In a fast growing population, globalized world, and cross living among species, pathogens virulent such as contagion and mutation would also increase at faster space. And as such, AI and advanced computation and processing technology need to be applied, prioritized, and urgently to better help define and prioritize tasks for pre-emptive solutions (such as develop plans and actions, preparedness, and readiness since the basic science and technology have progressed and available).
For example, with known population (and could include other or additional species) biologic-genetic and pathogens RNA and DNA, advanced AI and computation could potential predict all possible mutations or virulent possibilist. And have proper and effective anti-viral and vaccine solutions identified. In simple words, advanced AI and computation-simulation can help develop better, safer, and faster anti-viral and vaccine or safe, effective, and timely and on demand anti-viral and vaccine as well as complementary solutions. And as well as would also include functions or can be tracked to root causes such as infrastructures and population concentration; environment and habitat (such as temperature, humidity, diverse types of pollution, EMF-EMR, and natural landscape dynamic); development and living or ways of life and practices, and related empirical data. And as such, wood prevent or at the least, minimize the impacts of potentially worse safer, health, economical, social, development and living harm, damages, injustice, and suffering. All the while help with solutions to stabilize the global economy and social development and living. Another example: the empirical data in this recent research https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-05-immune-discovery-chronic.html indicates that immune system are multi-levels interdependent-interconnected systems or sum of parts of the whole (and therefore, has to be nurtured, developed, strengthen, and care in holistic way). And which have memory to facilitate functions such as developing anti-body, combat pathogens, bio-transmutation, and evolution. Without memory, none of the just mentioned mechanisms would be possible. Maintain healthy metabolism-immune system is way to make pathogens adapt to body-mind rather than the other way around. And advanced technology or tools can help develop the science and future technology to nurture, strengthen, and sustain healthy metabolism-immune system through holistic biologic concept-method. And beyond science and technology initiatives and efforts, are also causes, reasons, and opportunities for global community cooperation, collaboration, alliance, solidarity, and unity to urgently combat common threats and advance the common and greater good. Another way of saying is, since advanced AI and computation-simulation functions (or can be made to function) far faster than pathogens can mutate; potential mutation characteristics of pathogens and strains could be predicted with reasonably accuracy. And therefore, potential solutions can be pre-emptively provided. Furthermore, also allow added time and tools to analyze, troubleshoot, and solve problems. In simple words, in order for problems, in particularly of great safety and health hazards and risks to be solved. And solved comprehensively and effectively, the proper tools and means are essential. In addition, as essential if not more, integrated advanced AI and computation-simulation are necessary in case of bio-germs attacks or warfare. And which more pathogens as well as more strains and faster mutation could be the norm. Furthermore, strategy and tactic in bio-germs attacks or bio warfare would differ. And not only greatly from each other, but would also be far more different, dynamic, and complex than natural pathogens epidemic and pandemic. And thus, fast and accurate statistical analyses (on such as sources, causes, symptoms, functions, and virulent of pathogens need to be known as fast as possible) such as natural or engineered pathogens and prediction for pre-emptive solutions, plans, and preparedness are essential. Another way of stating is the platform and system need to be designed for the worse case scenario. And which would be bio-germs and bio warfare. Since the official announcement of the ongoing outbreak, it is still uncertain about many aspects of the pathogens such as natural or engineered, type, strains, symptoms, mechanisms, mutation, and virulent. For example, have been reports that the virus is natural. However, there are also reports such as https://www.statnews.com/2020/02/03/retraction-faulty-coronavirus-paper-good-moment-for-science, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD3ztjqYGbg, and most recently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS42GANt0R4 (Dr. Luc Montagnier and collaborator. Dr. Montagnier is a Nobel Prize winner in Medicine and well known researcher in biology-medicine). Both reports indicated that based on the evidence, the pathogen is not natural or were engineered (even through the source is still uncertain or not yet unanimous. However, in bio-germs attacks or bio warfare, the sources could be many and through diverse mechanisms). Dr. Montagnier also briefly discussed EMF could affect pathogens and symptoms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=durcHyxpFT4. and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkN0NeXNho0. Updated 05/12/2020 |
Initiative of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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