The on going pandemic can be perceived or taken as both difficulties and opportunities: viral pathogens are considered as non-living for the following main reasons:
1.0 Non-functional by themselves or without a living host whether organisms or species (i.e. have no intrinsic inherent independent existence). And the perceived functions such as replications are actually through the host processes and mechanisms. A simple way of saying is have no function on their own. 2.0 Cannot survive without a living host whether organisms or species. 3.0 Cannot replicate without a living host whether organisms or species. 4.0 Cannot self-repair since just strains of RNA or DNA. Another way of saying is just strains or RNA or DNA which do not have build in processes and mechanisms as organisms or species. Therefore, have to use living organism or species processes and mechanisms to survive and replicate. And thus, have neither senses much less intelligent much less consciousness much less mind. And therefore, no function (i.e. the functions are through the host process and mechanism rather than the viral) is possible without living organisms or species. However, despite all these, RNA and DNA when co-evolved, are tour de forces. And can make or brake life. And gave rise to mind or evolved species. Likewise, if human species meaningfully and purposefully co-evolve with the greater whole, then the impacts would be immense for the greater whole. All they or pathogens "want" is to survive, replicate, and thrive. Since pathogens have no mind, "want" here is the manifestation of cosmic process and mechanism or a core aspects or inherent traits of nature or the natural world. Otherwise, not only life and evolution would not be easy. Rather, life and evolution on planets may never be possible since rise of RNA-DNA may not lead to organisms then to multi-organisms to biodiversity to more and more evolved species. A poetic and philosophical way of saying is even strains of RNA-DNA want to live, evolve, and ascend or to become conscious and aware. However, this is not only poetic and philosophical. Rather, in actuality, this is nature of reality and truth. And the empirical data are in the biology without and within ot the emergence of human species through the process of being and becoming (facilitated by nature processes and mechanisms) through the interdependent and interconnected or entanglement of RNA-DNA (i.e. proteins, and therefore, biology are entangled not only based on scientific empirical data but also through or actual human experience (such as OBE, NDE, pre-cognition, synchronicity, telepathy, DNA teleportation, and among other extraordinary senses and phenomena). And as such, since RNA-DNA which gave rise to bio-diversity and species have no intrinsic inherent independent existence; they must have to depend cosmic processes and mechanisms to arise, survive, and gave rise to biodiversity and species. And which are not only based on chemistry and biology but also electrical, magnetic, quantum, spectra-field, and rhythm and resonance physics as have been and are being revealed through the human experience and reason. And the scientific method. And therefore, clearly indicated that RNA-DNA arose through or facilitated by nature processes and mechanisms (since they have no function on their own). And therefore, one can deduct, induct, infer, and reason that there must exist Universal processes and mechanisms of "Dependent and Interdependent Origination" and "Dependent and Interdependent Arising". Another way of saying is nothing has its own inherent inherent independent existence or oneness of wholeness. Otherwise, earth as known would not exist or be possible. And human species would not exist to contemplate and record such natural marvels and wonders. Another ways of saying is the dynamic of proteins entanglement clearly indicated that RNA-DNA, and therefore, biology and genomic of many sentient composite body-mind system are intertwined and entangled with the local and non-local cosmos. And one can trace back further from spectra-field to quanta to atoms to molecules to RNA-DNA to cells to multi-cells One can trace back further through sciences of simplicity to complexity and emergence of oneness of wholeness: from spectra-field to quanta to atoms to molecules to RNA-DNA to cells to multi-cells to organisms to primitive species to more functional and evolved species to more and more diverse and evolved species. And they are interdependent and interconnected. And for which scientific empirical data are available. Even through many empirical data for emergence of life on earth are available; nonetheless, they are still fragmented, need further expansion and details, and be integrated. However, what are needed in concurrent or in parallel are scientific exploration and quest for empirical data of evolution beyond the known physical world and immaterial realm and world or exploration and quest of the real whole world rather than just parts and temporary realm and world. In other words, simple interpolation, extrapolation, and correlation of or deduction and interment from the human experience and the many scientific empirical data clearly indicated that nothing has its own inherent independent existence. And sentient are intertwined and entangled with and in the local and non-local cosmos: since RNA-DNA is driven by nature processes and mechanisms which gave rise to species. And which is why proteins are parts biologic and genomic of process of intertwinement and entanglement. Furthermore, process of intertwinement and entanglement is not possible as parts only and only locally. Process and mechanism of intertwinement and entanglement have to be whole or as parts of sum of parts of the greater whole. And which indicated "Dependent and Interdependent Arising" and "Dependent and Interdependent Origination". And RNA-DNA in the human species many sentient composite body-mind system or process of intertwinement and entanglement is the manifestation of wholeness (or nothing has its own inherent independent existence) illustrated core aspects of nature as an infinite finite parts of sum of parts of the greater whole. Another way of saying is core aspects or essence, nature, and ground of being. And essence, nature, and ground of nature are embedded in the many sentient composite body-mind system through the process of being and becoming from the infinitely finite to the infinite infinite as sum of parts of the greater whole. The difficulties here are to overcome human old paradigms and constructs of the world based on experience of the false self and fragmented and shallowed perception of the world. And as well as to overcome on going pandemic and global crises. And the many threats and existential risks to people, communities, societies, humanity, and species. And opportunism are new paradigms and constructs developed through raising consciousness and awareness and potential of the higher or real self or subtle body-mind. And as well as collective inspirations, aspirations, and efforts to build a better world and humanity as well as advance the common and greater good for long lasting benefits to sentient in the known physical world. And beyond. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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