Brief and simplified discernment on immune escape:
Since viral need a living host to survive and replicate, it is natural that the process is to adapt to the host. While the living host, would also try to eliminate the viral. And in the process, the host and viral would eventually co-evolve or the host would develop the necessary immunity while the viral would become less virulent. And which is the process of natural evolution over not millions rather hundred of millions of evolution. Another way of saying is species or human species is the product or contain millions of millions of past viral that have now been parts of cells of body-mind structure and function. Even through vaccination is meaningful and essential, and in particularly in cases of such as extremely virulent viral. And for those with not only immune rather also metabolism deficiencies or impaired such as due to biologic-genetic, states of body-mind, nutrition, and existing health conditions. And as well as for choices, conditions, and or circumstances such as life style and living conditions. Improper vaccine science and technology would cause immune escape as well as make body-mind dependent on vaccination while continue to cause viral immune escape. Even improper anti-viral and anti-bodies science and technology could also result in immune escape. And not only immune escape, rather also potential chimeral, retro, and recombination viral. The closer and closer vaccination and anti-viral are applied to sources or tract of infection. and as well as the more and more holistic or adaptive and coherent to body-mind such as natural and interconnected with metabolism-immune system. And interconnected with innate-adaptive immune system; the more and more effective and efficient they would be. And which is the reason why stimulants or elements that are not natural or cohesive and adaptive to body-mind would cause or have higher potential (i.e. dependent on the many variants in the individual such as biologic-genetic, aging, nutrition, states of body-mind, existing health conditions, metabolism-immune functionality) of causing negative body-mind reaction or even chronic re-action such as inflammation and clotting. And in addition, also cause viral to mutate. As examples: 1.0 Essential body-mind elements such as vitamin D (and sun light) is not only energy or nutrition but also anti-viral. 2.0 There are many herbal medicines that are not only nutrition but also have anti-viral properties. 3.0 There are many food that not only have nutrition rather also has anti-viral properties. These when taken holistically, indicated cohesive and dynamic functionality of both metabolism and immune system as well as body-mind. And the reasons are simple: body-mind is inseparable and irreducible from its environment (including nutrition and nature elements). And vice versa. And which would be more and more obvious at finer realms and worlds such as from macro to micro to nano to atomic to quanta. And beyond. Anti-viral can be elements that help modulate and regulate body-mind, bind to the viral, kill viral, have anti-inflammation, and or anti-clotting. Another way of saying is vaccine, anti-viral, and anti-bodies need to be holistic and coherent to body-mind properties and characteristics such as natural, relating to or interconnecting with innate and adaptive immune systems as well as metabolism and immune as a whole or adaptive or coherent with body-mind. And which is the reason why natural developed anti-viral such as Ivermectin is effective not only for COVID (and more effective than many other known anti-viral) rather also for many diseases. And as well have also no negative side effects or considered as safe (even through it was not specifically designed for COVID) since it is derived from natural elements, covered, or interconnected both metabolism and immune, and adaptive to body-mind better holistically. The brief and simplified discernment is based on scientific concept and method basing not only on body-mind sciences rather also on process of being and being. And empirical data based on: 1.0 Hundred of millions years of species evolution through process of being and becoming. This illustration should be more obvious, before there are cells, organisms, and species there must exist processes and mechanisms that help give rise them. And before there is even life, there must exist processes and mechanisms that gave rise to life. And RNA-DNA are such or in this case, emergence transition processes and mechanisms from non-living to living world. And as such, RNA-DNA is illustration of non-living entities or evolution transition processes and mechanisms from spectra-field to quanta to atoms to molecules to non-living pre-RNA-DNA to non-living RNA-DNA to living RNA-DNA to cells to tissues to organs to organisms ... to more evolve functions and species ... to body-mind such as viral evolving and emerging to living viral through natural processes and mechanisms of being and becoming in or through earth metabolism-homeostatis and life functionality potentialities of possibilities (i.e. transition aspects of process of being and becoming. Another way of saying is impossible to just transition from nothing to living things). And therefore, must replicate and adapt to thrive, and evolve or co-evolve for life to exist as known. And as such, viral's nature is to replicate, adapt, thrive, and evolve or co-evolve. And which is why life and existence are possible. A simple way of saying is viral characteristics are their nature or based on natural process and mechanism. And for which made evolution and emergence process of being and becoming. And therefore, life and existence possible. Just imagine from what scientists consider metamorphically as nothing to non-living entity to living entity. And beyond or viral is parts of sum of parts of wholeness from simplicity to complexity and beyond universal process and mechanism of self-realization and self-actualization or real and true miracles of self-realized and self-actualized (i.e. self-assembled, self-organized, self-transformed, self-evolved, and self-optimized) cosmos. This does not imply that natural immune escape have not happened or not possible (since body-mind conditions can cause such in particularly in populated and interconnected, polluted, and disconnected from environment and natural). However, even exceptional or rare, is still part or within natural coexistence or co-evolution process and mechanism. 2.0 On holistic empirical science since body-mind, metabolism-immune system, innate-adaptive immune system are irreducible. And as well as irreducible from their natural environment. And which is related to 1.0. 3.0 In general, those that depend on improper vaccination science and technology would continue to be dependent on these. And as well as would be causes for much of immune escapes. Furthermore, would weaken or even could damage individual and collective body-mind (which also implied metabolism-immune system). And generational bio-transmutation processes and mechanisms. And which is why strengthen and building body-mind (i.e. and therefore metabolism-immune system as an empirical example COVID-19 infection can be inhibited by elements of the human microbiome (medicalxpress.com). And along many other body-mind and metabolism-immune processes and mechanism benefits) through essential, meaningful, and practical ways of life therapies and practices should be priorities and essential. Since the efforts not only apply to COVID. Rather to pathogens as a whole while enhance wellness, quality life, and well being. And if necessary, strengthen and complement with anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-clotting supplement until the many current vaccines technologies and applications as well as empirical data are sorted out or better vaccine science and technology are developed. And are practices that are based on the nature of the human conditions and potentials (i.e. the interdependent and interconnectedness of life and existence). Rather also on social conditions and circumstances such as inclusiveness, openness, relatable, applicable, practicable, shared and collective benefits-responsibilities, universal responsibilities, collective efforts, and the common and greater good. Hundred upon hundred millions of scientific analyses that correlated with empirical data cannot be wrong. And in particularly when the evidence is in the topology, structure, function, process, mechanism, and order of and in life as known. The main reason for much current social polarization is what briefly discerned here have more or less been not parts of the scientific exploration, quest, development, and public participation-collaboration-information. And therefore, not parts of the global community social, educational, and development and living systems and practices. And this brief and simplified discernment is to support, complement, and advance collective solutions to on going epidemic. And epidemic, pandemic, and endemic in general. And as well as the common and greater good. Updated 12/05/2021 And the empirical data for such life and existence interdependent and interconnectedness are: 1.0 Empirical data of millenniums upon millenniums of ancient wisdom practices such as herbal medicine practices even through the knowledge, means, and tools of modern science were not available. And for which metaphors or paraphrases such as "Let Food Be Thy Medicine", "Food Be Thy Healing", "Food as Healing". 2.0 Modern day development and applications of nutrition science for such as supplements and wellness. 3.0 Emerging science of food not only as nutrition. Rather also as medicine or complementary sciences. 4.0 However, the most obvious (not obvious because the interdependent and interconnectedness of life and existence have not been part of ways of thinking or such as parts of education system and ways of life or development and living. And in particularly when such epistemic are still considered as forbidden and hidden knowledge of practices and or not main stream practices across the global community, even in science, due to diverse factors and social conditions) empirical data can be through just reason such as logic, deduction, induction, and inferring basing on related or interconnected known empirical data and evolution process of being and becoming: elements in the environment (such as earth which is interdependent and interconnected with other cosmic bodies in the solar system which is interdependent and interconnected with the galaxy which is interdependent and interconnected with galaxies clusters ... which is interdependent and interconnected with larger cosmic bodies ... and on and on ... or earth as part of sum of parts of the grearter whole) gave rise to pre RNA-DNA to RNA-DNA which gave rise to living cells to multi-cells to organisms ... to tissues and organs ... to extreme primitive species ... to more advanced species ... to more evolved species ... and on and on. And earth's nutrition has been the sources for such process of transformation or process of being and becoming intertwinement and entanglement of species or life and existence. And explanation for why natural nutrition can serve as energic food and medicine since after all; as examples of viral, natural viruses and nutrition elements are of the same stuff or of amino acids (i,e, proteins) for life to exist as known (i.e. co-evolve and co-exist) And which was the reason why earth's functionality (such as metabolism and homeostatis) to support the emergence and evolution of life and existence foundation (such as rhythm, metabolism, and homeostatis) had to arise to support essential web of life environment (such as energy, land, water, food, air, fire, temperature, atmospheric) for nutrition to arise (such as land and ocean organisms and plants biodiversity) to support the emergence and rise of species. And had earth's rhythm, metabolism, homeostatis, and elements had not been healthy, nutritious, and healing properties; life and existence would not be possible much less emerged and known. And can better be advanced through the scientific method and process. However, there is emerging Science of Emergence from Simplicity to Complexity and Beyond: Adaptive ratchets and the evolution of molecular complexity 2111.09981.pdf (arxiv.org) U[dated 01/20/2021 On Origin of Life - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) Profound Discovery on Origins of Life on Earth – Evolution of Metal-Binding Proteins (scitechdaily.com) New study sheds light on origins of life on Earth (phys.org) |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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