This brief and simplified suggestion is to strengthen and complement the facilitation or realization and actualization of the following concerns, inspirations, and aspirations for embodiment, empowerment, healing, liberation, and well beinghttps://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24232360-800-shocking-evidence-shows-people-in-vegetative-states-may-be-conscious:
It is essential for the medical, health care, and related scientific comnunities to explore, integrate, and advance the inner senses or subtle body-mind (of the many sentient composite body-mind system) epistemology and ontology rather than just focus on or remained on limits of the outer senses or physical body since the mind belongs to the subtle body-mind (i.e. subtle body-mind is emerging spirit-soul transition potentialities of possibilities beyond the known physical world after physical death as known). Otherwise, would continue to be causes for malpractices, harm, injustice, and suffering across ways of life and practices. Welcome and Greetings ! https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/home.html https://www.facebook.com/vu.nguyen.716 |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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