This brief and simplified discernment is to elaborate on the meanings and interdependent and interconnectedness of the words "Reason", "Philosophy", and "Science":
In simple words, the essence, nature, and ground of being can be discerned and validated through the essence, nature, and ground of nature. And vice versa philosophically and scientifically or through either philosophical and or scientific methods. And which is why philosophy need to be part of the scientific practices since it can be practical and effective validation means or practices through pure reason (i.e. reason through such as processes of imagination, creativity, transcendence, intuition spiritual experience, and diverse other nature states of being and becoming experience. Another way of saying is through naturalness-spiritual states of being or through the essence, nature, and ground of being and becoming) to strengthen, complement, and guide the scientific quest. Another way of saying is philosophy can be equated to or stated to be ways or process of reasoning through dynamic perception and experience of the world through meaningful concept and method. And in particularly experience of phenomena and nature of reality can be far beyond the science, technology, language, and any known knowledge. While the scientific reasoning process is through practical concept and method to explore nature, life, and existence. A simple way of saying is philosophy and science are just terms, labels, or definitions for ways of reasoning and practices. Philosophy of nature, life, and existence or epistemology and ontology is also the practice of science at the conceptual level through 1st-2nd-3rd person empirical data or experience and objective experience or empirical data. Another way of stating is theoretical science (and even applied science and engineering) can be part of the philosophical domain or philosophy can encompass theoretical science. And which was why scientists were originally defined as nature philosophers. While the practice of present science is mainly at the conceptual and method levels as well as through objective empirical data. In modern or present day, nature philosopher are separated or categorized as philosopher, theoretical science, applied science, and engineering (technology industry does not exist in ancient days). And therefore, meaningful integral and evolution of philosophy and science would greatly strengthen and complement each other as well as broaden means or potentialities of possibilities. And thus, would greatly advance and accelerate discoveries potentialities of possibilities. Another ways of stating is philosophy is way of reasoning and empirical acquisition (or to know the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature) through the human living experience (i.e. many sentient composite body-mind system as instruments to know the world) through physical or outer and or subtle or inner senses (through naturalness and or naturalness-spiritual experience of the physical and or subtle body-mind). While science is more of hand on reasoning and empirical acquisition with more specific definitions and specifications. And added on tools or external instruments to expand the senses and cognition. Therefore, they are naturally complementary ways of reasoning processes (2 sides of the same path) through individual and collective process of being and becoming (i.e. organized philosophy and science or integral philosophy and science) as fractal parts of sum of parts of the greater whole. And thus, would strengthen and advance each other through complementary cycles of progress as mentioned on previous paragraph. Updated 10/27/2019: A philosophical inspiration and aspiration in the exploration or quest of nature of reality and truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGeyE1jViRE |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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