of life and practices in 1.0. And more often than not can overcome many body-mind wonderings and barriers. And among many other potential benefits to the essence and nature of being. And complementary meditation(s) to strengthen overall or basing on body-mind and development and living. 3.0 Contemplation to complement 2.0. Meaningful meditation practices need to be complement by contemplation. However, contemplation should be part of daily life since an individual can experience many phenomena through diverse conditions and circumstances whether spontaneously and or during training or practices. 4.0 Skillful Integration of 1.0-4.0. Meditation-trance can be very complex. And with variants, can be extremely complex. And therefore, meaningful science and technology are essential for potential benefits to all in the known physical world. And beyond. Integrated complementary solutions are best way. However, no solution should omit nor neglect direct experience training-practice. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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