Brief and simplified discernment to strengthen and complement the following exploration TGD diary: TGD view of brain as a resonance chamber (
The efforts need to be applauded, collaborated, and supported to accelerate the exploration. And all related quests. Brief suggestion, for greater and acceleration of progress, it is essential to better or properly define body-mind and specify parts of sum of parts. For example, body-mind can be defined as many body-mind system or many sentient composite body-mind system. And the parts can be defined or specified as organic biologic, electromagnetics or electro and magneto, quantum (and beyond), and non-organic immaterial or subtle (i.e. emerging spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities) bodies. And can be further defined and specified as well as more and more details as exploration progress. And the main reasons are: 1.0 All these bodies have to be accounted for or integrated as parts of sum of parts of body-mind or wholeness 2.0 And from 1.0, as so existential experience and phenomena can be derived. and described 3.0 Local and non-local organic and non-organic biologic genome can be derived or the universal genome can be explored and derived. Another simple way of saying is a body is needed for non-organic or immaterial universal genome (and which is already part of the author of the essay or Matti Pitkänen overall exploration) 4.0 From 1.0-3.0, as ways to derived and described mind belongs to subtle body-mind rather than organic body 5.0 From 1.0-4.0, as in relational to the system or greater whole or Ground of Being and Becoming. And Ground of Nature and Becoming can be perceived and experienced, derived and described, and better comprehend and known. and among others such as the essence and nature of being and becoming basing on universal process and mechanism of the greater whole being and becoming such as sentient characteristics and qualities, conditions, experience, and potentialities of possibilities as ways to better them for long lasting benefits and betterment locally and non-locally. And also, to inspire, encourage, and urge further local and global team building, working group, and collaboration toward such quest. Updated 03/10/2023 Richard Sternberg on the Trail of the Immaterial Genome | ID the Future Updated 03/03/2023 The existence of the subtle body-mind as part of the many sentient composite body-mind system have been discerned and illustrated in diverse ways in diverse past discernments. And here is another brief and simpified empirical discernment and illustration or confirmation: During non-dual states such a transcendence, OBE, NDE, non-local experience, extensive or expand and broad spectra-field-space-time-geometry-information can be processed and experienced through embedded and embodied nondual existential process and mechanism of universal non-dual being and becoming. And which are impossible during normal states such as waking states when the subtle body-mind is not directly taped in and accessed. And the true and real reasons or existential empirical are organic biologic macro elements and bodies cannot operate or directly operate non-locally across realms and worlds. Another simple way of stating is can only be through the non-dual subtle body-mind as parts of sum of parts of the Greater Whole. These are no longer subjective experience. Rather, emerging objective states of being and becoming potentialities of possibilities or essence and nature of being and becoming locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond basing on the following main reasons: 1.0 The scientific method, empirical, and reason on macro, micro, quantum, and beyond realms sciences as just briefly illustrated 2.0 Basing on the human experience or the non-dual essence and nature of being and becoming locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond. And in particularly emerging billions of individual and collective diverse individual and shared transcendence, OBE, NDE around the world interpolated, extrapolated, inferred, and corelated through diverse scientific concepts and methods globally or non-dual subjective experience of the non-dual essence and nature of being and becoming infinite potentialities of possibilities facilitating by non-dual Greater Whole or universal non-dual process of being and becoming basing on the essence, nature, and ground of Being and Becoming. And Nature and Becoming or Greater Whole 3.0 Combination of 1.0-2.0 or through the scientific method, sentient existential non--dual experience locally and non-locally, empirical, and reason. Updated 02/20/2023 On The Essence and Nature of Non-Duality - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( On Solution to Existential Epistemic and Ontic. And Nature of Reality and Truth - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( On Solution to Existential Epistemic and Ontic. And Nature of Reality and Truth - Further Elaboration - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( Be Parts of Solution !
AuthorEpistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
November 2023
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