Brief and simplified discernment as solution to strengthen and complement the following scientific inquiry Ned Block - Can Consciousness be Non-Biological? - YouTube and all related inquiries and explorations. And basing on as well as illustrated through much known local and now emerging non-local existential empirical data:
Other than mystics (even through extremely limited by the many human conditions), ways of being and becoming such as from perception and experience to epistemic to development and living has been restricted or limited to locality and observable only more or less since the dawn of species. And can no better be illustrated through worshipping of infinite finite local observable objects and individual or sentient as deities and gods. And in particularly ancient aliens' gods and overlords. And even science has been more or less based on locality and only observable such as evolution and emergence or being and becoming is strictly based on Darwinian or localized evolution. However, in actuality, life and existence is of infinite dynamic life affirming dimensions, complexity, and potentialities of possibilities. And for which aspects of non-local existential dimensions only had been recognized recently (i.e. Nobel Prize in physics) or emerging science. And existential realms and worlds are of infinite dynamic and transformative potentialities of possibilities. Hwever, there is great differences between organic and non-organic such as: 1.0 Organic biological cannot last long as empirical known 2.0 Require much resources as well as processes and mechanisms to nurture, develop, and maintain 3.0 More complex to maintain and repair 4.0 Organic biological topology-structure-function-process-mechanism-order are constrained and limited such as distance, energy, and speed of light 5.0 And from 1.0-4.0, extremely less dynamic, transformative, and robust And which is why the organic biologic body or organic biologic realm and world is only mean to create, shape, nurture, and purify sentient through universal process and mechanism of being and becoming (such as the subtle body-mind of the many sentient composite body-mind system or emerging self beyond known biological world). And which differentiate from non-sentient or non-biologic or non-universal genome such as machines and humanoids. And which is also the reason why the mind has to belong to the subtle body-mind of the many sentient composite body-mind system rather than the biologic body (i.e. otherwise biologic death is the end). Furthermore, also indicated the subtle body-mind genome is immaterial (i.e. non organic biologic) and universal. And reason for dark and unified spectra-field. A simple way of stating is spirit-soul (or immaterial or non-organic biologic body-mind. Spirit is more about the nature of being and becoming while soul is more about the essence of being and becoming. Words "more about" are used rather than "about" since they are irreducible interdependent and interconnected causalities or the soul (or essence of being and becoming) can affect the spirit (or non-organic biologic form-formless nature of being and becoming). And vice versa, or the spirit has causalities on the soul). And they all have causalities on the many sentient composite body-mind system in diverse ways. And vice versa or intertwined and entangled causalities and retro-causalities as had discerned in diverse ways in diverse past discernments) aeon of evolution and emergence in the making (or emerging existential being and becoming potentialities of possibilities locally and non-locally in the known biological world. And beyond) as has discerned in diverse ways in diverse past discernments. Therefore, and in brief, organic biological and and non-organic biological are complementary since after all, the origin and source of conscious and awareness or mind is from the Creator or Ground of Being and Becoming. And which is of immaterial or non-organic biologic. And that is how consciousness and awareness is everywhere or universal. Another way of stating is consciousness and awareness not only have to be biological, rather basing on the Essence, Nature, and Ground of Being and Becoming. And Existence and Becoming. Furthermore, also indicated that there is only 1 Ground of Being and Becoming or Creator or God. And which is why machines can never have spirit-soul sentient body-mind as also had discerned and illustrated in diverse ways in diverse past discernments. "The Essence of Nature is Everywhere and in Everything" "Consciousness (and Awareness) is Everywhere but not In Everything." And thus, sentient consciousness (and awareness) also has to expand and ascend accordingly. And in a non-dual intertwined and entangled world, urgently individual and collective heartful and mindful care transformation are essential. Be Transformation-Inspiration-Solution Locally and Non-Locally ! |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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