Brief and simplified discernment to complement the following exploration Philosophy And Science Beyond The Macro World - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org). And as well as related explorations and quests. And in particularly, quest of nature' epistemic and ontic. And nature of reality and truth. And as had discerned in diverse ways in diverse past discernments.
Currently, words and terminology developed through the human perception and experience are based much on metaphors and parables. And across social development and living spectrum. And in particularly, when expressing the natural world such as in science (in particularly quantum sciences and beyond such as "Universe as a Computer or Quantum Computer", "Cosmic Computation", "Cosmic Brain"), consciousness and mind such as "Universal Mind", "Mind Only", "Non-Material and Immaterial Mind", and in naturalness-spiritual such as "Purify", "Self-Realization", "Self-Actualization", "Cosmic Christ Consciousness", "Cosmic Consciousness", "Holy Spirit", "Enlightenment", "Nirvana", and "Bliss". And among many other metaphors developed over the millenniums and in recent modem days (relatable or similar metaphors or expressions are due to shared or common cultures and heritages due to shared and collective evolution or interdependent and interconnectedness in history or are expressions of humanity since no civilization today arose independently) to express or describe the unknown, incomprehensible, and indescribable or not yet comprehensible and describable. And not yet realized and actualized. However, all these can be simplified as: Being and becoming is continuous Universal Process and Mechanism of individual and collective form-formless self-realization and self-actualization from the infinite parts of sum of parts of the greater whole. And through essential, meaningful, and purposeful self-realization and self-actualization of form-formless (i.e. from spectra-field to elements to body-mind) emerged and evolved in continuous individual and collective ways of being and becoming non-locally and locally (i.e. from non-local to local. And vice versa) in the known physical world. And beyond. And the higher and higher or more and more purified the essence and nature of form-formless or ways of being and becoming locally and non-locally. the more and more resonance, ascension, and being and becoming as (in terms of Oneness of Wholeness or potentialities of possibilities rather than becoming Ground of Being and Nature. And Becoming. And which is why the emerging subtle body-mind or spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities is of immaterial or unified spectra-field or local and non-local existence. And hence, local and non-local experience possible. Another simple way of saying is when life and existence start for an individual; when subtle body-mind emerged as spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities; how to best nurture, develop, and transform; how to best advance essentials, medical, and health care for daily essentials, quality life, and longevity. And when biologic organic body ended or best essential ways of being and becoming locally and non-locall in the known physical world. And beyond in relative to the Ground of Being and Becoming. And Ground of Nature and Becoming. And sum of its parts or in relative to nature's epistemic and ontic. And as a research presentation The Embodied Quantum Mind with Thomas Verny - YouTube (link On The Nature of The Senses - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org)), and among others such as global community resources Home - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org). And which are reasons behind metaphors such as "Purify", "Enlightenment", "Bliss", and "Nirvana". A simple way of stating is essential, meaningful, and purposeful self-realization and self-actualization ways of being and becoming locally and non-locally can be equated to or literally meant long lasting transformation, benefits, and betterment of form-formless or emerging body-mind potentialities of possibilities locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond. And as sentient or parts of sum of parts of the greater whole, sentient have or are such potentialities of possibilities. And hence, expressions of such as "Being and Becoming", "Essence and Nature of Being and Becoming", "Enlightenment", and "Buddha Nature" metaphors. And is not only Relative, Absolute, and Eternal Truth. Rather, also irreducible Truth. And should be more relatable or obvious to disciplines, practitioners, and or experiencers of such as in biology, biophysics, quantum sciences, naturalness-spiritual, and transcendence experiencers (such as such OBE and NDE where hints-insights-glimpses of potentialities of possibilities were experienced). And as such, or that how by "Knowing" the infinitely finite such as "Know Thyself", the infinitely infinite can be "Known". For example, metaphors can be used as approximated illustration but not for conceptualization. For conceptualization, metaphors need to be developed into conceptualization methods such as better descriptive words or languages, arts, and philosophy. And for better conceptualization, they have be developed into the scientific and empirical methods. There are many types of realization and actualization such as: 1.0 Experience of non-local realms and worlds for oneself or subjective does not require how the world is made nor known in totality. And does not require previous experience nor knowledge nor intellect nor science nor senses making nor skills nor empirical data nor reasoning since can just through experience. And as such everyone could have their own epistemic and ontic or reason for the many different nature' epistemic and ontic. 2.0 Objectively or know how the world is made. And which also indicated subjective or they are irreducible. And this require not only experience. Rather, also knowledge, intellect, science, senses making, skills, empirical data, and reasoning. 3.0 Collective is of individual-shared-collective responsibility and efforts. For example, few can relate to these metaphors much less understand them in direct and practical ways. And therefore, could neither care nor take them seriously nor make the efforts (in particularly when there are many others daily essentials and needs). However, when these metaphors can better be illustrated, explained, and or related to people and communities in empirical ways whether through the human experience, scientific, and or empirical data as nature of reality and truth. Then people and communities, at least most, would better comprehend and understand. And as further meaningful and purposeful, people and communities can realize and actualize individual and collective potentialities of possinilities in essential, meaningful, and purposeful ways. And as such, the brief and simplified discernment is also to inspire, encourage, and support individual-shared-collective or universal inspirations, aspirations, emancipations, collaborations, common and greater good, responsibility, and efforts toward inclusive, open, and complementary holistic ways of being and being locally and non-locally through essential scientific quest. And meaningful and complementary transformative holistic development and living whether locally, far away planeraty cosmic explorations and habitat, and beyond the known physical world for long lasting benefits and betterment for all. All the while also prevent and eliminate injustice and suffering locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And infinitely beyond. And to inspire, encourage, and support such universal infinite potentialities of possibilities locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond. Complementary empirical illustration: Philosophy and Science on The Nature of Epistemic and Ontic Potentialities of Possibilities - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) Updated 06/29/2022 On The Nature of The Senses - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) Updated 06/05/2022 Be parts of the entangled global community, humanity, and sentient inspirations, aspirations, emancipations, and yearnings. And individual-shared-collective responsibility and team quest, collaboration, effort, solution, and transformation locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond ! |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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