This brief and simplified discernment is to suggest that science and naturalness-spiritual empirical data has converged through the following metaphors and paraphrases or words illustrations:
1.0 Phases transitions, in quantum science terms, can be thought to be equivalent to content and context of "Dependent and Interdependent Arising". 2.0 Similarly, topology can be thought to be equivalent to content and context of "Dependent and Interdependent Origination. 3.0 Combination of 2.0 and 3.0. 4.0 Words such as quantum fluctuation, entanglement, and non-dual can be equated to flux and impermanent, interdependent and interconnectedness, and particle-wave non-duality respectively. 5.0 Matter can be considered as not having its own inherent independent existence in both science and naturalness-spiritual. 6.0 Relativity and universality are common in both practices. 7.0 Local and non-locality are perception and experience in both disciplines with experience in naturalness-spiritual and empirical in science. 8.0 Wholeness of Oneness and Oneness of Wholeness or everything are intertwined and entangled are now part of the scientific concept. and among others (a few recent related discernments https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/local-and-non-local-blog). In other words, when the scientific empirical data and naturalness-spiritual perception and experience are extrapolated, interpolated, and correlated, science and naturalness-spiritual or objective and subjective are converging or they more or less speak similar language and implied meanings or content and context. It took the scientific process many millenniums longer to converge due to many factors such as the required organization, science, resources, development, technology, and applied sciences to obtain evidence and empirical data as well as also due to much economical, social, cultural, civil, and political factors. While, naturalness-spiritual experience could be almost instantaneous (i.e. however, lacking the evidence and empirical data. And could easily be causes for marginalization, abuse, and persecution. And which is a reason for forbidden knowledge and practices). It is important to point out that naturalness-spiritual wisdom would not be possible without philosophizing and contemplation for conceptualization (are means or tools to complement the quest for nature of reality and truth). And which is why, philosophy has always been parts of authentic naturalness-spiritual practicesas had discerned in diverse ways in past discernments). And should be part of the scientific practice. In other words, objectivity and subjectivity or the outer and inners senses are irreducible experience of the human conditions (i.e. even if suppressed) since they are intertwined and entangled (i.e. outer or physical senses and inner or subtle body-mind senses are intertwined and entangled parts of the many sentient composite body-mind system). In simple words, objective (physical body) and subjective (subtle body-mind) experience would never be possible without one or other. Furthermore, subtle body-mind is the real and true self. And therefore, has potentialities of possibilities of transcending the world (i,e, while the physical body cannot or only through the subtle body-mind since they are intertwined and entangled. And technology can only to certain extend or limited). And perceive the insights of subtle and hidden realms and worlds. And potentially even nature of reality and truth. And as such, by integrating (whether through direct practice and or through collaboration with naturalness-spiritual practitioners) naturalness-spiritual ,(and therefore also philosophy would again converhe and integrate with science) the scientific quest not only would complement and best the human conditions and scientific potential, but also would be further mean or tool to far greater the potentialities of possibilities of realizing and actualizing nature of reality and truth. Otherwise, would practice science in handicapped and false senses of ways (and therefore. false, harmful , and dangerous perception and experience of the world or empirical data that lead to harmful, dangerous, and existential ways of life and practices) as well as would NEVER be able to perceived and or experienced nature of reality and truth since the real and true self is not applied and lived. And therefore, would be causes for great harm, injustice, and suffering to individual, collective, humanity, species, and sentient in the known physical world. And far beyond. While doing no harm if cannot support and collaborate with those that are advancing the common and greater good. This is far more essential in science than other disciplines and practices since the scientific quest is proclaimed or declared to not only better the human conditions and experience. But also, the ultimate quest of science is about nature of reality and truth. And to construct them. And since after all, present social and civil are based on evidential and empirical practices. And which would NEVER be possible through handicapping oneself. And not knowing "Thyself" and "Nature". In actuality, is it reasonable to state that the present main stream scientific knowledge and practices (i.e. not blaming scientists nor scientific communities) has been causes for far more sufferings in the known physical world. And far greater harm, injustice, and suffering beyond the known physical world.t In the past, due to social, economical, cultural, civil, and political factors or circumstances, the scientific quest and practices were not easy and very polarized (and still are). However, it would be unaccountable, irresponsible, unethical, unprofessional, and immoral (not just scientists but almost all individuals and the collective, in modern days, are accountable and responsible (and in accordance to social and communities responsibilities) preventing and eliminating harm, injustice, and suffering. And the betterment of present and future generations, humanity, and sentient) to continue practicing as such when the harm, injustice, and suffering in the known physical world (and far beyond) are getting worse https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/de-evolution-and-existential-risks.html. Otherwise, at the least, organized science should admit and state as such rather than allow false epistemology and ontology to be main stream. Therefore, this brief and simplified discernment is to inspire, encourage, and urge individual and the collective for meaningful and essential heartful care and mindful care collaboration, efforts, and transformation forward https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/holistic-social-engagement-and-act-ivism.html. And which are essential and urgent. Furthermore, it is inevitable (https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/local-and-non-local-blog/on-symmetry) as long as evolved conscious sentient continue to exist on earth. And therefore, better now than later. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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