This brief and simplified suggestion is to complement the following research And related exploration:
The affirmative answer already existed in empirical data by both main stream science such as and non mainstream science such as,,,, and among others. And in particularly within, Main stream scientists should consider analyzing explorations, researches, and applications empirical data from non mainstream science. And to collaborate with non main stream scientists and naturalness-spiritual practitioners. However, a very brief and simple solution forward is for science to include the subtle body-mind of the many sentient composite body-mind system as part of the human living experience which would help with insights and solutions to many epistemology and ontology of life and existence mysteries and wonders (such as from dark matter and energy or dark spectra-field to unified spectra-field to evolution beyond the known physical world to many realms and worlds to nature wholeness process and mechanism being and becoming or emerging of fractal parts of sum of parts of the greater whole to the nature of epistemology and ontology information process and mechanism to essence, nature, and ground of being. And essence, nature, and ground nature). And as had been discerned in diverse ways in past discernments,, Simply by recognizing the self, as Einstein had suggested, would literally raise consciousness and awareness beyond the known observable world. And beyond illusion and delusion. And as Tesla also had urged. And as well as inspirations and aspirations of many past mystic scientists, would advance science, the scientific quest, and human species by local and non-local speeds or beyond the speed of observable light (a recent opinion It is impossible to properly perceive and experience the world or nature of reality and truth; and a tragedy and lost opportunities by not experiencing and recognizing or knowing the real and true self or one own existence (and experience from a well known mystic and many other global experience such as a known advocate Another example of the former mystic experience Another brief and simplified mystic or human experience, interpreted and translated in scientific epistemology and ontology language, of the irreducible of space-time or of past, present, and future as one or nature wholeness process of intertwinement of infinite fractals parts of sum of the parts of the greater whole. And intertwinement and entanglement of infinite fractal parts of sum of parts of the greater whole process of being and becoming is basically intertwinement and entanglement of infinite space-time of fractal parts of infinite space-time of sum of parts of the greater whole. And therefore, space-time are irreducible. And vice versa, or the parts are irreducible or as oneness of wholeness. The context in the video presentations also corresponded or correlated with known aspects of core context of Buddhist mystics or naturalness-spiritual practitioners on death process transition as well as the essence, nature, and ground of being and nature philosophy and science). And therefore, to also inspire and encourage that it is best sooner rather than later or never in the known observable world. And as such, would help ensure and advance science and all related disciplines and practices mission of realizing and actualizing nature of reality and truth. And of building a better humanity and world in the known observable world. And far beyond. All the while preventing harm, injustice, and suffering in the known physical world. And far beyond. Updated 05/29/2020
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Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
April 2024