In contrary to the vast majority of people misperception or misbelief, science was not an invention of the West, but rather, organized science was an initiative of western practices. And therefore, science has been dominated by western thoughts, constructs, and perception of the world as well as social, economical, cultural, civil, and political conditions, constructs, and constraints. And which for the most parts, with the additional of resources and feasibility of technology, are becoming more objectively ground than its Eastern counterpart. Prior to modern or organized science, science has been practiced by people and communities for tens of millenniums of years around the world. However, mainly due to lack of organization, resources, technology, means, and practices or applied science as well as social, economical, cultural, civil, and political conditions, constructs, and constraints of those eras; science has been rendered more subjectively ground. ...
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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