Brief and simplified discernment on the study of subtle body-mind, incarnation, and re-incarnation. And the following phenomena should be considered:
1.0 The only way for sentient species to have the potential of being conscious and aware is an evolved subtle body-mind or local and non-local or universal genome. As an extremely sample illustration: in order for a gadget to function in a system. depending on the system architecture; equipment, network, internet, user, and sytem identifications are required. And the genome in many ways content such content and context. And far beyond. 2.0 No genome can be the same or no subtle body-mind or every individual is unique. And is evidential since the discovery of genome. Even no such as brain, eye, finger, heart signature is the same. Again as an extremely simple example connecting to 1.0. No gadget can have such as same equipment, user, and internet hardware or access identifications. Otherwise, it would not function correctly or as design intent. And similarly with universal genome or creation of sentient with universal genome would not be possible 3.0 Subjective empirical or subjective objective experience have indicated the following individual and shared experience such as: 3.1 Dream 3.2 Ideas or knowledge 3.3 OBE 3.4 NDE 3.5 Death 3.6 Life review which could be experience of one life. And as well as others during NDE 3.7 And among other individual and shared existential experience And as such, shared past lives experience of others should not be considered as unusual. 4.0 Entangled information is different from learned information or can be as: 4.1 Learned information 4.2 Direct experience 4.3 Both 4.1 and 4.2 or "Knowing" 5.0 If possible, verify the genome of past lives with genome of the newborn (or even pre-birth) from parents. And the result would be obvious, or the newborn will bear the genome from the parents. 6.0 The past live genomes cannot just simply turned or merged into a new genome. And in particularly no-copying process and mechanism or exact reproduction is possible due to the nature of flux and impermanence in nature. And as well as continuous aspects of consciousness and awareness. And the dynamic and transformative of life and existence. 7.0 Much of the human existential consciousness and awareness is not only embedded and embodied in the genome (facilitated by universal process and mechanism of being and becoming), rather interact and through causal with the vastly genomes of other oganisms that made up the many sentient composite body-mind system (beside variant and factors such as evironment, uprising, culture, belief, and among others). And as such, even with the same genome (which would no be possible with no-copy, And there are good reason such as to prevent identical sentient or genome), it would be totally different subtle body-mind or individual due to all kind of dynamic and transformative biologic-genetic interaction as well as bio-transmutation from embryo to adult. 8.0 Incarnation should be considered or explored as process and mechanism of being and becoming facilitating through the Ground of Being and Becoming (and therefore Ground of Nature and Becoming Wholeness) ineraction with biologic-genetic of embryo parents from conception throughout life and existence. And is intertwined and entangled with creation and development of sentient locally and non-locally. Therefore, stages of the subtle body-mind emergence and development can be explored and analyzed. 9.0 Should consider analyzing experience about re-incarnation dream before child is born as potential entangled past life phenomena as guardian and or guide spirit as many had reported through life experience. 10.0 Explore, interpolate, extrapolate, and correlate in vitro and in vivo biologic-genetic development; and as well as correlated development of embryo genome and subtle body-mind development from conception to childbirth. While ensure or advance proper or essential child nurturing and development process. And would advance science, engineering, technologies, and development across living and existential spectrum. And which are possibilities. Subjective experience can be classified as subjective objective or objective. However, unless they are experienced by just about everyone or at lest vast majority across the global community, it is best to consider subjective experience as objective experience when they can be extrapolated, interpolated, and correlated through the scientific method, empirical data, and reason not only as confirmation of existential dimensions; rather, also as ways of such as inclusive, open, knowledge, science, empirical, and reason based development and living or best inclusive and common and greater good ways of being and becoming development and living in the known physical world. And beyond. And as such, would make collective empowerment and liberation such as collective democracy, development and living for a better world and humanity, and global governance far easier, better, and humane or complementing and facilitating long lasting benefits and betterment for all as well as the potential of the essence and nature of being and becoming locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond. These (and among others interconnected) should be considered when study the science of incarnation and re-incarnation to perhaps develop meaningful potential practical concept and method. And as well as to integrate and carry out with science of subtle body-mind development from conception to existential life to better and advance the human conditions, experience, and potential as ways of being and becoming locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond. And vice versa, explore the science of subtle body-mind from conception to birth would also reveal the mysteries of incarnation and re-incarnation. And since advance and better the human conditions, experience, and potential locally and non-locally in the known physical. And beyond is urgent, exploration of the subtle body-mind should be the priority since after all, it would reveal mysteries of all of these. And far beyond. |
AuthorEpistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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