Brief and simplified discernment on the essence, nature, and ground of being. And universal process of being and becoming:
Neither knowledge nor practices nor experience nor ways of life can give rise to consciousness and awareness. And form-formless or many sentient composite body-mind system. Rather, it is all of these embedded and embodied through self-realization and self-actualization process of being and becoming as parts of sum of parts of the greater whole that give rise to the essence and nature of being or the foundation or intrinsic inherent traits and characteristics of consciousness and awareness. And form-formless or many sentient composite body-mind system. And becoming or potentialities of possibilities in the known physical world. And beyond. And such continuous consciousness-awareness and form-formless is facilitated by nature universal process and mechanism to be in realms and worlds depending on such potentialities of possibilities (as brief and simplified discernment The Essence and Nature of Ground of Being. And Becoming or God is Embedded in Nature Universal Process and Mechanism - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org). And among past diverse discernments). The basic science and empirical data existed even through much are fragmented, compartmentalized, and hidden or non-accessible. Skillful interpolation, extrapolation, and correlation would help reveal such essential life and existence mysteries. And therefore, regardless of how an individual or collective is (are) altered or enhanced biologically-genetically. And the technology, such individual and collective still have to go through nature universal process of being and becoming (as parts of sum of parts of the greater whole). A simple way of saying is altered biologic-genetic and physical-mental along with technology for better human conditions and potentials such as to better intelligent, stronger, healthier, better senses, experience, and among others do not or cannot create the essence and nature of being and becoming (can be parts or solutions or problems or have potential of good and or harm); such individual and collective or species still have to achieve or nurture, develop, and purify or self-realized and self-actualized consciousness-awareness and form-formless through processes and mechanisms endowed, embedded, and embodied through ground of being and nature (and becoming). And therefore, form-formless through nature universal process of being and becoming in the known physical world. And beyond. Another simple way of stating is no amount of altering and enhancing as well as technology can create nor facilitate the essence and nature of being or never could and never will (they can only be parts of solutions or problems) since these are local and non-local dynamic emergence potentialities of possibilities through life cycle process of being and becoming in the known physical world. And beyond. As a simple obvious illustration: whether altered or not (would be disasters such as de-evolving, sub-subspecies, existential risks, and among other possibilities in the known physical world. And beyond) if altered incorrectly), the individual and collective biologic-genetic many sentient composite body-mind system would still be flux, impermanent, dynamic, and transformative parts of the local and non-local cosmos or still parts of nature universal process of being and being as sum of parts of the greater whole. And therefore, the priority and urgency need to be on nurturing, developing, purifying, and bettering the individual and collective or human or species or sentient conditions, experience, potential, and transformation through ways of life and development and living basing on the essence, nature, and ground of being (and becoming). And the essence, nature, and ground of nature (and becoming) through intrinsic inherent dependent embedded and embodied essence, nature, and ground of being and nature. And would be also natural and logical to explore, develop, and advance nature' epistemic and ontic since they not only strengthen and complement each other; rather also facilitate such potentialities of possibilities. Another way of saying are complementary priorities and urgencies And from such knowledge, experience, wisdom, resources, and means; skillfully develop essential and meaningful means to better the human conditions, experience, and potential in the known physical world. And beyond. And not the opposite since that could easily guarantee disasters (and therefore, harm, injustice, and suffering) in the known physical world. And beyond since life and existence are beyond extreme complexity or of infinite dynamic and transformative complexity and possibilities. And as well as to inspire, encourage, and complement individual and collective. And as well as local and global entangled inspirations, aspirations, yearnings, initiatives, emancipations, collaborations, and efforts for essential and meaningful solutions and transformations, long last benefits to, and betterment for all in the known physical world. And beyond. What briefly discerned and simplified here can be validated or supported by empirical data of the human experience, in particularly individual and shared near death experience globally and across cultures. And which have now been explored and analyzed or interpolated, extrapolated, and correlated for many decades through diverse as well as common scientific methods and processes. And which commonly revealed such as in general: 1.0 People will experience or have glimpse of the afterlife potentialities of possibilities basing on their consciousness and awareness which are based on such as their uprising, cultures, beliefs, social conditions, and ways of life. A simple way of saying is: perceived and experienced potentialities of possibilities basing on their consciousness and awareness developed from birth rather than nature of reality and truth basing on the essence, nature, and ground of being and nature (and becoming). 2.0 People and communities in cultures that have no concept of essence, nature, and ground of being and nature (and becoming) would not be conscious and aware of such. And would experience conditions and states briefly mentioned in 1.0 during OBE-NDE. 3.0 Similarly to 2.0, people and communities that believed in the Divine and God but cannot comprehend nor relate to the Divine and God in meaningful ways also would not experience such. And as well as be in conditions and states briefly mentioned in 1.0-2.0. A simple way of stating is 2.0 and 3.0 basically are more or less equivalent. 4.0 However, what all studies did not interpolated, extrapolated, and correlated or revealed are the following causation and phenomena: Individuals that had real experience, have: 4.1 Long last lasting or permanent memory of their experience (unless body-mind is impaired or damaged during the course of life) 4.2 And therefore, help maintain meaningful and long lasting transformation 4.3 Can relate to aspects of the essence, nature, and ground of being and becoming. And or aspects of the essence, nature, and ground or nature and becoming. And the reasons are: 4.4 They directly experience nature' epistemic and ontic universal process and mechanism (On Existence - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org), On Nature's Epsitemic and Ontic - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) or transcended realms and worlds facilitated by nature universal process of being and becoming. A simple way of saying is such experience and information are intertwined and entangled with the individuals. And as such, maintained long lasting memory or awareness. 4.5 Therefore, aspects of nature of reality and truth. And awareness of their essence, nature, and ground of being and becoming 4.6 And as such, experience direct aspects of universal process of being and becoming in the known physical world. And beyond. And therefore, became more aware. 4.7 Therefore, they have long lasting memory (permanent information in nature such as empirical data of life review, self-judgement, and beyond experience) since the human experience through universal process of being and becoming are parts of nature' epistemic and ontic. Another simple way of saying is their experience is not only about life and existence mysteries, infinite potentialities of possibilities, and nature of reality and truth. Rather, should also about recognizing and realizing what just simplified and briefly discerned here. And advocate and foster them heartfully-mindfully. And as such, people and communities or the global community, in particularly the naturalness-spiritual communities, scientific, medical, health care, and humanities need to explore-study universal process of being and becoming in the known physical world. And beyond. And develop, apply, and foster them globally to better and advance essential life and existence affirmation, well being, and the common and greater good while prevent harm, injustice, and suffering in the known physical. And beyond since not only the empirical data are available, rather, clearly indicated as such or can interpolated, extrapolated, and correlated accordingly. In brief summary, the global empirical clearly indicated that consciousness is continuous. And individuals perception and experience of the world are based on such as their uprising, cultures, beliefs, social conditions, and ways of life. In addition, OBE-NDE (OBE does not imply NDE. While NDE can be OBE or non OBE) experience in general are glimpse of potentialities of possibilities rather than deterministic possibilities. And as well as still basing on the individuals consciousness-awareness from known physical realm. And which also had not yet transcend such world. And the global empirical data of the human experience non-locally are not only rational and logical. Rather also recognizable and relatable to the human perception and experience basing on the known physical world living experience; or more specifically development and living basing on human species constructed of the cosmos throughout history of species. Therefore, from known individual, shared, and collective empirical data. And growing, nurturing, developing, and purifying individual and collective heart-mind are essential and meaningful-purposeful for individual and collective or parts of sum of parts of the greater whole or all not only in the known physical. Rather, far beyond. And as such, need to be inspired, aspired, constructed-developed, fostered, and collaborated locally. And globally since after all, the direct individual and collective shared human living experience and existence empirical data interpolated, extrapolated, and correlated through complementary scientific methods indicated in and through diverse dynamic and transformative ways or experience such essential inspired and encouraged path or necessity. Complementary link: On Universal Process of Being and Becoming Evidence-Empirical Data - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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