This brief and simplified discernment is to complement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXqRnad00dI as well as past discernments:
Just as the outer or physical senses are used to perceive and experience the world as ways of life since the dawn of species. And are practiced and defined as objective perception and experience, the inner or subtle body-mind senses can also be nurtured and developed in such ways or as objective perception and experience as well (rather than as subjective as had discerned in diverse ways in past discernments. All perception and experience start out as subjective until they are adjusted, programmed, and stored in memory. And that is when they became more or less objective). For example, it has been millenniums since many aspects of life and existence have been explored. Even using what are considered as the human only tools of senses which included cognition, complement technology are still required to complement the physical senses. And despite such progresses and achievements, in many explorations, minimum progressed has been made or even stalled. While progresses were made in other areas pointed to far more complex epistemology and ontology or the more is known, far more need to be explored and known. Furthermore, it still take much iteration and correction to analyze what are considered as objective. And despite even over long span of exploration and analysis, what are considered as objective method and empirical data still can easily be wrong. And which would be in many ways similar to the needs and ways of developing the inner senses. In addition, just as in the augmentation of the physical senses through technology, essential and meaningful technology can also be developed to strengthen and complementary the nurturing and development the inner senses. Thus, empower and liberate the human or species potential Even through the physical senses may be or feel far more natural, the subtle senses would have far greater potential since they are from the real and true self (or subtle body-mind) which has far deeper connection with the greater whole. And therefore, is embodied with infinite potentialities of possibilities. And, this is in the realm of possibilities considering the outer senses were the main means for living and survival since the dawn of human species. Even through would take much developments, practices, and efforts over generations; can now be complemented by science and technology. In other words, the inner senses were never nurtured, developed, and practiced or used generationally and collectively or as a species (and taking advantages of all possible bio-transmutation facilitating by nature applicable to the individual, collective, species, and sentient). Therefore, nurture and develop the inner senses would greatly strengthen and complement the outer senses. And would make human species and ways of life whole. In other words, a transition toward greatness and beyond by nurturing, developing, and transforming the real and true self for long lasting benefits and well being in the known physical world (and beyond). And for which AI and machines, even through could outperform human in many tasks, would not surpass or best regardless of time frame as long as wholeness process of nurturing and development are meaningfully applied and sustained. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
Additional and previous Blog can be found at: |