Brief and simplified discernment of meaningful and purposeful transformation through process of being and becoming individually and collectively in the known physical world. And beyond:
Meaningful and purposeful ways of life or transformation through process of being and becoming in the known physical world. And beyond require meaningful and purposeful practices or development and living. And meaningful and purposeful practices require the whole spectrum of sentient or human conditions and experience of life and existence to be encompassed holistically. And which require meaningful and purposeful concepts, methods, and developments to capture, nurture, and develop the human conditions and experience in holistic ways or across spectrum of life and existence. And vice versa, or meaningful and purposeful concepts, methods, and developments require proper or essential nature's epistemic and ontic. A simple way of saying they strengthen and complement each others or are irreducible way or path of progress. However, due to the fragmentation of nature's epistemic and ontic quest over the millenniums or since the dawn of species. And in particularly, modern and on going separation and segragation of disciplines over the past century such philosophy, science, medicine, and the humanities (while naturalness-spiritual has long been the realm of forbidden and hidden knowledge and practices); the quest for nature's epistemic and ontic. And meanings and purposes have worsen. And heading in the wrong direction. And the expression and empirical or testimonials for these are not only from outsiders or the public (the majority or large % have negative perception and or experience), rather also from insiders or practitioners such as #538 Stephen Gaukroger - The Failures of Philosophy: A Historical Essay - YouTube, How do we distinguish good science from bad science? - YouTube, https://opensciences.org, #539 Ralph Hertwig - Deliberate Ignorance: Choosing Not to Know - YouTube, William Meader: The Magic of Spiritual Creativity - YouTube, and among many others. And growing. And irrefutable or clearly complement or indicated by empirical data or empirical experience of sentient species such as human conditions and experience: 1.0 Earth is transforming in negative ways due to such as diverse pollution and environment destructions. And is de-evolving 2.0 Species are de-evolving not only also due to such as pollution and harmful environment. Rather also due to earth is de-evolving as well as causalities of the parts. And many have extinctic or heading toward extinction. 3.0 Despite the advancement of science, wars, conflicts, and violence continue or perpetuate. And with ever more and more weapons. And as well as more weapons of mass destruction. 4.0 Growing global inequality, inequity, poverty, hunger, and instability. 5.0 Growing global illnesses and diseases. 6.0 Many technologies and applications are counterproductive or harmful to the human conditons, experience, and potential. 7.0 Growing global social ills and harmful practices. 8.0 Sentient on earth have to adapt to AI and machines. And machines realms and worlds rather the other way around or AI and machines strengthen and complement sentient conditions, experience, and potential. and among others such as continuation or perpetuation of crimes against humanity, species, environment, and nature on the global scale. And from them, growing harm, injustice, and suffering in the known physical world. And beyond. And not only to the parts or individual, rather also to the collective or sum of parts. And the greater whole. And as such, solutions must be developed to reverse such spiral down fall (and accelerating) for long lasting benefits to and betterment for all. All the while prevent and eliminate harm, injustice, and suffering in the known physical word. And beyond. And the best, most effective, and fastest or long lasting solution is to raise sentient or human perception and experience of the world or consciousness and awareness through proper and essential epistemic and ontic, in particularly nature's epistemic and ontic or life and existence. And the best way to develop and foster such is through holistic epistemic and ontic and practices or meaningful and purposeful continuation of integration and development of disciplines and practices (at least those that are relevant or relatable, applicable or pertain to sentient conditions, experience, and potential in the known physical world. And beyond. Rather than the opposite) through impartial, inclusive, and open organization and practices. And in particularly, the naturalness-spiritual, philosophy, science, medicine, and humanities since they strengthen and complement each others in and through diversity, pluralism, and numbers or basically more or less has the potential to encompass, inspire, and foster (while complement practices across social spectrum) holistically the human conditions, experience, and potential through the many sentient composite body-mind system process of being and becoming basing on the essence, nature, and ground (and becoming). And the essence, nature, and ground of nature (and becoming). And also to inspire and encourage individual and collective to be parts of solutions in and through heartful-mindful care ways locally, globally, and non-locally. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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