This brief and simplified discernment is to complement the following research https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24232320-100-how-getting-more-daylight-can-improve-your-mental-and-physical-health/:
Lack of nature essentials such as nature spectra-field (such as vital energy, frequency, vibration or rhythm, life and vital resonance field) can disembodied body-mind (or the many sentient composite body-mind system). And weaken and or inhibit body-mind cognition, functions, senses, and potentialities of possibilities. And which would cause de-evolution through generations. In addition, since the physical body is mean to create, nurture, shape, develop, and purify the subtle body-mind' weaken and or inhibit body-mind cognition, functions, senses, and potentialities of possibilities would also have negative effects on the subtle body-mind since the physical and subtle body-mind are intertwined and entangled. Physically or on the physical body, there are now growing empirical data on biologic and genetic effects and causalities (such as https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090217092758.htm. And among many others). However, exploration and study have not expand to the subtle body-mind. And the interdependent and interconnectedness effects of nature essentials on physical and subtle body-mind as well as their causalities. And therefore, this brief and simplified suggestion is also to ins[ire encourage, and urges such global inspirations, aspirations, collaborations, initiatives, and efforts. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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