This brief and simplified discernment is to strengthen and complement the following exploration and research https://phys.org/news/2019-11-quantum-physics-reality-doesnt.html:
Including the following natural phenomena (based on the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature) would further broaden and deepen the exploration and empirical data: 1.0 Flux. 2.0 Impermanence. 3.0 Emergence 4.0 Interdependent and Interconnectedness as in Intertwinement and Entanglement Process and Mechanism. 5.0 Nothing has it own inherent intrinsic independent existence (i.e. Relativize aspects of Dependent and Interdependent Origination. And Dependent and Interdependent Arising). These implied that the whole or All That Exist and Ever Exist is an interdependent and interconnected dynamical flux and impermanent process of transformation, evolution, and emergence (or wholeness process of emergence or being and becoming) of sum of infinitely finite parts to infinitely infinite parts of wholeness. And as such, the fractal parts depend on the whole while the whole also depend on the parts and sum or parts through the process of being and becoming. And therefore, another way of saying is: objective reality does exist but it is an infinitely dynamically flux and impermanent process of being and becoming from the infinitely finite to the infinitely infinite that it is infinitely beyond comprehension. And therefore, can be defaulted as nothing has its own objectivity. And as well as subjectivity as in perception rather than experience rather than experience. While objectivity in general refers to what can be senses physically (through the outer senses), subjectivity not only refers to perception that is based on the outer and inner senses; but also, can be experience that can go beyond the senses or relating to the subtle body-mind. Another way of saying is cognitive or perceptive objectivity and subjectivity are irreducible since that are dependent on the physical senses (and also of living experience of the subtle body-mind or real and true self such as transcendent experience during diverse physical waking states such as during trance, meditation, or even spontaneous). While experience can be independent of the physical senses or experience can be only of the living experience of the subtle body-mind (as in deep dream, OBE, NDE, when physical senses are not part of the experience or non physical waking states (and in many cases, under anesthesia). In simple words, experience (actually both perception and experience. Another way of saying perception and experience can be strictly of the physical senses, strictly of the subtle body-mind, or both). Likewise, of or through the subtle body-mind or real and true self) as illustrated through most recent discernment https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/nature-decode/on-ancient-metaphors-and-paraphrases. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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