Despite millions years of evolution on earth as diverse species. And after hundreds of thousands years of evolution on earth as modern human species, confusions, controversies, perceptions, and beliefs such as earth is enclosed in a dome or localized enclosed system, the solar system is enclosed in a dome, earth is the center of the universe, flat earth, extraterrestrials are actually gods described in scriptures and through artifacts of many cultures, modern human species were results of genetic alterations to serve experiments and as slaves of the gods or extraterrestrial being, species were wiped out on earth by the gods or extraterrestrial due to excessive genetic experiments of species and cruel practices, extraterrestrial are actually angels and gods, there could be species far more evolved than angels and gods in scriptures or gods of angels and gods in scriptures, angels and gods in scriptures are descendants of primitive slaves of more evolved species, whether spirit existed or not, whether spirit realms and worlds exist, bad characters have marked in the spirit (ancient term) or DNA, and among many other epistemology and ontology that could not or have not been resolved satisfactory or accordingly (please refer to the enclosed videos as a few among many others globally). All the while, such global consciousness are worsened existing and new existential risks (from such as climate change and global warming to diseases to environment pollution and destruction) through such as divisiveness, tribalism, harmful ways of life, social ills, and malpractices. As such, necessary actions must be taken to obtain or develop essential solutions or remedies. ...
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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