This brief and simplified discernment is to complement and further elaborate on the following researches https://mindrxiv.org/hwv75 and https://www.marieclaire.co.uk/life/health-fitness/sophrology-650533 (which was briefly discerned here https://www.facebook.com/notes/vu-nguyen/on-mindful-care-ways-of-life-and-best-practices/2336878483041331): ... This brief and simplified discernment is to complement and further elaborate the following researches https://mindrxiv.org/hwv75 and https://www.marieclaire.co.uk/life/health-fitness/sophrology-650533 (which was briefly discerned here https://www.facebook.com/notes/vu-nguyen/on-mindful-care-ways-of-life-and-best-practices/2336878483041331):
Comprehensive and proper or effective meditation concepts and methods has to apply to the whole body-mind rather than just the brain or the physical body for the following main reasons: 1.0 Need to include the subtle body-mind (as briefly discerned here https://www.facebook.com/notes/vu-nguyen/on-mindful-care-ways-of-life-and-best-practices/2336878483041331). 2.0 From 1.0, mind belongs to subtle body-mind rather than the physical body even through the physical body and subtle body-mind are interdependent and interconnected. 3.0 From 1.0-2.0, the practices has to embody the whole body-mind or many sentient composite body-mind system. 4.0 The more active the body-mind, the more it would be in the realm of the physical body or localized. 5.0 The more subtle the body-mind, the more it would be in the realm of the subtle body-mind or non-local. Here is a simple illustration: in developing a circuits board or a system, the most critical components can be said to be power supply and regulation (i.e. consider mitochondria as had briefly simplified and discerned in past discernments) and signal to noise ratio. The more noisy and poorly regulated the supply, the worse the circuits board or system performance such as errors, higher bandwidth requirements, causing system bottleneck, and among others. They could be overcame through better components and added on printed circuits board, hardware, and software development. However, this would be more complex and cost more in terms of development, manufacturing, quality, and support cycles and costs. However, there are many other things that can cause poor signal to noise ratio such as poor components, coupling noise (such as many types of cross-talk, signals reflection, board and environment radiated noise, and among other environment factors such as temperature). Just as in power supply and regulation case, the signal to noise ration can be improved through better components as well as printed circuits, hardware, and software designs. However, the these would have negative or disadvantages effects as in the case of power supply and regulation. In addition, in general, the more energy and information processing intensive (i.e. think inn terms or motors and metabolism, the worse the signal to noise ratio. This simple and brief analogy can be applied to the body-mind (even through not equivalent or metamorphically since processes and mechanisms are different between realms (even through they are interdependent and interconnected) as follow: The less active the body-mind, the lesser energy and lesser motor actions. And therefore, the lower the metabolism or noise and interference. And thus, lower the signal to noise ratio as well as the more and more the senses would transition or tap in to the subtle body-mind. Therefore, would be more and more in the non-local process and mechanism (i.e. physical senses pertain more to the local realm and world while subtle body-mind senses pertain more to the non-local realm and world. More is used here to indicate that they are intertwined and entangled). In other words, the more active the more physical senses and the lesser and lesser active, the more and more the inner senses. For example, dream during sleep (the physical senses are less or no longer applicable) can be in very deep states of transcendence and one of the closest state (beside such as OBE and NDE) to the spiritual realm and world due to mainly the manifestation of the subtle body-mind rather than the physical body. And as clearly or irrefutable illustrated through OBE and NDE experience where the experience is mainly (physical and subtle body are still intertwined and entangled) through the subtle body-mind rather than the physical body. In simple words, the deeper the experience is through the subtle body-mind, the broader and deeper transcendence potentialities of possibilities. As mentioned in https://www.facebook.com/notes/vu-nguyen/on-mindful-care-ways-of-life-and-best-practices/2336878483041331, the more inward or the more the subtle body-mind is tapped in or applied, the broader and deeper the transcendence potentialities of possibilities since the experience are no longer limited by physical senses. And which is why, sages throughout history had urged through metaphors such as "Be Still" and "Go Inward". However, this is not to say that meditation that applied more the physical senses such as brain are wrong (i.e. brain would be developed in ways according to the practices). Rather, to briefly suggested how to transcend and better the human conditions and experience. And as well as to nurture, develop, and practice based on the inspirations, aspirations, and yearnings. in addition, also about infinite dynamic experience and transformation potentialities of possibilities. And which are why essential, meaningful, and mindful care science and technology are essentially developed and applied for long lasting benefits to and betterment of all. |
AuthorEpistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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