Brief and simplified discernment to support, strengthen, and complement the following research There are 6x10^80 Bits of Information in the Observable Universe - Technology OrgTechnology Org (related content Amount of information in visible universe quantified ( And all related on going and future explorations and quests:
Current information technology is created by sentient or specifically in this case, by human species (and which can be achieved potentially in infinite ways). However, are endowed, embodied, and facilitated by nature universal process of being and becoming. And as such, is human' epistemic and ontic (i.e. information and supporting technology) rather than of nature. Nature's epistemic and ontic have to be based on nature creation or specifically basing on the essence, nature, and ground of being (and becoming). And the essence, nature, and ground of nature (and becoming). And is far more complex or literally out of this world complexity. Another simple way of saying is beyond complexity. Nature's epistemic and ontic can be derived, discovered, or realized through sentient or the human experience of life and existence in the known physical world and beyond such as bio-field, morphic, and Metamorphic fields of individual and collective many sentient composite body-mind system as well as solar and cosmic spectra-fields (and non-organic or non-living things spectra-fields in the local and non-local cosmos would complement such realization). And as had inspired and encouraged in diverse ways in diverse past discernments. And most recently On Space-Time-Information and Mind - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (, On AI and The Essence, Nature, and Ground of Being and Becoming - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (, On Phenomenology, Quantum Phenomena, and The Wave Function - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (, and among many past inspirations, encouragement, and support. In brief summary, human constructed information technology is human' epistemic and ontic facilitated by nature universal process of being and becoming in the local and non-local cosmos as parts of sum of parts of the greater whole. And is part of the cosmos entropy. However, it is not inherent intrinc nature' epistemic and ontic. Another way of saying is, the information technology created by sentient is not intrinsic inherent part of nature but of sentient. However, the human experience and transformation' epistemic and ontic are intrinsic parts of nature. What briefly and simply illustrated here is an example of meanings and purposes of universal process of being and becoming of infinite potentialities of possibilities of parts of sum of parts of the greater whole. Furthermore, in reality and truth, neither General Relativity nor any other equation nor formula nor all equations and formulas can describe nor express nature' epistemic and ontic since: 1.0 They are only descriptive tools or means. And of a particular phenomenon (or phenomena) rather than the interactive dynamic of parts of sum of parts of the cosmos over aeon in the past-present-future. And as tools or means for development and living in the known solar system and galaxy much less the cosmos. And much less non-local and unobservable-undetectable realms. 2.0 Even through living things existed such as on planets, in galaxies, and galaxies clusters, are limited to the physical and only certain aspects of the cosmos 3.0 Do not cover unobservable spectra-field 4.0 Are neither active dynamic processes nor mechanisms 5.0 Are not existential living processes nor mechanisms 6.0 Do not cover unobservable or subtle and hidden underlying processes and mechanism 7.0 Do not have any endowed, embedded, and embodied sentient living characteristics nor qualities 8.0 Are not real and true or cannot be experienced as living experience and existence. 9.0 And more and most importantly, are not based on the essence, nature, and ground of being (and becoming). And essence, nature, and ground of nature (and becoming) as just illustrated in diverse ways 1.0-8.0. Another way of saying is nature's epistemic and ontic can only be realized and actualized through the expression and knowing or dynamic existential living experience of being and becoming as part of sum of parts of the greater whole. Another simple way of saying is through individual and collective self-realization and self-actualization process of being and becoming locally and non-locally as parts of sum of parts of the whole endowed, embodied, and facilitated by nature. Another way of saying is to be part of and know nature's epistemic and ontic, one has to live as an intrinsic inherent part of nature. And can be expressed metamorphically, poetically, and philosophically as "To Know Nature (or the Greater Whole) Is To know Thyself (or oneself)" and vice versa or "To Know Thyself Is To Know Nature". And as such, can be further expanded to "To Know Nature Is To Love Nature and Thyself" and vice versa or "To Know Thyself Is To Love Thyself and Nature". And among other infinite meaningful potentialities of possibilities of living expression and experience of being and becoming such as "Ground of Being" or Greater Whole as "Nature", combination, or all of "Ground of Being", "Nature", and "Greater Whole"... Or basically, can be briefly and simply summarized as sentient constructs based on narrow, shallow, and limited perception and experience as of the world. And as well as nature's epistemic and ontic. And empirical of individual and collective local and non-local experience such as individual and shared spiritual realms, OBE, and NDE indicated such nature of reality and truth. And in particularly when they have been interpolated, extrapolated, and correlated through the scientific method over the past several centuries. Furthermore, experiencers can certainly relate to the nature of nature's epistemic and ontic. Updated 11/05/2021 Updated 10/30/2021 Diverse global community experience, inspirations, aspirations, yearnings, emancipations, initiatives, collaborations, and resources: Diverse individual and Shared Transcendence, Out-Of-Body, and Near-Death Experience, Inspirations, Aspirations, Yearnings: Light, Love, and Peace That Surpasses All Understanding A few diverse experience of process of being and becoming as parts of sum of parts of the greater whole: Since the subtle body-mind is part of or intertwined and entangled with the many sentient composite and the local and non-local cosmos. Advancing science of subtle body-mind and many sentient composite body-mind system would help advance sciences of such as resuscitation, animation, re-animation, longevity, and beyond known physical world. Near-Death Trauma – The Way Back to Life | Nicole Züllig's Near Death Experience - YouTube The Near Death Experience of Mrs. Nicole Dron - YouTube "We Don't Have to be Afraid of Dying" | Astrid Dauster's Near Death Experience - YouTube “It Was Like a Drop Of Water Returning To The Ocean” Ryan Johnson's Near Death Experience (NDE) - YouTube The Mahatmas: Working with the Wise Ones for a Better World | Dr. Barbara Herbert - YouTube The Near Death Experience of Samira Henning - YouTube Let's Talk Near Death - The NDE of Sheryl Gottschall - YouTube The Near Death Experience of Mr. Vinzenz Hensle - YouTube After | An In-Depth Interview with Bruce Greyson - YouTube Spiritual Transformation and Finding Your Purpose NDE: I was an atheist until I Died! My 2 Near Death Experience with Dr. Lotte Valentin - YouTube Her Spirit Guide Showed Her The Future During Her Near Death Experience. - YouTube The Big Departure and The Movie of Life | Sabine Mehne's Near Death Experience - YouTube Near-Death Experiences Among Combat Veterans - YouTube Near-Death Experiences: The Evidence - YouTube Dr. Jeffrey Long Claims to Have Concrete Evidence of the Afterlife - YouTube The Near Death Experience of Ms. Silvia Scherzinger - YouTube NDE Filmmaker - Anthony Chene - YouTube Crossing the Threshold: Consciousness From This Life To The Next with Dr. Bruce Greyson - YouTube 04/07/2014 - What I Learned from my NDE - YouTube Jean's Journey into the Light - YouTube Iranian Dr. Kassauei's NDE The Near Death Experience of Brooke Jones - YouTube Let's Talk Near Death - The NDE of Shawna Ristic - YouTube A few Recent Open Discussion on Being and Becoming Wisdom from a Near-Death Experience - YouTube Conversations with NDErs Hila Baruch: Episode #68 - YouTube Near Death Experience Account (Brief) - YouTube Bully Transformed by Near-Death Experience (NDE) - YouTube NDE Reveals Our 5 Spiritual Superpowers - YouTube "There Was Just Blackness and I Thought, This Can't Be It" | Christa Maria Feuster's NDE - YouTube The Near Death Experience of Mr. Vinzenz Hensle - YouTube Nancy Rynes - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview - YouTube Near-Death Experiences: The Evidence - YouTube IANDS - the most reliable source of information on NDEs Near Death Experience Benefits Without Having an NDE - YouTube The Near-Death Experience of Ms. Manuela Fazzi Near-Death-Experiences – What is it Really About? | An Interview with Dr. Reto Eberhard Rast - YouTube During His Near Death Experience He Encountered A Higher Power and Had A Life Review! - YouTube NDE Experience with Rob Gentile: Episode 64 #nde - YouTube Dr. Bruce Greyson on What Near-Death Experiences Reveal About Life and Beyond - Intersections Ep. 30 - YouTube Owning Your Divinity - Silvia Isachsen and Dr. Jeff O'Driscoll Doctor and Patient Shared NDE (Dr. Jeff O'Driscoll and Jeffery Olsen) - YouTube The Near Death Experience of Michael Rudigier - YouTube Love and Joy: Near-Death Experiences and Mystical Experiences Link: IANDSvideos - YouTube The Near Death Experience of Michael Rudigier - YouTube During Her Near Death Experience She Experienced Unconditional Love For The First Time In Her Life! - YouTube More Love Than We Can Imagine - Tricia Barker, Near-Death Experiencer (NDE) - YouTube Electrical Engineer Has A Near Death Experience and Becomes A Painter! - YouTube Jim Macartney's Near-Death Experience Account (NDE) - YouTube The near-death experience of Jane Thompson - YouTube AMAZING Near Death Experience During The Vietnam War! - YouTube Man Dies While Donating Blood and Has Near Death Experience! - YouTube After Being HIT By A TRUCK, Felice Had a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE! - YouTube A Stranger Living in a Strange Land- Rev. Peter Panagore - YouTube Near-Death Experiencer Panel - Lisa Evers, Jim Bay, J.C. Gordon - YouTube The Near Death Experience of Ms. Heidi Z. The Near-Death Experience of René Volken - YouTube Near Death Experience Reveals There is Order in [Apparent] Chaos (Amy Call) - YouTube (link Rev. David Maginley Had A Near Death Experience DURING CHURCH SERVICE! - YouTube) Dave Bennett - Experiences in the Light & Visions of the Future Terri Daniel - Near-Death Experiences: What We Know, and What Comes Next - YouTube "I Was Welcomed by the Light“ | Sabine Mehne's Near Death Experience - YouTube Two Minutes of Eternity – An Extraordinary Near Death Experience | Bo Katzman in conversation - YouTube "It was an Unbelievably Beautiful Lightness“ | Heike Sucky's Near Death Experience - YouTube Near-Death Experience in an Avalanche | An Interview with Monika Dreier-Leuthold - YouTube "I Saw Myself Lying There" | Julia Fischer's Near Death Experience - YouTube A Priest and Life After Death | Stefan Lampe's Near Death Experience - YouTube “Dying Wasn’t Bad at All” | Michèle Bögli's Near Death Experience - YouTube NDE, Life Review and How I Learned To Stop Negative Thoughts - Barbara Ireland - YouTube Shared Near-Death Experience: Peace That Surpasses All Understanding - YouTube Atheist Neurologist Transformed by Near Death Experience (NDE)- (Unintentional ASMR) - YouTube The Near Death Experience of Ms. Michèle Bögli-Mastria - YouTube The Near Death Experience of Ms. Isabel Waller-Rigo - YouTube The Near Death Experience of Ms. Andrea Pfeifer - YouTube Banker's Near Death Experience (NDE)- JC Gordon - YouTube Dr. Bruce Greyson- Near-Death Experiences, Consciousness of Science & Scientists - IANDS NDE - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( A Soldier's NDE: Glenn Brymer - YouTube Episode 95 Infused with God's Strength in an NDE with Jodi Brown - YouTube Near-Death Experience (NDE) Life Reviews - YouTube Near Death Experience- Anita Moorjani Dying to Live - YouTube Near Death Experience.Pam Reynolds - YouTube Near Death Experience Interview with Silvia Isachsen and Leo Murphy Diverse inspirations, aspirations, yearnings, emancipations, and collaborations for epistemic and ontic. And to advance meaningful life and social essentials and values, common and greater good. and well being while prevent and eliminate harm, injustice, and suffering in the known physical world. And beyond: – open-minded scientific investigations - Campaign for Open Science Dialogue with Richard Davidson and Daniel Goleman - YouTube Toward Naturalness-Spiritual Science. And Wholism Realism Science - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( Wal Thornhill: Understanding Human Nature | Thunderbolts - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( Scientists Speak Out About Evidence of Intelligent Design in Nature - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( But is it science? - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( Spiritual Awakening International - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( The Galileo Commission – Expanding the Scope of Science Scientists Speak Out About Evidence of Intelligent Design in Nature - YouTube It's Happening - The Big Shift Has Begun | Dr. Joe Dispenza (LOA) - YouTube It's Happening - The Big Shift Has Begun | Dr. Joe Dispenza (LOA) - YouTube The Universe Is a Machine That Keeps Learning, Scientists Say - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( How do we catalyse a shift in consciousness studies? - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( Annual Online Near-Death Experience Summit (July 23-25, 2021) - Free Sign Up - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( HOME - Scientific and Medical Network The Paradigm Project: Intelligent Design - YouTube and among many others globally such as: For Simone Weil, our capacity to suffer united us all | Aeon Essays EXPLOSIVE Truth About Vaccines & COVID w/Inventor Of mRNA Vaccine Technology, Robert Malone - YouTube A Hunger for Wholeness, Ilia Delio - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( Ilia Delio - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview - YouTube John Lennox: Has Science Buried God? - YouTube IANDS - the most reliable source of information on NDEs Bruce Greyson - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview - YouTube The Awakening Body: Ellen Emmet - YouTube Iain McGilchrist - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview - YouTube Dean Radin - 2nd Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview - YouTube Rupert Sheldrake: Science does not tolerate dissent - YouTube Richard Rohr - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview - YouTube Laurence Freeman - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview - YouTube Home - Scientific and Medical Network Transcendental Physics: TO BELIEVE OR NOT TO BELIEVE ( Scientists Speak Out About Evidence of Intelligent Design in Nature - YouTube Science & Wisdom LIVE - Where Science and Meditation meet ( – open-minded scientific investigations - Campaign for Open Science and among many others such as Toward Nature's Epistemic and Ontic - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (, De-Evolution and Existential Risks: - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (, Holistic Social Engagement and Act ivism - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( And growing globally or people and communities are inspiring, aspiring, collaborating, and sharing knowledge, practices, and experience locally, globally, and non-locally. Updated 10/26/2021 However, first and foremost is to realize that potentiality as or at the individual does not exist much less of infinite potentialities of possibilities or can never be possible at or as the individual level. Rather, it is about the diversity and pluralism of the individual and collective. Another simple way of saying is infinite potentialities of possibilities are only possible through meaningful diversity and pluralism manifestation or interaction of parts and sum of parts. A scientific way of saying is life and existence would not be possible much less of infinite potentialities of possibilities had not been due to the process of being and becoming of parts of sum of parts of wholeness. As a simple analogy, just by simple reasoning, and if needed, simple mathematics and statistics analysis, it is obvious that an element or a few static elements can never be of infinite potentiaities of possibilities by itself or themselves. It is only possible not only through meaningful interaction of many elements or parts as sum of parts. Rather, also through their dynamic and transformative process of interaction and emergence or being and becoming. And as such, when it is about nature's epistemic and ontic or life and existence, everything are flux and impermanent. And nothing has its own intrinsic inherent independent existence or indicated dependent and interdependent origination and dependent and interdependent arising. And vice versa. And therefore, living experience of such as self and no-self, interdependent and interconnectedness, and as parts of sum of parts of the greater whole are possible. Updated 10/23/2021 Complementary link: On Space-Time-Information and Mind - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (
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