Brief and simplified discernment of the following presentation Plato's Terrifying Secret Doctrines | Jason Reza Jorjani - YouTube:
Basing on the philosophy content and context, Greek' philosophy, in particularly Heraclitus, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, were influenced by Guatama Buddha' philosophy rather than Advaita Vedanta as stated in the presentation or the presentation indirectly and correctly indicated Buddhism since Advaita Vedanta itself is considered as modern days heir to Buddhism by expert scholars, historians, and practitioners. And which also had influenced even Roman emperor Stoic' philosophy as well as pre-Roman empire occupation communities such as Essenes and early Christian. And as inherent Western's heritage, philosophy, and culture. And were the curiosity, inspirations, and aspirations of Alexander the Great on or regarding existential life dimensions. And is further strengthen and complement by the following empirical: 1.0 Gautama Buddha era could precede Heraclitus era by a century or more depending on the actual historic records. And which is also a way to better estimated or correlated the recorded of these sages 2.0 Analyzed and agreed by many historians and scholars such as: HERACLITUS AND THE BUDDHA - ΕΛΛΗΝΟ-ΙΝΔΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ & ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ (elinepa.org) Heraclitus & Epicurus | Exeter Meditation Circle ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/FULLTEXT/JR-ENG/mil.htm "Heraclitus may not have been the first philosopher ever, but he was one of the first thinkers in Greece who spoke words about what life means that many others passed on, with fragments of his text and teachings in the work of many who quoted him such as Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, and the Stoic Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius." - Greek Philosophy – Heraclitus – Thought Itself (ericgerlach.com) and among many others. 3.0 Form-Formless Philosophy and Science although only form is discerned or emphasized in Platonic philosophy 4.0 Non-Dual Base Philosophy and Science 5.0 Process Base Philosophy and Science Modern reception (Wikipedia) "... Heraclitus has been the subject of numerous interpretations. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Heraclitus has been seen as a "material monist or a process philosopher; a scientific cosmologist, a metaphysician and a religious thinker; an empiricist, a rationalist, a mystic; a conventional thinker and a revolutionary; a developer of logic — one who denied the law of non-contradiction; the first genuine philosopher and an anti-intellectual obscurantist."[1] G.W.F. Hegel interpreted Heraclitus as a process philosopher, seeing the "becoming" in Heraclitus as a natural result of the ontology of "being" and "non-being" in Parmenides.[1] Martin Heidegger was also influenced by Heraclitus, as seen in his Introduction to Metaphysics. Heidegger believed that the thinking of Heraclitus and Parmenides was the origin of philosophy and misunderstood by Plato and Aristotle, leading all of Western philosophy astray." Therefore, had directly affected on the scientific development since philosophy and scientific practices were intertwined. And which was reason for scientists to be termed nature philosophers over the millenniums rather than just as causality of organized science over the past centuries - as a few empirical illustrations: On The Nature of Locality and Non-Locality. And Universal Unified Spectra-Field - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) What is wrong with current physics - Philosophy And Science Beyond The Macro World - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) And the philosophers-scientists mentioned here were considered not only philosophers, rather also scientists in their own ways or practices. And vice versa. Thus, great effects on ways being and becoming and development on the global scale over the millenniums or approximately past 2,500 years. And when grossly misapplied or used in or ss extremist doctrines, causes of unimaginable harm, injustice, and suffering - as an individual-shared-collective emancipation, inspiration, aspiration, and encouragement Did Western philosophy ruin Earth? A philosopher's letter of apology to the world | Salon.com. And whether the philosophy and science were misunderstood and or social engineered (as a few illustrations Plato’s Apology of Socrates - Classics - Oxford Bibliographies, Socrates, The Philosopher Of Western Philosophy - 1525 Words | Bartleby, HEIAAF (philarchive.org)) as analyzed by historians and scholars, from 3.0-5.0, Non-Dual Form-Formless Process Base Philosophy and Science distinctly differentiated Gautama Buddha' philosophy and science from all other traditions. Even through they are interdependent and interconnected as irreducibe whole, non-duality should not be confused with quantum physics or sciences. And vice versa. Non-duality is the essence and nature of existence or nature' epistemic and ontic. While quantum physics or sciences are the means and tools to describe and construct of such non-dual manifestation and phenomena or nature existential processes and mechanisms. And as such, understanding and practicing non-duality is pre-requisite for proper development of existential or nature' epistemic and ontic philosophical and scientific concepts and methods - On Non-Duality and Philosophical and Scientific Concepts and Methods - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org). For example, recorded of Nagarjuna discourses are all about non-duality emancipation and philosophizing rather than quantum mechanics or physics. And as millenniums old empirical illustration: The Dharma of Non-duality (researchgate.net) Vimalakirti - Wikipedia Wang Zhenpeng | Vimalakirti and the Doctrine of Nonduality | China | Yuan dynasty (1271–1368) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art (metmuseum.org) The Vimalakirti Sutra - A Brief Overview (learnreligions.com) and not only has not been integrated into scientific concept-method-process, in particularly quantum science and beyond; rather, science as known is based on dualism and reductionism. And which indicated, has not been integrated or fused into perception and experience of essence and nature of being and becoming locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond. Therefore, basing on the illustrated empirical data, Gautama Buddha and Eastern philosophy and science are parts of Western' heritage, philosophy, and culture. Afterall, it is an interdependent and interconnected world, nothing has its own intrinsic inherent independent. And as such, Eastern and Western individual-shared-collective heartful and mindful care collaborations and efforts on advancing existential life affirming dimension locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond are essential, meaningful, purposeful, and urgent. Updated 05/07/2023 Updated 04/22/2023 Even through they are interdependent and interconnected as irreducibe whole, non-duality should not be confused with quantum physics or sciences. And vice versa. Non-duality is the essence and nature of existence or nature' epistemic and ontic. While quantum physics or sciences are the means and tools to describe and construct of such non-dual manifestation and phenomena or nature existential processes and mechanisms. And as such, understanding and practicing non-duality is pre-requisite for proper development of existential or nature' epistemic and ontic philosophical and scientific concepts and methods - On Non-Duality and Philosophical and Scientific Concepts and Methods - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org). For example, recorded of Nagarjuna discourses are all about non-duality emancipation and philosophizing rather than quantum mechanics or physics. 03/23/2024 03/18/2023 Additional discernment to further elaborate on ancient practices: Before the era of Gautama Buddha, ancient practices, were based on ancient aliens gods and overlords as evidence in artifacts, myths, literatures, and scriptures. And as well as or translated into evidence in ways of life and practices across global cultures and traditions. And as such, due to many conditions and factors, was misunderstood or not understood when Gautama Buddha rejected and denied the existence of gods or ancient aliens as gods and overlords. Another simple way of saying is ancient aliens were not neither gods nor overlords rather as infinitely finite sentient. While Gautama preached the Dharma of Gound of Being and Becoming. And Ground of Nature and Becoming, And which were expressed and emphasized in: 1.0 Dependent and Interdependent Origination - or Ground of Nature and Becoming (or Ground of All That Exist and Ever Exist (and Becoming)) 2.0 Dependent and Interdependent Arising - Ground of Being and Becoming 3.0 Nothing Has Its Own Inherent Independent Existence - Being and Becoming Dharma-Karma. And as a few empirical illustrations: On The Nature of Locality and Non-Locality. And Universal Unified Spectra-Field - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org). What is wrong with current physics - Philosophy And Science Beyond The Macro World - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) And which further caused misunderstood or not understood of Gautama Buddha expression of "You Are Your Own Master" which meant there is no god. Rather, only Ground of Being and Becoming. And being and becoming own master is based on the Dharma of the Essence. Nature, and Ground of Being and Becoming. And as such, essential and meaningful correction or adjustment and adaptation need to be made to better the practices. And advance the Dharma. Updated 04/20/2023 On Friendly, Ethical, Wise, Compassionate, and Responsible Science, AI, and Technology - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) Be Parts of Solution Locally and Non-Locally ! |
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