Ontology implied existence which implied living which implied continuous consciousness or experience of the world which implied dynamic and transformative process and mechanism. And therefore, cannot be constructed through mathematics and physics (mathematics and physics can also be considered as unitary and complementary) since these are static or non-living. Mathematics and physics, in particularly pure mathematics, can be used to validated, falsified, and or linked phenomena to complement epistemology and ontology quest (i.e. the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature or the greater whole), but cannot be epistemology and ontology (i.e. Information generated by mathematics, formulas, and algorithms cannot be parts of ontology or nature epistemology. In other words or another way of saying is, epistemology and ontology are irreducible. And therefore, any concept and method that do not conform to one would also not conform to the other. And therefore, mathematics, formulas, and algorithms are tools for nature 's epistemology and ontology quest but not parts of nature since:
1.0 Again, they are human constructed information and tools to explore nature. And therefore, are neither nature's epistemology nor ontology. But rather human constructed epistemology and ontology. And as had been discerned in diverse ways in past discernments. 2.0 They are static, reducible, fragmented, and mechanistic. Therefore, not conscious. And thus, are neither processes nor mechanisms. Existence implies dynamic and transformative process (and mechanism) of self-realization and actualization or being and becoming. Even a static process that never change can be considered as non-existence. And which is why the cosmos is flux (as in quantum fluctuation) and impermanent (as in the interaction of nature laws, processes, and mechanisms https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/philosophy-and-science/brief-suggestion-to-the-nature-of-nature-wholeness-process-and-mechanism) or due to the whole process of self-assembled, self-organized, self-transformed, self-evolved, and self-optimized or self-realized and self-actualized (process of being and becoming or continuous process of transformation, evolution, optimization, and emergence). For example, human species life and existence are possible because the many sentient composite body-mind system is flux and impermanent or continuous process of being and becoming. Another way of saying is, human species many sentient composite body-mind system is flux and impermanent because the cosmos is flux and impermanent. In other words life and existence would never be possible (impossible for self-realized and self-actualized process to manifest. And be self-sustained) if the whole is not flux and impermanent or dynamic and transformative. And which implied flux and impermanent are parts of the whole or universal intertwinement and entanglement process (and mechanism).of continuous self-realization and self-actualization. Wholeness flux and impermanent phenomena also implied interdependent and interconnectedness to underlying processes and mechanisms. And which implied interdependent and interconnected with dark matter and dark energy. What brief simplified and discerned here would also complement https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/philosophy-and-science/brief-suggestion-on-the-search-for-dark-matter-and-dark-energy. And as well as past discernments. And what briefly discerned here is also another way (to strengthen and complement diverse ways of validation in past discernments) to validate beyond any doubt that life and existence were and are only possible through self-realized and self-actualized wholeness process. 3.0 And from 1.0-2.0, mathematics and physics have neither consciousness (i.e. should be obvious since they have to be operated or acted upon by human (or through human consciousness)). And therefore, no existence. Thus, cannot be used to generate consciousness. And therefore, no existence. In addition, machines elements are neither embedded with sentient characteristics nor essence of nature potentialities of possibilities (such as human species many sentient composite body-mind system is embedded with both sentient characteristics and nature essence. And which allowing dynamic transformation and evolution or through process of being and becoming facilitated by nature through the intertwinement and entanglement with the local and non-local cosmos). And therefore, possibility of generating or creating consciousness as in human species (unless developed consciousness is categorized as machine consciousness) is none. And which is why AI and machines in the future can perform great or even magical tasks individually. And even far greater and more magical tasks collectively. But would NEVER be conscious (what Dr, James Tour https://inference-review.com/article/time-out, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4sP1E1Jd_Y and Dr. Bruce Lipton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVQ5iYvbb5c presentations validated what stated here beyond any doubt). These should be more obvious now. Updated 10/10/2019: … (what Dr, James Tour https://inference-review.com/article/time-out, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4sP1E1Jd_Y and Dr. Bruce Lipton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVQ5iYvbb5c presentations validated what stated here beyond any doubt) ... . |
AuthorEpistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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