Brief and simplified discernment to complement the following global community discussion-presentation: Are scientific concepts a metaphorical fantasy? | Rupert Sheldrake, Güneş Taylor, Peter Atkins... - YouTube. And diverse past discernments in diverse ways such recent On Philosophy - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org).
The more nature' epistemic and ontic are known, the better, more, and higher potentialities of possibilities of being and becoming across life and existence spectrum. And in an interdependent and interconnected or intertwined and entanged infinite cosmos, can best be known through process of being and being facilitating by Universal process of being and becoming or existential experience as parts of sum of parts of the greater whole. Another simple way of stating is as an infinitely finite fractal parts or elements of sum of infinitely infinite fractal parts of the greater whole. By living, experiencing, and knowing the infinitely finite or "Thyself" or conscious and aware of nature Universal process and mechanism of being and becoming; the infinitely infinite whole can be known. And in particularly as individual-shared-collective experience, intelligent, and efforts. Another simple way of saying is since the parts and whole whole are intertwined and entangled as Oneness of Wholeness, the infinitely finite can be known through the infinitely infinite. For example, the more and more conscious and aware of nature Universal process of being and becoming and Cosmic Consciousness and Awareness (or Ground of Being and Becoming. And Ground of Nature and Becoming), the higher and higher potentialities of possibilities that scientific ideas, hypotheses, theories would be closer and closer to nature' epistemic and ontic. And nature of reality and truth as individual and collective scientific method and process. And practices such arts, philosophy, and humanities (beside naturalness-spiritual and scientific practices) are diverse ways to conceptualize and express the living experience or the essence and nature of being and becoming locally and non-locally as infinitely finite parts of infinitely infinite greater whole process of being and becoming. Updated 05/06/2022 And as a complementary illustration After Jacques Derrida, what’s next for French philosophy? | Aeon Essays. And brief and simplified complementary discernment: A simple way of stating is the meaning and purpose of philosophizing is not the search for Truth. Rather, to conceptualize (through process of being and becoming locally and non-locally. And as such, would certainly be strengthen and complemented through naturalness-spiritual practices since after all, it is not only the essence and nature of being and becoming of the many sentient composite body-mind system. Rather, of the emerging subtle body-mind or real self potentialities of possibilities locally and non-locally) in search of best ways of being and becoming. And not only Truth rather also Nature of Reality. Even through interdependent and interconnected, Nature of Reality and Truth are not the same since beside the phenomenology, there are Relative, Absolute, And Eternal Reality and Truth. And as well as inclusive Truth. And as well as to define the concepts and methods for such Ultimate Quest. And which was why in ancient days, more often than not, philosophers were also scientists. And vice versa. And which was reason for "Nature Philosopher" term or philosopher-scientist. And if not most, many were also natural-spiritual practitioners and or devotees. Another way of saying is on an intertwined and entangled cosmos, integrated and holistic or unitary and complementary practices of skillful discerning, constructing, and applying the human perception and experience (subjectively and objectively) locally and non-locally in totality. A simple way of saying is the core role of philosophy was not well understood, constructed, defined, and specified. And as such, in modern days, not only philosophy and science were separated and isolated; rather naturalness-spiritual have been also excluded. And which greatly weaken all practices as well as all related disciplines and practices. And thus, direct and causal effects on individual and collective ways of being and becoming locally and non-locally. And as well as across development and living spectrum. Another simple way of saying is philosophizing can be both subjective and objective local and non-local experience (1st person objective experience rather than the mass. And as such non-inclusive and non-standardize). And as previously mentioned, which could be greatly strengthen and complement through naturalness-spiritual nurturing-development-practices. And such subjective and objective experience can be conceptualized. And develop into skillful means or through essential scientific concepts, methods, and processes for inclusive and standardizable Nature of Reality and Truth. Updated 06/05/2022: As a few diverse illustrations: Carlo Rovelli on physics and philosophy - YouTube Can philosophy of science have an impact on physics? | Sabine Hossenfelder - YouTube How philosophy occupies the everyday | Timothy Williamson - YouTube and among others. And growing. Perhaps a renaissance is in progress. |
AuthorEpistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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