This brief and simplified discernment is to complement the following presentation Varieties of Meditative Experience with Matthew Ingram - YouTube:
Meditation and contemplation concepts, methods, and practices are complementary or strengthen each other. And were developed for the main reasons: 1.0 Ways to know oneself or the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature or the essence, nature, and ground of nature. 2.0 To realize and actualize nature of reality and truth. 3.0 And from 1.0-2.0, the meanings and purposes of life and existence. 4.0 And from 1.0-3.0 secrets or knowledge to best ways of life and practices or process and mechanism of being and becoming in the known physical world. And beyond. 5.0 To better body-mind such as relief stress, control emotions-feelings, disciplines, and purify heart-mind. Another way of saying is to better the human conditions and potentials. And therefore, wellness, quality life, and well being. 6.0 To better communion and resonate with the Source or Greater whole (better is used to indicate that sentient are already parts or interconnected with greater whole through universal process of intertwinement and entanglement of being and becoming as parts of sum of parts of the greater whole). 7.0 Ways of transforming and purifying consciousness and awareness. And therefore, ways of transforming and purifying form-formless or emerging subtle body-mind (or spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities). Another way of saying is ways of individual and collective self-realization and self-actualization or empowerment and liberation. 8.0 And from 1.0-8.0, many types of meditations and complementary contemplations based on inspirations, aspirations, and yearnings, And states of being and becoming. And therefore, are ways of life or practices that intrinsic inherent to nature of being. And the process of being and becoming. And therefore, are natural states and ways of being and becoming or naturalness-spiritual ways of being and practices (i.e. sentient process of being and becoming as parts of sum of parts of the greater whole is facilitated by the greater whole universal process of intertwinement and entanglement with and in the local and non-local cosmos) However, over the millenniums, meditation have been perceived as religious, superstitious, woo woo, impractical, difficult and complex, and malpractices for the following main reasons: 1.0 For diverse reasons, many malpractices. 2.0 Meditation were made parts of diverse rituals and superstition practices. And therefore, meditation is also perceived as religious, superstitious, and or malpractices. 3.0 Concepts and methods not well developed. And therefore, not efficient, effective, and comprehensive or even counterproductive. 4.0 Meditation without contemplation would minimize the overall potential and effects. And vice versa. There are many types of meditation, and certain types of meditation require not only skillful meditation, rather also skillful contemplation. As an example, in science, after experiment or scientists experience, all observable and recorded phenomena have to be analyzed such as correlated, extrapolated, interpolated, benchmarked, and statistical analyses. And build on. Otherwise, the efforts would be almost useless. And science would neither be relevant nor progress. 5.0 Lack of scientific concept, method, and process. Furthermore, science is collective efforts rather than just individual and groups. Another way of saying is science is practice of parts of sum of parts of the whole. And therefore, is philosophically and conceptually similar and complementary to naturalness-spiritual practices which are sciences of phenomena or experience of parts of sum of parts of the greater whole. And vice versa or naturalness-spiritual philosophical and conceptual are similar and complementary to the scientific philosophy and concept. Even an individual can discern meditation phenomena experience and contemplate such experience or 1st person empirical data through reason scientifically does constitute scientific practices. However, it does not fully constitute scientific approach to knowledge and discovery since the results are not universal or based only on an individual or group knowing and experience rather than from the totality or wholeness of essence and nature of being and becoming manifested from life diversity and pluralism. And therefore, is far from potential well developed collective organized scientific concepts, methods, processes, and practices which give rise to technology, applications, and correlated-extrapolated-interpolated empirical data that expand, enhance, and accelerate potentials for realization and actualization (extent the senses and empirical data. And thus, would enhance, expand, and accelerate realization and actualization possibilities) not only objective phenomena but also 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person empirical data or experience. Therefore, meditation and competition integrated through essential and meaningful scientific concepts, methods, processes, and practices would comprehensively and effectively expand, enhance, and accelerate their efficiency, effectiveness, transformation, and potentialities of possibilities for the common and greater good. And strengthen and complement across spectrum of science and ways of development and living. In particularly natural science. All the while prevent and eliminate malpractices and false or negative perception of the practices while become relatable, applicable, and practicable to and by all. Updated 01/09/2021 In addition, the scientific concept, method, and process are also necessary to help better know and understand. And therefore, advance naturalness-spiritual development, nurturing, and practices. And the reason, is even individual with meaningful experience and have ideas about what spirit and the after life are; do not or not well understood what naturalness-spiritual is all about. Another way of saying is not or not well understood what are all that not only constituted the essence, nature, and grounds of being And essence, nature, and ground of nature. Rather also what constituted the interdependent and interconnected process (and mechanism) of being and becoming or life and existence. And therefore, the effectiveness and efficiency of development and practices would not only be greatly hindered or reduced. Rather also, can be counterproductive or harmful. A simple way of saying is would be greatly limited. And as well as much potential of harm, injustice, and suffering. As a brief and simple example, scientists have ideas about the cosmos for millenniums. However, without essential additional scientific knowledge and technology to extend the senses and intellect, the scientific knowledge of the cosmos would be infinitely primitive or shallow, incomplete, or false. And therefore, whatever knowledge and applications developed would be primitive as well as potentially counterproductive or harmful since they would be based on false perception and experience of the world. As another brief and simplified example, the ideas that psychotics can help with naturalness-spiritual experience are due to misconception what psychedelics are about (certain psychedelics, dependent on how they are applied, can help with creativity and certain physical-mental aspects or conditions. However, they are not parts of the scope). And misconception or certainly have little understanding about the essence, nature, and ground of being. And essence, nature, and ground of nature. And process of being and becoming. And therefore, are based on false knowledge and understanding or perception and experience of the world. And this goes back for millenniums upon millenniums since psychedelic's have been found in religious and spiritual rituals across cultures throughout the millenniums. And even small gods or lords and big gods or overlords practiced, enshrined, idolized, and popularized such practices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9FLXYlNUhw (among many other empirical data and artifacts across cultures over millenniums). Another way of saying is even lords and overlords hallucinated and deluded. And as such, false perception and experience of the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature as well as process of being and becoming based on the false self, were and are causes and reasons of unimaginable malpractice, harm, injustice, and suffering doctrines and practices since the dawn of human species. And therefore, are great causes, reasons, and opportunities for all to rise to the occasion to advance the common and greater good (in particularly the scientific and naturalness-spiritual communities as well as alliances) in the known physical world. And beyond. Links: On Being and Becoming in the Known Physical World. And Beyond - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) On Process and Mechanism of Wholeness - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) |
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