Brief and simplified discernment to elaborate and solve or resolve the nature God between theist and non-theist:
For non-theist, God is experienced, philosophized, and described as the Essence, Nature, and Ground of Being or simply Ground of Being. And through words such as "Luminous Mind", "Luminous State of Being", and "Ground of Being" - Consciousness and the Self: One Early Buddhist Monk's Famous Mistake - YouTube - Updated 08/13/2021. And God or Ground of Being is sustained by the Essence, Nature, and Ground of Nature or All That Exist and Ever Exist. And is the reason for expression such as "See God in Everything", "God is in Everything", "See The Divine in Everything", The Divine is in Everything". While for theist, God is experienced, theologized, and described such as "Infinite Light Being", "Infinte Love Being", and "Christ Consciousness". However, even the experience varied and description are different, they actually are experience and description of same dynamic existence of infinite potentialities of possibilities. A simple way of saying is if God is defined as the Ground of Being or vice versa, then both non-theist and theist are of same Ground of Being or God. Another way of saying is even non-theist and theist experience the same God or Ground of Being, their experience and expression varied due not only to they experienced of infinite potentialities of possibilities. Rather also due to back ground, culture, intellect, knowledge, language, and among other factors. And as such, both non-theist and theist have or share the same God or Ground of Being. A simple way of saying is non-theist does have God and theist does have Ground of Being. To further elaborate, even in Buddhism, the Source, God, and the Self were not well interpreted-translated-defined-specified or constructed. And therefore, was not understood for more than 2.5 millenniums after Gautama Buddha. Through this presentation of core philosophy of the Nalanda tradition, in particularly by Nagarijuna Debunking Carlo Rovelli - part 2 - Nagarjuna's Emptiness Rescued From Materialist Nothingness - YouTube a brief and simplified explanation or clarification: The Nalanda tradition expression of Gautama Buddha' emancipation on the essence, nature, and ground of Being and Becoming or God as "Luminous Mind". And the essence, nature and ground of Nature and Becoming as "Emptiness". And which indicated the greater whole or All That Exist and Ever Exist has a Self or God. And therefore, the self is real and true or exists for evolved sentient. And "Dependent and Interdependent Origination" and "Dependent and Interdependent Arisen" are expression of universal self-realized and self-actualized process and mechanism of being and becoming in relation to sum of parts, Ground of Being (and Becoming), and Ground of Nature (and Becoming) or the Whole. And is now becoming more and more obvious due such as more are experiencing or having transcendence experience such as OBE and NDE. Another way of saying is individual and collective in another or different group or community experience can help solve life mysteries as well as build commin ground and advance the common and greater good. For example, theist such as Westerner experience God in different ways through millenniums social, cultural, and traditional practices. However, as more Westerner practices and or had transcendence experience, in particularly NDE, the differences bethween theist and non-theist are becoming same rather than causes for such as tribalism, divisiveness, alienation, fear, mistrust, conflicts, hatred, wars, injustice, and suffering. And as such, are great causes, reasons, and opportunities to inspire, aspire, collaborate, co-exist on common ground, and solution to advance the common and greater good. Updated 01/03/2021
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