Quantum mechanics does not lead to many worlds interpretation (MWI). Rather, it is precisely that many worlds are real and true or exist that allow or lead to quantum phenomena. And therefore, allow or facilitate manifestation of quantum sciences as presently known. Another way of saying is quantum phenomena (and beyond) such as non-locality and entanglement as well as observable and non-observable spectra-field validated without any reason of doubt that many worlds exist. And this many world can be defined as Omniverse Multiverse (or relatable equivalence such as Sum of Worlds of the Greater Whole, Greater Whole Worlds. or Sentient Multiverse World) to distinguish from main stream MWI and Multiverse terms or definitions. Furthermore, the just mentioned validation is strengthen or also validated by the human experience over the many millenniums across cultures.
Another way of stating is the reasons human can perceived and experience life and existence as are, are because the many worlds are real and true or exist since the many realms and worlds as sum of parts of the greater whole not only allow or facilitate such perception and experience; but also have endowed sentient with potentialities of possibilities (essence of nature potentialities of possibilities. And sentient characteristics and qualities through the process of being and becoming facilitating by nature) to "Know Itself or Thyself" and "Nature" (which are arising or manifestation through diverse ways through the outer and inner senses such as scientifically, naturalness-spiritual, and introspection-contemplation practices) for meaningful transformation and evolution in the known physical world. And far beyond (a few recent discernments https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/philosophy-and-science/on-the-nature-of-epistemology-and-ontology, https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/philosophy-and-science/brief-suggestion-on-the-search-for-dark-matter-and-dark-energy, https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/nature-of-reality-and-truth/october-06th-2019. A simple analogy is a new born would not know itself and its place in the world until it has developed the senses, maturity, and abilities to realize the world and origin. And what previously just mentioned are also parts of the many deep meanings of timeless "Dependent and Interdependent Origination" and "Dependent and Interdependent Arising" philosophical metaphors discerned in diverse ways in past discernments. And which are correlating with or complementing timeless philosophy of essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature. And the many worlds can be simplified as known observable physical world and non-observable immaterial worlds (for which there are many worlds). In simple worlds, there is only 1 physical world as known but many immaterial worlds since the immaterial worlds is (or through the self-realized and self-actualized cosmos topology, structure, function, process, mechanism, and order that are based on the essence, nature, and ground of nature or greater whole) far more dynamic and transformative as well as eternal. This brief and simplified discernment is to suggested that the many worlds imagination or hypothesis is true. However, the present concept of MWI is incorrect. And need to be much further developed and advanced. In other words, the hypothesis is correct. However, the concept and method need far greater development. And also to suggested solutions to such possibilities to maximize and optimize inspirations, aspirations, resources, collaborations, time, efforts, and transformation forward. All the while advance the common and greater good and long lasting benefits to and betterment for all. The philosophy and science have been suggested in diverse ways in past discernments. And most recently https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/philosophy-and-science, https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/nature-decode, and https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org/nature-of-reality-and-truth. Welcome and Greetings ! https://www.epistemologyontologyfoundationinstitute.org Updated 10/08/2019
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