This brief and simplified discernment is tocomplement the following essay Transcendental Physics: LET THERE BE LIGHT (erclosetphysics.com) context, And which can be briefly explained and simplified through diverse complementary scientific and empirical ways or through the scientific method and empirical data. And individual and shared human experience and empirical data. And reason:
Through the scientific method. process, and empirical data of complementary theoretical and diverse complementary applied sciences: 1.1 If an individual observed the cosmos such as distance galaxies many billions light years away, the individual is actually observed form-formless of galaxies many billions light years past. However, if the individual is intertwined and entangled with those galaxies, then the observation or senses would be in real time interactively. And are known theorically and experimentally such as theoretical intertwinement and entanglement process and mechanism. And indirect empirical data such as How the Physics of Resonance Shapes Reality | Quanta Magazine, The Magical Properties of Water – Memory And Consciousness – The Wellness Project and among others such as entanglement applied science and technology such as Cosmic physics mimicked on table-top as graphene enables Schwinger effect, 'X particle' from the dawn of time detected inside the Large Hadron Collider | Live Science, Protein self-entanglement modulates successful folding to the native state: A multi-scale modeling study: The Journal of Chemical Physics: Vol 155, No 11 (scitation.org), Entangled Proteins: Knots, Slipknots, Links, and Lassos - CaltechAUTHORS, Why does DNA spontaneously mutate? Quantum physics might explain. | Live Science, Unraveling the role of entanglement in protein misfolding | Oxford Protein Informatics Group (blopig.com), Quantum Entanglement Holds DNA Together, Say Physicists | MIT Technology ReviewIs Human DNA Entangled in the Quantum Web? (drstevenlin.com), How the Physics of Resonance Shapes Reality - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org), and among many others. 1.2 And direct empirical data have been performed by diverse teams through many billions years of cosmic entanglement configuration, in particularly by VCQ (quantum.at). 2.0 And through diverse complementary human experience of diverse compiled individual and collective transcendence experience And which have been better recorded, analyzed, interpolated, extrapolated, and correlated through the scientific methods and empirical data over recent decades And in particularly OBE-NDE experiencer experienced Ground of Being and Becoming far beyond observed 13.8 billions light years, rather aeon in the making since current equipment-tools can neither observe or sense nor transcend beyond. Nature' universal intertwinement and entanglement topology-structure-function-process-mechanism-order can facilitate transcendence of all realms and worlds potentialities of possibilities. And as well as of infinite potentialities of possibilities. Furthermore, essential and meaningful inspirations, aspirations, yearnings, emancipations, and senses making in such as through naturalness-spiritual, science, philosophy, humanities, arts, humanitarian, and heartful-mindful through the human experience, senses making, and care ways of life across realms and worlds are reflection or resonance of endowed and embedded sentient traits; and embodied potentialities of possibilities (as just briefly illustrated. And in diverse ways in past discernments such as On Subtle and Hidden Emancipation and Expression - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org)) in relative to or through the Nature and Ground of Being (and Becoming) through universal process of being and being locally and non-locally. Another simple way of stating human living experience and constructed epistemic and ontic across realms and worlds are evidence of universal process and mechanism topology-structure-function-process-mechanism-order of universal being and becoming in the known physical world. And beyond. And which are in relative to nature, causation, and causalities of "Dependent and Interdependent Origination", "Dependent and Interdependent Arisen", and "Nothing Has Its Own Inherent Independent Existence in nature' epistemic and ontic. And all in all are further unitary and complementary scientific and human experience causation evidence and empirical of nature of reality and truth. A simple way of stating is that it is not just or simply basing on the scientific methods and empirical through diverse complementary interpolation, extrapolation, and correlation of the human experience and reasoning from the infinite finite to the infinite infinite cosmos as briefly illustrated here (and among many others globally such as global community resources EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE - Philosophy and Science Beyond the Macro World (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org)). Rather, the process and mechanism that facilitated, empowered, and liberated such infinite potentialities of possibilities locally and non-locally are even more evidential and empirical On Universal Process of Being and Becoming Evidence-Empirical Data - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) since otherwise, such sentient potentialities of possibilities or unitary and complementary realized and actualized evidence and empirical data or achievements would never be possible in the first place. And as such, through diverse scientific method and empirical data as well as complement by theoretical science. And in particularly strengthen and complement by diverse human experience as just briefly illustrated. And complement by self-affirmation and self-confirmation are beyond sigma or any reason of doubt. And whether through the scientific method and or human experience, are infinite potentialities of possibilities within sentient or human potentialities of possibilities in the known physical world, And beyond through essential and meaningful heartful-mindful care nurturing, developing, and purifying the essence and nature of being and becoming. And in particularly collectively or the whole is far greater than sum of its parts. Updated 01/29/2022 And as a complementary illustration: Universal Process and Mechanism of "Dependent and Interdependent Origination" and "Dependent and Interdependent Arising" or oneness of wholeness intertwinement and entanglement of parts of sum of parts of the greater whole from creation to life as known in the local and non-local cosmos as had illustrated and discerned in diverse ways in diverse past discernments can skillfully be derived through complementary top down and bottom up approaches as well as reversed engineering. And are most appropriate and complementary concepts-methods since after all, nature' epistemic and ontic are basing on interdependent and interconnected or intertwined and entangled process and mechanism. And with complement advanced AI computation and simulation would greatly advance, accelerate, and safeguard proper scientific path and quest. And potentialities of possibilities. For example (also refer to diverse past discernments): creation of All That Exist and Ever Exists from nothingness-emptiness to meaningful wave function to vital unified spectra-field of diverse spectra to sub-quanta to quanta to atoms to molecules to ... amino acids ... to proteins ... to pre-RNA and DNA ... to cells to multi-cells ... to organisms ... to tissue to organs ... to primitive species ... to more evolved species ... to many sentient composite body-mind system. And as such, essential processes and mechanisms were established across all intertwinement and entanglement phase transitions and realms. As an example, formation of galaxies are linked to galaxies clusters and previous phase transition realms. And creation of solar systems and planets are linked to galaxies. And creation of life on planets are linked to solar systems which are linked to galaxies which are linked to galaxies clusters ... which are linked all the way back to Source of creation. Furthermore, life on earth arose from spectra-field to sub-quanta to quanta to atoms to molecules to cells ... to evolved species ... to many sentient composite body-mind system. And solar systems, in particularly suns are vital energy or resources for emergence and sustainment of life and existence in interdependent and interconnected cosmos. From these, the following should be more obvious to the readers: 1. Creation on planets is almost like origin creation at and from the Source. The main differences are allocated physical vital energy or resources to make life and existence possible. And to sustain them. Likewise, vital solar systems energy or resources are from galaxies. And which can be traced all the way back to the Source 2.0 Quantum mechanics was part of initial process and mechanism of origin creation. And which is why it is possible to perform quantum mechanics functions here on earth 3.0 Quantum field was part of process and mechanism of origin of creation. And which is why it is possible to perform quantum field functions now. And beyond as endowed, embedded, and embodied through process and mechanism of emergence "From Simplicity to Complexity and Beyond" or of infinite potentialities of possibilities 4.0 Open feed back loop system 5.0 Interdependent and interconnectedness of or Oneness of Wholeness of fractal processes and mechanisms of parts of sum of fractal processes and mechanisms of the greater whole and among others. A simple way of stating is distinct phenomena or imprinted of "From Simplicity to Complexity and Beyond" process and mechanism of Universal Process and Mechanism of Being and Becoming such as: 1.0 Oneness of Wholeness Universal Process and Mechanism of "Dependent and Interdependent Origination", "Dependent and Interdependent Arisen", and "Nothing Has Its Own Intrinsic Inherent Independent Existence" 2.0 Past, present, and future of parts of sum of parts of the greater whole memory and information are intertwined and entangled 2.0 Oneness of Wholeness Universal Process and Mechanism of "Dependent and Interdependent Origination", "Dependent and Interdependent Arisen", "Nothing Has Its Own Intrinsic Inherent Independent Existence" 3.0 "As Above So Below" And as such, metaphors of ancient sages and mystics such as "One Is Already There", "One Never Left", "The Nature Are Already in One" have much truth to them that are only separated by process and mechanism of self-realization and self-actualization of being and becoming. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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