Brief and simplified discernment to complement the following exploration and empirical dataPhysicists demonstrate Young's double-slit interference in time – Physics World:
Even basing on a simple experiment, the resulted phenomena (and needed to be applauded. And further collaborated and supported) is endowed and embedded with much existential epistemic and ontic content and context. And the empirical data indicated that Spectra-Field-Space-Time-Geometry-Information and Locality and Non-Locality processes and mechanisms are irreducible or nothing has its own intrinsic inherent independent existence. And intertwined and entangled or Non-Dual. Non-Dual has much content and context or meanings. A simplest way of stating here is the whole is irreducible and far greater than sum of its parts. Another brief and simple way of saying is reductionism and localism philosophy )or lack of), and therefore science (such as only observable and local) are counter to exxistential epistemic and ontic. And therefore, improper concepts and methods to explore or perceive and experience existential epistemic and ontic. And nature of reality and truth. The solution is reductionism needs to be in or within the framework of non-duality or exploring as interdependent and interconnected phenomena. And processes and mechanisms. And locality needs to be explored as intertwined and entangled phenomena. And processes and mechanism with non-locality. And as had inspired, encouraged, and urged in diverse ways in diverse past discernments and illustrations. Complementary: What is wrong with current physics - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) "Our Senses Lie To Us" - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) On Plato Cave - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) And as illustration through a brief journey of Sapien' past-present-furture or epistemic and ontic: Science, in particular Western science developed philosophy based on such as Plato, Descartes, Spinoza, and Vedanta which are all dual (and as well as conditioned and hindered by forbidden and hidden knowledge and practices). Even through or whether or not Spinoza and Plato may expressed aspects of non-duality, they were not provided or recorded and expressed in literatures accordingly. And as such, non-duality was not only not understood, rather even misunderstood as duality in cases. While Vedanta is well known over the millenniums as duality or is dual. Even through they are interdependent and interconnected as irreducibe whole, non-duality should not be confused with quantum physics or sciences. And vice versa. Non-duality is the essence and nature of existence or nature' epistemic and ontic. While quantum physics or sciences are the means and tools to describe and construct of such non-dual manifestation and phenomena or nature existential processes and mechanisms. And as such, understanding and practicing non-duality is pre-requisite for proper development of existential or nature' epistemic and ontic philosophical and scientific concepts and methods - On Non-Duality and Philosophical and Scientific Concepts and Methods - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org). For example, recorded of Nagarjuna discourses are all about non-duality emancipation and philosophizing rather than quantum mechanics. Advaita Vedanta as heir to Buddhism or a Buddhist tradition is non-dual. The influence of Buddhism has been since emperor Asoka dynasty and as well as through cultural, traditional, and social co-existence and exchange. However, was only organized and official more or less from the Nalanda era or India renaissance or golden era (i.e. before Islamic conquest and internal conflict). However, social and cultural has been dominated by Vedanta traditions for many past centuries until the British presence and Dalit revival or reclamation of Buddhist practices in modern centuries. And as such for many centuries, Advaita Vedanta progressed mainly as well as slowly through lineage development and low profile practices or can be perceived as Buddhist practices in disguised. And which in actuality, was not eliminated as myth that Buddhism has been more or less eliminated from India over many past centuries. Therefore, for these reasons and related or as causalities, non-duality has not been known much less understood by the mass which included philosophy and scientific communities. While Buddhism, conditioned by forbidden and hidden knowledge and practices doctrines as well as social, cultural, and development of the days, did not foster such knowledge, wisdom, and practices over the millenniums. And therefore, Non-Dual can be said as neither practiced nor understood across Buddhism. And many traditions, are actuality known as dual in particularly Chan, Zen, and Son since they were mostly conditioned by feudal conditions and practices. And emperors and warlords doctrines over the millenniums (as an illustration (PDF) Origins of Dualism and Nondualism in the History of Religion and Spiritual Practice (researchgate.net), and among others). And as well as in the West or globally (as an empirical illustration On Meditation and Contemplation - Is meditation a form of prayer? - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) and among many others). And as such, Advaita Vedanta can be said to be more verse and non-dual practices Buddhist tradition than known Buddhist traditions (and as such, also empirical evidence of heir to Buddhism and Buddhist philosophy and science) for the followimg main reasons: 1.0 Low profile 2.0 Categorized under Hinduism and Vedanta (Buddhism was not longer public and official practices) 3.0 Have not been parts of emperors and warlords social practices and doctrines. And therefore, have not been causes and causalities of such as tribalism, competition, conflicts, interests, identities politics, and us versus them. And their causalities such as mistrust, fear, resentment, hatred, vengeance, dominance. and as such, have not been much oppressed and suppressed since was not perceived neither as competition nor opposition nor threats. Rather, overall as complementary. And as such, Western philosophy or lack of, and therefore as causality, scientific concept, method, and process are all based on duality or such as reductionism (from infinite finite elements reducible to essential life confirming dimensions such as physics, chemistry, and biology are separable) and localism. For example, Relativity (Special and General) was based on dualism and localism perhaps influenced by Spinoza philosophy, Cosmology and Quantum Sciences, in particularly physics such as Quantum Mechanics, String Theories, and Cosmology were influenced by Vedanta and Buddhism. And a mix of theology on Cosmology. And thus, clear evidence of not only Duality; rather, also Non-Duality not understood and not applied. The most obvious, beside essential and meaningful existential perception and experience of the world, lack of foundation of natural philosophy, and therefore, as causality foundation of natural science, is in the reductive and statistical-probability as well as still in the realm of locality (i.e. observable and objective) interpretation of quantum mechanics or beyond locality or non-locality and beyond such as Interpretations of quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, Minority interpretations of quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, and among others for about a century now. And which would not only lead to essential and meaningful progress on existential nature' epistemic and ontic. Rather, improper scientific exploration and quest or direction. And for which philosophers and scientists alike as well as the philosophical and scientific communities in these fields openly discussed and acknowledged as embarrassment and crises. And urgent needs or aspirations and yearnings for solution. And as such, essential and meaningful comprehensive and holistic or non-dual solution (as parts of individual-shared-collective solution. And empowerment and liberation)) is provided here as well as in complementary diverse past discernments. Another (among many others) heated open discussion and critics among scientists (in particularly physics) and philosophers as well as related communities about a century now or far in the past is whether the fabrics of the cosmos is continuous or discrete. However, since the fabrics of the cosmos (i.e. spectra-field-space-time-geometry-information. And topology-structure-function-process-mechanism-order. And which included observable, non-observable, subtle and hidden, multi-levels and fractal underlying processes and mechanisms such as the nature of many sentient composite body-mind system) are irreducible or intertwined and entangled (or far beyond continuous, analog, discrete, digital) non-dual existential; rather than dualism. reducibility, and materialist objective philosophy and science. And which is the opposite of nature. For example, for specific and specialized applications, it is reasonable to quantize. However, quantization of irreducible parts, topology-structure=function-process-mechanism-order would be counterproductive such as not able to implement or feasible, not optimized, costly and non-practical, would not function across realms and scales, and inhibit applied sciences, engineering, and technological potentialities of possibilities in many ways. And thus, inhibit or prevent realization and actualization of nature of reality and truth. However, the most obvious hindrance and obstacle is not only just the reducible and separation, rather worse, exclusion of spirit-soul. And as such, pre-conditioned, constrained, and limited senses and cognition or scientific explorations and quests basing not only on distorted perception and false experience of the world. Rather, also localized or pertained to locality (rather than also non-local). For example, before body-mind concept was constructed and progressed in main stream in recent years, perception and experience of the world was all about brain. However, despite more embodied body-mind concept, spirit-soul has yet to be integrated. And as such, the scientific quest would continue to base on self-distorted and self-hindrance or self-conditioned and self-induced false perception and experience of the world. And simply removing self-conditioned, self-constrained, and self-hindrance would lead to self-empowerment and self-liberation. And empowerment and liberation of others and the collective potentialities of possibilities locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond. Another simple way of saying is, integrating the real self or local and non-local existential self (i.e. subtle body-mind or emerging spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities (while the biologic organic body is local and temporary (i.e. mean to create, shape, nurture, transform, and purify subtle body-mind or real local and non-local existential self)) as part of the many sentient composite body-mind system or made body-mind whole would be intrinsic inherent natural non-dual ways of being and becoming empowerment and liberation not only locally, rather non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond. And as such, universal or best of all worlds potentialities of possibilities (and as complementary empirical illustration On The Observer Paradox Paradigm - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org)). A simple way of stating is proper and meaningful existential perception and experience of the (such as diverse non-local transcendence experience of the world) world would have give rise to complementary or proper philosophy. And thus, scientific concept and method or solution more than a century ago or far past in history. And which was why Einstein (and alike seekers and aspirers) in later years, as both nature' philosopher and naturalness-spiritual seeker, gravitated toward Non-Dual or Buddhism' philosophy and science as aspired, yearned, and emancipated in famous or popular quotes. Science, as essential aspects of development and living as well as ways of being and becoming locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond is an inclusive-open, shared, and collective endeavor and participatory practice. As such, is legally recognized as individual-shared-collective rights. Furthermore, almost all the resources, fundings, and personnel are from public. And as such, also individual-shared-collective accountability and responsibility not only resources wise, rather also in prevent malpractice, harm, injustice, and suffering locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond. Updated 04/20/2023 On Friendly, Ethical, Wise, Compassionate, and Responsible Science, AI, and Technology - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) Updated 04/15/2023 Edward Frenkel: Reality is a Paradox - Mathematics, Physics, Truth & Love | Lex Fridman Podcast #370 - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) Updated 04/22/2023 Updated 04/12/2023 On Non-Dual Existential Universal Process and Mechanism of Being and Becoming - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) Updated 04/11/2023 Updated 04/05/2023 Dark Matter Hunters Needs Fresh Answers - Solutions - Philosophy And Science Beyond The Macro World - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) Physicists demonstrate Young's double-slit interference in time – Physics World - Philosophy And Science Beyond The Macro World - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org) Updated 04/04/2023 Brief suggestion as had suggested in diverse ways in diverse past discernments: Taking advantage or make use of the essence of non-dual such as unitary and complementary essence (including subtle and hidden aspects) in nature, would make applied science and technology research, development, test, production, applications, and services cycles far simple, easier, flexible, and faster. And more importantly or first and foremost, realizable and actualizable as well as realistic and practicable. And as such, also more robust, costs effective, easier to manage, operate, and serve customers. For example, can operate or function at broad or wide temperature range, including room temperature and higher. Resilient against noises such as thermal, cross talk, coupling, ground, devices, interferance or environment). And as such, would minimize such as error detection and correction, storage or memory, redundancy, circuity, and among others. Therefore, would gain in such as bandwidth, speed, user friendly, ease of manufacturing and testing, reliability, portable, and among others. All the while minimize costs of products, maintenance, and services. Be Parts of Solution Locally and Non-Locally ! |
AuthorEpistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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