Presently, the existence of the subtle body-mind of the many sentient composite body-mind system can be known or validated through (as discerned in past discernments):
1.0 Direct experience such as OBE, NDE, and shared OBE and NDE. 2.0 Deduct, induct, and infer methods from empirical data such as: 2.1 Missing brains parts or reduction of brains phenomena (including this most recent discernment https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/philosophy-and-science-beyond-the-macro-world/on-many-sentient-composite-body-mind-system-brain-phenomena). 2.2 Extraordinary experience such as transcendent dream during deep sleep and long haul telepathy or entanglement. : 2.3 2nd and 3rd individual and collective empirical data from those mentioned in 1.0. And therefore, from the above empirical data, existence of the subtle body-mind or emerging spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities are beyond doubt or irrefutable. However, this discernment is to suggest concept and method to directly detect such possibilities: For starter or initial initiative, start to analyze OBE experience and phenomena since there are many phenomena and causalities that are related to such experience such as: 1, Body vibration, frequency, phase, and energy or spectra-field as well as other vital body-mind signals )such as brain and heart) before and during OBE. 2. The OBE process is reasonable predictable and trackable. 3. Parts of bio-field can be detected and analyzed (i,e. parts are immaterial or unobservable spectra-field) through diverse bio-field and energy spectra technology against bio-field while in different states such as awake, dream, and among others. And as well as correlating with body-mind characteristics and vital signals. 4. The entanglement link or silver cord between physical body and subtle body-mind could be potentially directly detected or inferred through innovated analyses of the bio-field. And then potentially could lead to the detection or identification of the subtle body-mind, in particularly, when the subtle body-mind start to emerge from the physical body. 5. Interpolate, extrapolate, and correlated all empirical data to refine and further develop and expand the essential science and technology all the while taking into consideration other subtle body-mind states such as transcendent dream and NDE. NDE would be far more difficult and complex as initial project for many reasons that have to do not only with critical circumstances and dynamic complexity but also due to patients conditions and care. Furthermore, it is better to properly develop the science through meaningful fundamental exploration, concept, method, and framework that would most likely guarantee positive results and desired empirical data. As such this brief and simplified discernment is to state that the subtle body-mind or emerging spirit-soul exists beyond any doubt or beyond refutable. And can be potentially detected with present technology through novel scientific and technological concept and method. And to inspire and encourage such global inspirations, collaborations, and efforts. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
Additional and previous Blog can be found at: |