Brief and simplified discernment on deep or subtle dream, OBE, and in particularly NDE which revealed many experience or aspects and phenomena of process of being and becoming such as:
1.0 Being parts of sum of parts of the greater whole process of being and becoming or dynamic evolution and emergence process 2.0 The interdependent and interconnectedness of life and existence 3.0 The many dimensions of life and existence 4.0 Infinite potentialities of possibilities 5.0 The real self and among others such as far beyond known and imagination experience of love, light, and wisdom. And NDE experience of the Source of Life and Existence expressed as: 1.0 Feeling about being with 2.0 Knowing about 3.0 Came from 4.0 As home 5.0 Incarnated from And which should be considered or expressed as experience of being and becoming as sum of parts of the greater whole basing on process of "Dependent and Interdependent Origination" and "Dependent and Interdependent Arising" rather than actually came from there as known form-formless or real self. A simple way of saying is the essence of nature (such as spectra-field (i.e. energy, rhythm, vibration, information, and among others or potentialities of possibilities) (i.e. from the Source)) is everywhere and in everything. And are embedded and embodied or intertwined and entangled topologically, functionally, structurally or orderly process and mechanism facilitated by the greater whole consciousness-awareness or mind. And which gave rise to such meaningful and dynamic experience rather than incarnated as a sentient from the Source. Another way of saying is such direct experience or empirical date validated process of being and becoming as sum of parts of the greater whole through universal processes and mechanisms of "Dependent and Interdependent Origination" and "Dependent and Interdependent Arising" of infinite finite parts of infinitely infinite sum of parts of the greater whole. Furthermore, NDE is about glimpse or experience of process of being and becoming of infinite potentialities of possibilities rather than deterministic becoming. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
Additional and previous Blog can be found at: |