This compiled https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.08730.pdf inspired emancipation can be perceived as inspirations and aspirations for nature mysteries as well as advancing science and the common and greater good. And as also stated, yearnings for enlightenment ...
This brief and simple elaboration is to complement the following research https://www.facebook.com/ScienceTechnologyMovement/posts/1330419777058757 (and similar exploration as well as related explorations such as https://www.facebook.com/ScienceTechnologyMovement/posts/1322872474480154, https://www.facebook.com/ScienceTechnologyMovement/posts/1323899917710743, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zTNxql6-yU, https://www.facebook.com/vu.nguyen.716/posts/1731074293621465, https://www.facebook.com/ScienceTechnologyBeyondMacroWorld/posts/1703810069714073, https://www.facebook.com/notes/vu-nguyen/on-dark-matter-and-dark-energy/1833616276700890, https://www.facebook.com/notes/vu-nguyen/on-morphogenesis-and-metamorphosis/1827353983993786, https://www.facebook.com/ScienceTechnologyBeyondMacroWorld/posts/1694068027354944): ...
This brief and simplified suggestion is to further efforts on the following research https://phys.org/news/2018-04-fine-structure-constant-dark-photon-theories.html (and among similar or related researches and efforts such as recent on-going exploration https://www.facebook.com/ScienceTechnologyMovement/posts/1320170251417043): ...
This brief and simplified elaboration is to strengthen and complement the following presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4ONRJ1kTdA as well as to state that evolution through quantum (and beyond) processes clearly demonstrated or confirmed beyond doubt that nature, life, and existence or all that exist and ever exist originated from interdependent and interconnected self-assembled, self-organized, self-transformed, self-evolved, self-realized, self-actualized, and self optimized processes. And as such are interdependent and interconnected and entangled which would include processes such as morphogenesis and metamorphosis briefly suggested and encouraged here https://www.facebook.com/notes/vu-nguyen/on-morphogenesis-and-metamorphosis/1827353983993786. ...
With the emergence of science morphogenesis https://www.facebook.com/ScienceTechnologyMovement/photos/a.387074791393265.1073741826.208382572595822/1313505588750176/?type=3&theater, it is also essential to develop the science of metamorphosis (transformation of form-formless of less evolved species are different from more evolved species such as human species. And this brief and simplified suggestion and encouragement are limited to human species for simplicity and briefness) in conjunction for the following main reasons: ...
Emotion intelligent (presented in below links) is the best indicator of success, achievement, and well being. In other words, the most valuable over not just such as IQ, knowledge, skills, and talent; but over all of them or all of present used indicators combined since none of these indicators individually or even all combined are good or reliable indicator(s), in particularly as indicator for well being. Emotion intelligent, mindfulness, mindful care, and meta care, in particularly the inner senses such as heart intelligence and intuition are interdependent and complementary to each other. The presenters are all considered as experts in their fields. These are also emerging philosophies, sciences, humanities, and researches that are being developed and fostered for main stream development, living, and practices. And are relevant and inclusive to all (i.e. such as across age, gender, race, ethnic, profession, and so on). Emotion intelligence (outer and inner senses with strong mindfulness and heartfulness), intuition, creativity, imagination, transcendental experience are what would make evolved sentient such as human species superior to the most advanced AI and machines or humanoids in the future. In other words, with these meaningful traits characteristics and qualities, always superior to AI and machines. ...
AuthorEpistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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