Brief and simplified discernment to inspire, encourage, and complement the following exploration Can particles really be in two places at once? | New Scientist. And all related explorations and quests:
The real problem is nature is far beyond such as digital, analog, linear, non-linear or beyond current human species perception and experience of the world. And therefore, beyond senses making, imagination, and constructs of the world. And therefore, beyond such as comprehension, words, languages, and conceptualization . A simple way of stating is impossible with improper philosophy and science or concept and method. And which are interdependent and interconnected or intertwined and entangled with living existential ways of being and becoming. However, by ways of being and becoming basing on the Essence, Nature, and Ground of Being and Becoming, And Essence, Nature, and Ground of Nature and Becoming or as parts of sum of parts of the greater whole, better or proper perception and experience of the world would be experienced, nurtured, and developed. And thus, senses making, imagination, and constructs of nature' epistemic and ontic. And nature of reality and truth. Another brief and simple way of stating is deriving and constructing nature' epistemic and ontic. And nature of reality and truth can only be possible basing on the Essence, Nature, and Ground of All That Exist and Ever Exist (and Becoming) or Universal Life and Existence Process and Mechanism. And which is of infinite complexity and potentialities of possibilities. However, such potentialities of possibilities could best (and only way) be realized and actualized or achieved through "Knowing Thyself" or by knowing the infinitely finite, the infinitely infinite can be known. As an illustration, AI and machines as parts of human' epistemic and ontic would not have such abilities and capacities. However, sentient such as human species as parts of nature' epistemic and ontic, has such potentialities of possibilities as had discerned in diverse ways in diverse past discernments. And as such, could better or greatly develop and advance the sciences, engineering, and technology. And therefore, AI and machines for essential and meaningful complementary scientific explorations and quests. And individual-shared-collective existential quests. And as an illustration AI can use your brainwaves to see things that you can't | New Scientist (and far beyond in the future). Updated 07/15/2022 Inspire, Aspire, Encourage, and Parts of Solution ! |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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