The effects of viral pathogens on the human body-mind and conditions during seasonal changes from warm to cold (vice versa) or in cold environment are due to many conditions and effects as well as their causalities such as:
1.0 Warm tropical climate which implied sun light, energy, temperature, humidity, and pressure which fortified body-mind in many ways such as vital energy and rhythm, nature essentials (such as vitamin D and hormone), lower transmission due to humidity, and among many other benefits. 2.0 Cold environment effects body-mind in many ways such as lack elements of 1.0. Furthermore, cold temperature and low humidity can effect the respiratory tract which would make it easier to be infected. 3.0 Body-mind has to restructure to adapt to environment or climate change transition (as basically the living world). And therefore, is less stable. 4.0 RNA-DNA and sentient evolved from warm tropical climate for billions of years or environment more favorable to life and evolution. And therefore, body-mind is more stable and adaptive in such environment. 5.0 Cold season is also when earth is the furthest from the sun. And the effects of entanglement of entities in the solar system, in particularly the sun, has affect on all living things. For briefness and simplicity, terms such as spectra-field characteristics (such as energy, frequency, phase, vibration, rhythm, resonance, and among others) and phenomena such as gravity can be used as descriptive for the entanglement effects or process. It is now well known that protein which implied amino acids which implied RNA-DNA are intertwined and entangled with the local and non-local cosmos (not only with the solar system, rather also with the galaxy and wider cosmos. However, currently, such phenomena and effects are beyond correct science and technology). And therefore, the dynamic transition in the solar system, in particularly with the sun, not only affect the macro and micro but also Nano and beyond (should be obvious since after all, they interdependent and interconnected are intertwined and entangled). And as mentioned in 4.0, zones that are favorable to life and evolution (which was why life and evolution on earth evolved from warm environment) arose would help maintain body-mind wellness which also implied metabolism-immune system. 6.0 And therefore, body-mind is more stable not only due to 1.0-4.0, but also due to the effects of local and non-local entanglement. And which also have effect of viral pathogens. 7.0 And as such, the viral pathogens characteristics and effects would also be different outdoor or outside host and inside living things or host in different climate and environment. And therefore, medicine and complement disciplines need to: Comprehensively and effectively integrate holistic evolution process of being and becoming as part of medical and health care sciences. And which would include such as: 1.0 Science beyond the macro and micro worlds. 2.0 Holistic and process driven rather just simply reductionism (reduction should be method rather than concept). 3.0 The interdependent and interconnectedness of life. 4.0 Local and Non-local conditions and effects. 5.0 Dynamic and transformative of flux and impermanent local and non-local cosmos. and among many others. better the disciplines, practices, profession, care, and services (another way of saying is not only to better, rather, to properly practice medicine and health care). And make use of progresses and development in quantum sciences such as quantum physics, information, chemistry, and biology. Furthermore, advance medical and health care but also advance science along many other complementary development and living disciplines and practices. And all the while prevent and safeguard against degeneration, de-evolution, and existential risks in the known physical world. And beyond. All and all, are great causes, reasons, and opportunities ! Complementary global community links: https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/home.html Updated 03/07/2021 Dr. Bruce Lipton… Energy Fields, Consciousness, and Thoughts - YouTube Updated 03/05/2021 As a recent illustration (Michael Clarage: Cosmology of the EU, Part 1 | Thunderbolts - YouTube). And which can be further expanded into quantum realms. And beyond. |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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